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Chapter 147: Application Method

Unexpectedly, no corpses appeared, but instead a thick wall of golden bullets.

Countless bullets were assembled into an airtight wall, acting like a shield in front of the two outsiders.

This was a scene unlike any other, one that not even a seasoned veteran who had fought a lifetime of wars would have ever seen.

"How is this possible!" Marshall's face was etched with shock.

He had been so certain earlier, only to metaphorically slap his own face shortly after.

Such a young kid, how could he utilize Nen to this extent? No matter what, there should be a limit.

Not to mention that the hundreds of hand grenades serving a protective role managed to stop tens of thousands of bullets was unimaginable, but here they were, halting thirty or even fifty thousand bullets.

If it were a powerful Star-ranked Hunter, Marshall could accept that, but it was just a kid.

"Have you ever seen... this kind of Nen?" the reticent Kite said, barely concealing the fluctuation in his tone.

The other two elders remained silent, their faces looking terribly grim.

Even if they had seen it, they were unwilling to believe that such Nen could exist beyond their understanding.

"Should we continue? That kid's Nen must be consuming a tremendous amount of aura. A few more attacks, and he definitely won't be able to withstand it," Saber said hatefully.

Marshall snorted coldly, saying viciously, "No matter the cost, we have to eliminate those two."

Those who dared to attack Meteor Street, even if they had to chase them to the ends of the earth, must be killed.

Inside the bullet wall, Luo sighed in relief.

During the grenade explosion, he was unavoidably frightened, even though he used his domain to defend himself. The subsequent hail of bullets put a great deal of pressure on him, fearing that he couldn't bear it, but fortunately, he managed to hold off in the end, though it also drained much of his aura.

"How much longer until the virus takes effect?" Luo asked, underestimating Meteor Street's arsenal. If this kind of assault happened a few more times, his aura might be depleted.

He didn't know that the virus strain Sanbica had chosen was relatively mild. If it were a deadly strain, even if it couldn't fully take effect immediately, it would still have an immediate impact.

"About two more minutes," Sanbica replied.

"Is there a way to speed it up?" Luo asked.

Sanbica pondered for a moment before responding, "If there's an over-secretion of adrenaline, it could make the virus take effect immediately."

"Over-secretion of adrenaline?"

Luo raised an eyebrow, and just then, the residents of Meteor Street above the buildings flung down hundreds of hand grenades, displaying a wild, desperate attitude.

That was Meteor Street's attitude towards enemies, sparing no expense once they were committed, let alone such extravagant actions.

Luo watched as the large number of hand grenades fell from the sky, feeling rather helpless. He wondered just how many weapons Meteor Street had demanded from the Mafia, and to what end? Perhaps it was to avert a crisis before it occurred?

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The hundreds of hand grenades exploded like fireworks, creating a fierce chain of blasts. Houses close by were immediately reduced to rubble.

After the energy from the explosion dissipated, smoke spread out.

Luo and Sanbica remained unharmed, but the thick wall of bullets had vanished, blown apart by the explosion.

So many hand grenades had still not managed to kill Luo, which left the three elders deeply shocked. However, blasting away the bullet wall was also a good outcome; otherwise, Luo and Sanbica would have been unreachable behind it.

"I don't want to keep being passive."

Luo took a deep breath and scanned the crowd coldly, estimating the number of people. There were at least a thousand, maybe over two thousand, and among them, only a few dozen were Nen users.

Luo could use his aura to stun ordinary people, but with the large number and wide range, trying to do so would be ineffective.

Among Nen techniques, there is one called En, a high-level combined application of Ten and Ren, allowing one to expand their aura outward from themselves as the center. Any intruder within the aura's range could be detected.

This technique, similar to Luo's domain, the larger the expansion, the harder it is to maintain. Theoretically, Luo's domain control is several times more difficult than En.

With the current situation on East Street, there were over two thousand people. With Luo's current abilities, releasing his aura could only stun about a hundred people nearby; stunning thousands was practically impossible.

However, after learning from Sanbica about a way to accelerate the virus's onset, Luo's mind became active.

He expanded the range of his aura field. While it

 wasn't enough to stun thousands, it could instill fear in ordinary people within the range.

This emotion of fear wasn't very effective given the overwhelming numbers against them, which could accordingly diminish the fear's side effects.

But now, with Sanbica's virus enhancing it, as long as Luo's aura field could make the surrounding people feel fear, it could immediately trigger the virus's effects.

"Sanbica, let's go."

Luo took a step forward, and his aura field naturally arose, swiftly spreading out to the surroundings.

The three elders on the rooftops and Illumi were keenly aware of Luo's aura field, which was menacing…

They were Nen users and knew the effect of an aura field on ordinary people, but it also depended on environmental factors, so the elders were very calm.

At that moment, at the entrance to East Street, three figures were rushing towards the middle section of East Street; they were Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga.

They had been waiting outside the exit of East Street for Luo and Sanbica to come out, but instead of seeing them, they heard a series of explosions from East Street.

Worried about Luo's safety, the three of them decided to enter East Street to see the situation, while the other members waited outside.

When they reached the outskirts of the battle zone, they could see Luo and Sanbica surrounded by thousands on the street, their faces changing.

In this situation, they felt powerless; if they weren't surrounded, there might still be room to maneuver.

On the main street, Luo had just released his aura field when he was forced to retract it because the other side reloaded their magazines and opened fire on the two of them again.

Luo stopped another wave of bullets, but he didn't use the stopped bullets to counterattack, not because he couldn't, but because he was unwilling to do so.

The number of bullets was too many; stopping them had already consumed a lot of his aura, and if he were to use his aura to send the bullets back, it would consume even more. Moreover, the opponent knew of his counterattack method and would certainly be alert.

Thinking of this, Luo simply stopped the bullets and did not counterattack. Besides, he had already found a way to overturn the enemy.

"Luo, can you hold on?" Sanbica asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, they're done for."

Luo smiled at Sanbica, then leaped onto the cover made of bullets, facing the people of Meteor Street who were reloading.

The intimidating aura field that had been brewing earlier suddenly released, sweeping like a wild wind towards the positions of various people on Meteor Street.

Ordinary people could not withstand the emotional aura field carried by Nen users. Luo wanted them to feel fear, and they were indeed affected by the aura field and felt fear.

At that moment, two thousand, maybe even around three thousand residents of Meteor Street, felt a sudden chill in their hearts, inexplicably feeling fear.

They didn't understand why they felt this way; they just looked at Luo, who stood there unarmed, and felt profound fear.

Simultaneously, the adrenaline in their bodies began to over-secrete, and the virus that had previously invaded, as if receiving a boost, immediately took effect.

One person suddenly stiffened and fell to the ground, emitting a puzzled and questioning sound, and within a second, even his mouth could no longer move, becoming mute.

As one person fell, a second followed, like dominoes, thousands of people at the scene, as if by agreement, stiffened and fell to the ground, unable to make a sound because their mouths couldn't move either.

The scene became eerily silent as the people fell, and the battle formation organized at the site instantly crumbled.

This unexpected phenomenon startled the dozens of unaffected Nen users and the elders.

Including Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga, as well as Illumi observing the situation inside, a shiver of coldness emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Merely with his aura field, Luo had brought down thousands.


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