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Chapter 155: Destination

At this moment, Luo and Sanbica were already aboard the airship.

When the phone rang, Luo picked it up and saw that no caller ID was displayed.

He figured it was probably Machi calling, so he answered the phone.

After a "Hello," Machi's voice came through immediately.

"Where are you?"

It was indeed Machi. Luo honestly replied, "On the airship."


Machi acknowledged with a sound but didn't ask where Luo was heading, and fell silent.

Neither of them spoke for several seconds. Just as Luo was about to say something, he suddenly heard Machi say, "You wait for me."

After that, she hung up without waiting for Luo to respond.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

Luo put down the phone, and couldn't help but chuckle thinking about Machi's expression when she said those words.

She had called specifically to say just a word or two, or was it to confirm the number?

Luo looked out the window, thinking about the future of the troupe…

He knew about the troupe's future behavior, as well as the Kurta clan incident, but the newly formed troupe hadn't done anything outrageously harmful yet, compared to him, a man with hundreds of lives in his hands…

"Take it slow…" Luo thought quietly.

On the streets of the city, Machi hung up the phone and stepped out of the phone booth.

She looked up at the darkening sky and could see a few twinkling stars.

Caring about someone, is that love?

She stood still for a long while before heading towards the hotel.

It might have been mealtime, as there weren't many people on the street.

Two gaudily dressed, dyed-hair youths noticed Machi alone and their eyes brightened. They exchanged glances, clearly seeing each other's sleazy intentions.

Thinking alike, the two suddenly blocked Machi's path, one of them teasingly said, "Little sister, all by yourself?"

The other, with ill intentions in his eyes, followed up, "Where's your family?"

Machi just looked up at them and, without warning, struck, breaking both their arms.

The two youths hadn't seen her move; when the intense pain hit their arms, they almost simultaneously fell to the ground, clutching their arms and screaming in agony.

Passersby hearing the screams turned to look in their direction.

Machi paid no attention to the looks from around her and walked past the two youths towards the hotel.

On the airship, Luo still didn't know that Machi had just broken the arms of two hooligans within a short time. If he knew, he could only feel pity for those hooligans, wondering why they had to mess with Machi.

"Do you want to continue following me?" Luo looked at Sanbica.

The three months they had agreed upon were almost up. If Sanbica chose to leave, they would part ways at the airport where the airship landed.

Luo hoped Sanbica would continue to travel with him, but he wouldn't force her.

Hearing Luo's question, Sanbica didn't answer immediately. She hesitated.

Subconsciously, she didn't dislike traveling with Luo. The experiences over these three months, she found quite interesting.

"Come with me to a place." After a moment, she said.

This sudden change of topic startled Luo, who asked, "Where?"

"There's a village near Beiluo Mountain that's had an outbreak of plague. I want to check it out," Sanbica said softly.

"Okay," Luo replied.

His next destination was Fringe's residence, which seemed to have turned into a tourist ancient city. But there was no rush, since Sanbica had a place she wanted to visit, he would accompany her first.

Seeing Luo agree decisively, Sanbica pursed her lips; she had made her decision.

Whenever there was something related to viruses, she would delve into it. In a way, this imposed certain limitations on her freedom.

If Luo didn't mind accompanying her around randomly, then she would continue traveling with him.

Luo didn't know Sanbica's thoughts. If he did, he wouldn't mind, as his condition for increasing the pages was to save people, and following Sanbica to some epidemic areas just fit.


Half a month flashed by.

During this period, every member of the troupe got a cell phone, and then Uvogin and Nobunaga took turns calling to harass him until Luo finally dropped a threatening line to stop their silly behaviors.

After saving each other's numbers, it was more convenient to contact each other later.

After Luo arrived in the world of hunters, he had already impacted and interacted with many original characters, and he accelerated the growth of the troupe members and Buhara.

Whether it was the troupe members or Buhara

, part of their desire to become stronger quickly stemmed from Luo's influence.

Later, Luo accompanied Sanbica to the village near Beiluo Mountain. On the way, the biggest hassle was carrying the sheathless sword.

The blade was slightly long and not very appealing in appearance. Also, when traveling on airships and such, without a hunter's license, it had to be checked in.

No matter how troublesome, Luo could only reluctantly carry it himself, wrapping the blade with a white cloth as a makeshift sheath.

The plague in Beiluo Mountain was a rat plague, originating from mountain rats that had brought a harmful virus to humans from the mountains, which then infected the villagers.

The death rate was not high, but the medical facilities in the village were relatively backward, and if not resolved in time, it could lead to the village's demise.

Sanbica and Luo's arrival brought hope to the village.

To eradicate the source, Luo and Sanbica specifically went into the mountains and eventually found a large pile of feces, which turned out to be the source of the plague.

At that moment, Luo was internally collapsing while watching Sanbica seriously study a pile of feces, and he deeply admired her professionalism.

After helping the village completely resolve the rat plague, the villagers warmly invited Luo and Sanbica to stay for a while.

Unable to refuse their hospitality, Luo and Sanbica agreed.

Every day they stayed in the village, Luo followed the village hunters into the mountains.

The climate was cold in the late winter, the snow was not heavy, just covering the mountain area with a layer of white frost.

Technically, the neighboring mountains should have been closed off after winter set in, but according to the old hunters in the village, Beiluo Mountain was actually full of treasures during the harsh winter.

Following the old hunter into the snow-ravaged mountains, they encountered many rare animals and plants, most of which were the village's food sources.

The main target of the old hunter was the hibernating rabbit, a type of rabbit that hibernates in winter, usually nesting in tree holes of very old trees, which were generally close to the ground and covered by snow, making them hard to trace.

The saying "a crafty rabbit has three burrows" didn't apply to the hibernating rabbit; as long as they found a tree hole, there was usually a catch, making the hibernating rabbit the villagers' first choice due to the low hunting difficulty and high capture rate.

However, the hibernating rabbit was only catchable during hibernation because the speed it could unleash with its agile limbs was beyond the villagers' reach.

Despite not having a grade, the meat of the hibernating rabbit was rich and not inferior to D-grade food ingredients.

After capturing the prey, Luo didn't cook it himself but accepted the villagers' invitation to a feast.

Living off the mountain, the villagers, who had been rooted here for many years, understood the mountain's ingredients better than any outsider and had unique cooking methods.

Their cooking steps were not complicated, and they didn't use many spices. They had no clear concept of cooking time and techniques, but the food they made had a strong local flavor.

Eating, living, drinking... all were derived from the mountain.

Luo and Sanbica stayed in the village near Beiluo Mountain for about ten days, leaving their footprints and taking away memories.

Often, it was these unremarkable places that fostered deep memories.

After leaving Beiluo Mountain, Buhara called to tell Luo that he had passed the hunter exam.


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