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Chapter 290

This is a tale of a metropolitan Taoist master. The male protagonist, Qi Yang, a student of the archaeology department at Jingda University, embarks on a summer adventure with several classmates after his junior year. Unexpectedly, they accidentally release a millennium-sealed zombie king from an ancient tomb, and he also inherits the Taoist legacy of that era.

Without a doubt, the plot unfolds with the protagonist leveling up by fighting monsters and charming girls, ultimately defeating the ultimate boss, the zombie king, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Ling Chunann now finds himself in the unfortunate role of the zombie king awaiting rescue by the protagonist, and his name is Cangyu.

Perhaps due to being a zombie for too long, his body's memories are muddled. It took Ling Chunann a while to sort out his race, and the conclusion is—he is indeed not human.

Cangyu is a fox demon who has cultivated for over a thousand years, truly a demonic cultivation genius. As for why a demonic cultivator would turn into a zombie, it can only be described in four words—fatal beauty.

Because of these four words, he was sealed in this ancient tomb for over a thousand years, and ultimately, it was these same four words that led to his death at the hands of a lesser Taoist master.

"He's a romantic, but sadly too foolish," Ling Chunann commented.

"Host, the task in this world is to successfully live for five hundred years and save Xia Lingyan," said 098, then added, "The male lead and his companions are currently on their way here and should reach the exterior of the tomb in about five hours."

Xia Lingyan is the reincarnation of the woman deeply loved by the zombie king. In the plot, she dies to save the male lead. Hearing the task, Ling Chunann raised his eyebrows indifferently—the original owner of this body was selfless.

As for becoming a fox demon, Ling Chunann took it well, at least he was still in a familiar human form, and he had no psychological burden about living on blood.

He spent quite some time organizing the energy within his body, finally linking it to the demonic core, creating an internal cycle, since a zombie's blood does not circulate, neither does the energy.

After completing these preparations, Ling Chunann suddenly woke from meditation. He did not release his divine consciousness; the ancient tomb had a seal set by the top ten Taoist families a thousand years ago. Although he was confident he could escape, it would certainly take a lot of effort, so he decided to wait for the protagonist and his group to arrive. "098, report the location of the protagonist and his companions."

"Returning to the host, the male lead just entered the ancient tomb with four companions. According to the plot, they will reach the center of the tomb in about four hours," 098 replied, then suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Host, they avoided the first trap and chose a shorter route."

While discussing, 098 transmitted the scene it received to Ling Chunann.

Looking back at the dense arrows embedded in the rock wall, leaving only their tails visible, the group looked pale, not celebrating their narrow escape, knowing the path ahead might be even more dangerous.

"I want to go back. It's too dangerous here," said a short young man with a whimper.

"Me too, this place is terrifying. If it wasn't for Xiao Yue reminding me, I would have been skewered by those arrows."

"What kind of tomb is this? It's so dangerous."

"Qi Yang, let's go back," suggested a young man with glasses.

Qi Yang has always been the backbone of the group. Hearing this, everyone turned to him.

Looking at his teammates, who were contemplating retreat, Qi Yang frowned, glanced at the nearby exit, then deeper into the cave, feeling something calling to him. He clenched his flashlight, "How about this, you guys go back the way we came, and I'll go ahead and take a look. We'll stay in touch via radio."


"Or do you want to join me?" Qi Yang interrupted the objections.

"Okay then, be careful," agreed the teammates.

The girl called Xiao Yue tugged at Qi Yang's sleeve, whispering yet firmly, "I want to go with you."

After a while of persuasion, realizing the two had made up their minds, the rest prepared to retreat. However, just as they were halfway back, the tomb's door suddenly slammed shut, plunging the once slightly lit path into complete darkness.

The group screamed in unison, "Ahhhh!"

"Quiet!" Qi Yang roared, checking the entrance and finding it blocked with no mechanism in sight, he frowned, "It seems we have no choice but to move forward."

"Which way should we go now?" the short one asked with a whimper.

"Let's take the left; didn't the arrows just run out? I think

 the left is safer," said the only girl, Chen Yue.

"Hmm," Qi Yang murmured, then agreed with the suggestion.

After reviewing the images transmitted by 098, Ling Chunann moved his fingers, finding these worlds increasingly interesting.

