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Chapter 146: Sustained Assault

Guns, the weapons that can easily take lives, are also ordinary people's best defense against Nen users.

As everyone pulled the triggers, tongues of flame erupted and bullets flew from the barrels.

Not maniacally holding down the trigger, each person fired at most three bullets, with most opting for burst fire, willing to waste only one bullet on Luo and Sanbica.

They believed one bullet would be enough to deal with both.

However, when numerous bullets hovered motionless in front of Luo, most lost the chance to fire again.

Luo opened his domain, shielding himself and Sanbica, and halted the incoming bullets before sending them flying back.


Without further gunfire, the many bullets reflected back, embedding into the bodies of the guards from Meteor Street nearby.

Bursts of blood exploded on them, accompanied by continuous screams, as the armed men fell in bewildered horror.

There were over four hundred people on the scene, but after a barrage of bullets, less than two hundred remained standing.

Those not graced by the bullets might consider themselves lucky for firing only two or three shots, a behavior that undoubtedly saved their lives.

After knocking down most with the returned bullets, Luo and Sanbica ignored the rest and headed towards the alley they had come from.

While moving, Luo released an aura tinted with his energy, enveloping those not hit by the bullets.

The scene just witnessed, combined with the Nen-enhanced aura, directly caused the remaining people to lose the courage to pull their triggers again.

Heart rates increased, sweat seeped out, bodies trembled...

Various fear-associated reactions appeared, and even with weapons that could provide some reassurance, they couldn't muster the courage to fire again.

Luo's aura was like countless invisible threads, sealing their next actions and dominating their thoughts.

They simply watched, wide-eyed, as Luo and Sanbica walked away, making no move to stop them.

From a room in a nearby building, Illumi leaned against a window, observing the scene below, his dark eyes betraying no emotion.

Moments later, he moved through the window and leapt to the building's roof, trailing far behind Luo.

Meteor Street has four streets, each leading outside.

Luo led Sanbica through the alleys to the main road of the East Street, from where they could directly exit Meteor Street.

At this moment, the street was empty, but Luo could feel gazes from hidden places, clearly hostile.

These people's hiding techniques were amateurish, or perhaps they had no intention of hiding at all.

"Don't stray too far from me."

Luo reminded again, unable to ascertain how many were ambushed around, but there were definitely many.

"The area is too large, we'll need to wait a bit for it to take effect."

Sanbica's hands hung naturally at her sides, her palms surging with energy, releasing a large amount of virus which spread through the air.

She chose a virus strain with low danger, only causing temporary loss of limb control in those infected, but it was fast-acting and the most suitable under the circumstances.

Despite the limited options, Sanbica could have chosen a more dangerous virus, but she preferred not to cause unnecessary casualties, thus opting for a gentler strain.

"Then let's wait a bit."

Hearing Sanbica's whisper, Luo stood still, like a target exposed under a spotlight, mocking those hidden in the shadows waiting to strike.

Using his domain, Luo could easily defend against many gun-wielding assailants from Meteor Street and use the incoming bullets to counterattack, but that would consume energy.

Maintaining the domain all the way to the exit would undoubtedly be stylish, but without knowing how many Nen users were in Meteor Street, such uncontrolled energy consumption would put him at a disadvantage.

As long as the opponents didn't attack first, they could use Sanbica's virus to take down a large group of people, saving unnecessary energy expenditure.

The core strength of Meteor Street was concentrated within this range of East Street, including three other elders who had come here to participate in the encirclement and suppression of external enemies.

They were positioned in buildings, alleyway entrances, rooftops, and other locations, all watching Luo and Sanbica in the street.

Before the elder gave an order, their subordinates dared not rashly shoot at Luo and Sanbica.

The three elders, all middle-aged or older, were Nen users of second-tier level, each having developed their Nen abilities.

Surrounded by dozens of subordinates, the three elders stood on the edge of the highest building rooftop, watching Luo and Sanbica's figures below.

Different from the elder of East Street, these three elders dressed more normally, all aged over fifty.

Short and fat, with a bald head covered in scars, was the elder of South Street, named Saber, an Enhancer.

Skinny, with a full beard and mismatched eyes, was the elder of North Street, named Kite, a Manipulator.

The last one, tall and robust, with a nose as round as a ball, was the elder of West Street, named Marshal, an Emitter.

"That woman...?" The short and fat Saber narrowed his eyes, focusing on Sanbica's hands.

"It's her Nen, but I don't know what it does." Marshal sniffed, coldly speaking.

Kite remained silent, watching through Gyo as numerous particles of energy drifted from Sanbica's hands like dandelion seeds, spreading around.

"Whatever the Nen, people are in place, just start." Saber said gravely.

Marshal nodded, speaking coldly: "Send the order down, act immediately."

Upon hearing Marshal's command, the subordinates behind him pulled out radios, relaying the order.

Whether firearms or radios, these were all equipment provided to Meteor Street by the Mafia, along with many other banned military items.

As the command was issued, Luo immediately sensed the change in the atmosphere.

The hostility around him suddenly became sharp, like drawn swords.

"They're mostly going to act now." Luo said calmly.

The intent was unmistakably transparent, as if they were shouting their intention to act, making any attempt at concealment superfluous.

Luo had just finished speaking when the hidden residents of Meteor Street revealed themselves, apparently having no intention of close combat from the start, so those who appeared were mainly armed with firearms, easily numbering over a thousand.

Seeing so many people and firearms, Sanbica's expression tightened, instinctively stepping closer to Luo.

Then, gunfire echoed through East Street.

What surprised Luo was that only thirty to forty people fired, likely knowing Luo could stop the bullets and then counterattack, so they didn't rashly focus all fire.

"Since they know firearms are useless..."

Luo stopped the bullets and immediately reflected them back, instantly knocking down seven or eight people.

At that moment, hundreds of grenades fell from the sky, aiming at Luo and Sanbica.

While firing, the residents on the building rooftops had pulled the pins of the grenades, not throwing them immediately but waiting until the last second before the grenades were about to explode to throw them at Luo.

Like celestial maidens scattering flowers, the grenades exploded in the air before reaching Luo and Sanbica, creating a massive explosion that engulfed them.

Simultaneously, under the watchful eyes of the three elders, the surrounding subordinates unleashed a torrent of bullets towards the center of the explosion.

This sustained assault was indeed treating Luo and Sanbica like a boss enemy.

"Even if your Nen is quite tricky, you can't block so many grenades and bullets." Marshal sneered.

Ten seconds later, everyone's bullets were spent, and the smoke from the explosions gradually cleared.

Not only the three elders, but all the attacking residents of Meteor Street were convinced that Luo and Sanbica were undoubtedly dead.

In theory, even a one-star Hunter could fall under such an assault.

Moments later, the smoke completely cleared.

The scene that appeared before everyone's eyes brought a look of terror to their faces.

Hidden and watching in secret, Illumi was also stunned.


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