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Chapter 133: Boundless Prospects

"Why join the test, and why abandon it midway?" Involving the constraints and vows of Nen, Luo doesn't want to reveal too much. He mentioned a bit about Buhara's situation, then casually brushed off further inquiries by saying he was preparing to cook.

Sanbica and Merlin didn't know that the bag Luo carried contained Grade B ingredients. Trusting Luo's culinary skills, they were quite looking forward to it.

Luo entered the kitchen, planning to use the bear paw of a ferocious bear to prepare Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, a dish from the Fujian cuisine.

Although the paw of the ferocious bear differs from that of Earth's bears, Luo believed it could serve as a special main ingredient for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

This dish is famous in Southern Fujian, a staple at banquets, requiring dozens of ingredients with no distinction between primary and secondary, involving a complex process. Its essence lies in the broth.

Luo, pressed for time, could not gather so many ingredients and had to make do with what was available.

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall encapsulates the essence of mountains and seas, including birds and poultry, but the sea near Mafando is known for its seafood.

In Merlin's kitchen, Luo found dried scallops, shark fin, fish maw, and shiitake mushrooms, along with the bear paw, making five ingredients in total for a simplified version of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall.

Having tasted the bear paw, Luo thought the reduced ingredients would not significantly affect the flavor.

After all, no amount of ingredients can outmatch a supreme ingredient like the bear paw, which alone can create a richly flavorful broth.

Efficiently processing the ingredients, Luo placed them in the pot, prepared the broth, sealed it, and placed it in the steamer.

After lighting the fire, he intended to steam it for two hours.

Luo planned to return after two hours, but a sudden inspiration made him stay.

He stood by the steamer, releasing his aura in a materialized form to wrap around the pot, ensuring the aura didn't dissipate, thus achieving an excellent sealing effect.

Two hours swiftly passed.

Luo opened the steamer, and steam billowed out without a hint of fragrance.

"It's ready."

Luo took out the clay pot, placing it and the serving utensils on a plate, then carried it outside.

Sanbica and Merlin, who were weaving fishing nets, stopped their work to watch Luo approach with the pot.

"What did you make?" Merlin looked at the pot with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Something good."

Luo didn't directly answer, placing the pot on a small round table nearby.

Curiosity sparkled in Sanbica's eyes as she watched.

Facing their gaze, Luo removed the aura wrapped around the pot and the white cloth tied around it, then opened the lid.

Upon lifting the lid, a rich aroma spread, the savory smell of the broth filled the small courtyard and drifted farther away.

Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, also known as Full Pot Fragrance, not only boasts a clear and delicious broth but also its aroma surpasses others, with its ingredients stewed to perfection, neither oily nor greasy, and deliciously meaty.

Sanbica and Merlin were captivated by the strong fragrance, staring at the brown thick soup and various ingredients.

Luo, with a slight smile, served the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall into bowls and handed them to both, also serving himself a bowl.

Although eating bear paw no longer increases ability scores, one can still enjoy the various flavors it imparts.

After tasting the soup, Sanbica and Merlin slightly squinted their eyes, savoring the burst of freshness, the hot soup warming their bodies as it went down their throats.

Ten minutes later, Luo was sent back to the kitchen at their request to prepare another pot.

There was enough bear paw to make several more pots, enough to take back to Meteor Street for Machi and the others.

Luo decided to leave for Meteor Street the next day, intending to gather the ingredients needed for a complete Buddha Jumps Over the Wall for Machi and the rest.

Two hours later, another pot of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall was ready and quickly devoured by Sanbica and Merlin.

This time, Luo didn't compete with them for the dish, and after they were full, they didn't ask for more.

"What's this translucent meat?" Merlin, although an ordinary person, was insightful and immediately noticed the difference in the bear paw.

Luo replied, "The paw of a ferocious hand bear."

At this, both Merlin and Sanbica were taken aback.

"You actually managed to obtain a Grade B ingredient?" It wasn't Sanbica who spoke, but Merlin, with a look of surprise. She knew of the ferocious hand bear but had never seen it before, and to eat

it unknowingly was a shock.

"Yes, it took some effort." Luo nodded, admitting that hunting the ferocious hand bear was challenging. Without the power of God's Hand, breaking its defense would have been difficult.

"This is a Grade B ingredient, and you were willing to share it." Merlin glanced at the empty pot, her knowledge of Grade B ingredients, albeit limited, was sufficient.

To Nen users, Grade B ingredients are merely delectable pursuits, but to ordinary people, they are life-extending treasures.

This is no exaggeration; the life energy contained within the ingredients has unimaginable benefits for ordinary people, which is why the world's wealthiest chase after high-grade ingredients.

"It's just a Grade B ingredient." Luo's casual remark made it seem as though such valuable and rare ingredients were as common as those found in any market.

In fact, Luo believed that given a few more years, not just Grade B, but even Grade A ingredients would be easily within his reach.

"Just a Grade B ingredient...?"

Merlin shook her head slightly. Such words from a youngster might sound arrogant, but coming from him, they felt appropriate.

Despite Luo's casual attitude towards Grade B ingredients, sharing them was not something an ordinary person could do.

Although their acquaintance was brief, Merlin grew increasingly fond of Luo.

Sanbica cleared the dishes and utensils back into the kitchen.

Luo asked about the bead weaving; he had given Sanbica a purple pearl to weave into something before heading to the Amarlo Jungle.

Upon mentioning this, Sanbica silently handed over the finished purple pearl, which Luo found had been made into a necklace.

The necklace, woven with blue, white, and red strings, formed spread wings, with the purple pearl set in the center.

Luo tapped the pearl lightly, finding it securely fixed.

"Amazing, Sanbica." Luo played with the uniquely styled pearl necklace, sincerely impressed.

Sanbica nodded slightly, accepting Luo's praise.

She was curious about whom Luo intended to give the pearl necklace to but decided it wasn't her place to ask.

Merlin, watching quietly, understood the gesture of passing on the beaded necklace as a blessing, a fact she decided not to share with Sanbica.

The next day, Luo and Sanbica bid farewell to Merlin, leaving a piece of bear paw behind as they departed Mafando for Meteor Street.

With Luo and Sanbica gone, the courtyard felt much emptier.

Merlin, sitting in a bamboo lounge chair without her usual net weaving, sighed softly at the quiet.

"At my age, to still feel lonely."

Merlin chuckled to herself, wishing she had grandchildren like Luo and Sanbica: a grandson bold and confident, a granddaughter quiet and gentle.

"Merlin, I've come to visit!"

An elderly voice suddenly came from outside the yard, belonging to a bearded old man - the captain of the Goddess ship.

Carrying a bottle of red wine, the old captain entered as if it were his own home.

Merlin seemed uninterested in greeting the old captain.

"Merlin, there's a promising examinee this year." Used to Merlin's demeanor, the old captain didn't mind and casually started a conversation.

Merlin looked at the old captain, suddenly saying, "Boundless prospects."

"Huh?" The old captain was confused, not understanding her meaning.

"I know who you're talking about. That phrase is my assessment of him."


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