"Host, what do you plan to do?" 098 asked worriedly, "I just checked, and that girl doesn't have the aura of a task performer, but she seems very familiar with the plot. I think she might be a transmigrator or a reborn."

Ling Chunann nodded slightly, agreeing with 098's guess, then responded with three words, "Let's watch."

Under Chen Yue's precise sixth sense, the group safely navigated through multiple challenges and entered the central chamber of the tomb.


"Oh my!"

"So beautiful!"

Upon seeing the scene before them, apart from Chen Yue and Qi Yang, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

The tomb chamber formed a giant arc, the floor paved with translucent white jade, surrounded by beautifully painted rock walls, with countless white lights twinkling in the space tens of meters above, casting the area in a dreamlike illusion. However, the most eye-catching feature was the staircase in the center of the tomb chamber.

The white jade staircase had about forty-five steps; indeed, there were forty-nine if counted carefully—a powerful number. The staircase was quadrilateral, each level engraved with complex patterns of the same color.

If there were Taoist masters here, they would recognize these patterns as legendary demon-suppressing talismans. Unfortunately, there were no Taoist masters present, and the only future Taoist master had not yet received his legacy.

At the top of the staircase was a coffin, secured by several thick chains connected to the surrounding giant columns. Each chain had a talisman affixed to its center, making it look eerie and ancient.

Through 098's vision, Ling Chunann carefully observed the girl; she seemed... very excited. Ling Chunann sifted through adjectives, finally finding the most fitting one, making things more interesting.

"Host, I think this female supporting character is looking at your coffin strangely," 098 remarked.

"Hmm? Describe it."

"Well, it's very... enthusiastic." To be precise, it was as if she wanted to devour their host, but how could anyone like an antagonist boss? After all, this antagonist had killed many people in the original story and turned a bunch into zombies.

"098, you have to believe that in any story, a tragically romantic character, even if he's the antagonist, is often loved by the audience," Ling Chunann said with emphasis.

As Ling Chunann mentioned, Chen Yue was a transmigrator. She had read the novel and had a special affection for the tragically romantic antagonist. After transmigrating, her wish was to save the antagonist boss and reform him with love.

Unfortunately, neither Ling Chunann nor Cangyu could be swayed by her. The former simply didn't like women, and the latter was stubbornly in love with that one woman, so her wish was likely doomed.

However, currently unaware of this, she and her companions were working hard to remove the iron chains from the coffin.

"It's too high," complained the short one, staring at the iron chains, each several times his height.

"This coffin also has talismans; maybe something monstrous is sealed inside. Maybe we should just forget it," suggested the timid chubby one.

"I actually think this is a great research topic. I'm curious about what kind of person the tomb owner was to have such grandeur, and this ancient tomb has existed for at least a thousand years. What demon or ghost could possibly still be alive? What are you afraid of?" the third one with glasses spoke.

While listening to his companions, Qi Yang circled around a column, and Chen Yue "surprisingly discovered" a secret behind the column, "There are some small holes behind this column, we can climb up and unhook the chains."

Qi Yang immediately confirmed Chen Yue's discovery, "Yes, I saw them too."

After nearly two hours of sweaty effort climbing the ten-plus meter high column, they managed to unhook the massive chains.

With the clattering sound of the iron chains hitting the ground, Ling Chunann felt a sudden relief in pressure; the seal was significantly weakened.

Chen Yue quietly pulled down the talisman from her side of the chain and tossed it aside, then hurried towards the coffin. Fortunately, the others showed the same reaction, so she wasn't too conspicuous, but her overly excited expression made Qi Yang give her an extra glance.

Looking at the coffin, Chen Yue's heart thumped, "Are we going to open the coffin now?"

"But how do we unlock these chains?" Qi Yang asked.

"There's a node here." Ignoring the male lead's doubtful tone, Chen Yue quickly found the switch for the chains in the plot, "I think we just need to stretch the four chains a bit this way

, and it should open."

However, Qi Yang fell silent at that moment.

"Host, did the male lead discover something?" 098 couldn't help asking, "Is he not going to open the coffin?"

"He's a smart man," Ling Chunann said with a hint of laughter, "But he will definitely open it."


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Hell yeah King Ling Chunam!