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Chapter 132: Return to Mafando

Ordinary people are constantly losing life energy. In the eyes of Nen users, countless fine threads of aura spill from the bodies of ordinary people, rising upwards before dissipating into the environment.

These aura threads are as fine as wool threads.

After Sasha ate the bear paw, the aura threads dispersing from her became much thicker.

Luo, after eating the bear paw, felt a significant replenishment of his aura and decided to set off immediately.

"It's time to leave. I'll take you back to Amarlo Village," Luo said as he picked up the remaining bear paw and stood up.

Storing the bear paw posed a challenge. However, bear paws rich in life energy can be kept for a while without worrying about decay, so Luo didn’t need to concern himself with this.

The difficulty of obtaining porcupine liver is ranked C, a level lower than the bear paw, yet the difference in energy value between the two is more than one level. The difficulty of obtaining them aside, one cannot equate the taste with the intrinsic value of the food itself. This is why Luo only gained a 0.2% increase in power from eating porcupine liver but a 3% increase from the bear paw.

The porcupine can at best be considered a rare beast of the sea, whereas the Berserk Bear is a type of magical beast, potentially a descendant of creatures from the Dark Continent.

The strength and size of these two are worlds apart.

Hearing Luo’s decision to depart immediately, Sasha, who had just finished her bear paw, put down her soup spoon without a word, ready to set off at any moment.

She might be a bit rough around the edges, but she’s not foolish. Knowing that Luo is her current safeguard, she would cooperate without hesitation, even if she hadn’t rested enough.

Seeing Sasha’s uncomplaining cooperation, Luo was quite satisfied. Had she tried to use her status to whine for more rest, Luo would not have obliged.

As they were about to depart, Luo climbed to the treetop, using the Red Pudding Mountain and the Amarlo River as landmarks to determine the direction, before setting off directly.

Day and night passed on their way to Amarlo Village, and they inevitably encountered many more rare beasts than on their way here, seemingly attracted by the bear paw Luo carried.

Regardless of how many rare beasts attacked, they all paid with their lives in the face of Luo.

Utilizing the appraisal ability of white smoke, Luo determined the value of these beasts, all outside of rank D, consuming them brought almost no increase in power, not worth the effort, at best they saved the trouble of looking for food.

Originally, Luo thought bringing Sasha would slow them down, but along the way, he found he had underestimated her.

Especially when Sasha killed a lone wolf that ambushed them from behind with a military knife, Luo’s impression of her changed.

Those daring to venture into the Amarlo Jungle are certainly capable.

Thinking back, had Sasha not been somewhat capable, she would have been the first to fall to the Berserk Bear, instead of surviving till the end.

After several days of travel, the two safely returned to Amarlo Jungle.

Upon reaching their destination, Luo said goodbye to Sasha.

"Leave a contact number," Sasha said, asking for Luo’s number as they parted.

The unknown creature beneath the lake had left a great impact on her, almost making her give up the dream influenced by her missing father, but the resolve solidified instead, deciding to face the dangers with the help of others, like Luo, who could clear any potential threats in their path.

During the four days and nights of travel, Luo, leading the way, removed nearly all threats, making the dangers of Amarlo Jungle seem like child’s play.

It was this experience and sensation that gave Sasha hope again.

Qualifications, power...

She has none of these now, especially power, which was trivial in front of that creature, but she can hire others to solve problems for her.

Luo is such a person, but she currently lacks the means to hire him.

Not now, doesn’t mean never.

So, she wanted Luo’s contact method, to reach out to him once she had the means.

Hearing Sasha’s request, Luo hesitated for a moment, not giving his number directly but asking, "Why?"

Though their meeting was by chance, and despite not disliking this blunt and straightforward woman, he hadn’t considered continuing the relationship.

"I don’t want to give up searching for the City of Gold," Sasha revealed her reason.

"What does that have to do with me?" Luo asked.

Sasha earnestly replied, "Of course, it has to do with you. You are powerful, so I need you to accompany me. Of course, I’ll pay you satisfactory compensation once I gather enough funds."

"You’ve seen the terror of the unknown species under the lake, yet you still won’t

give up?" Luo looked into Sasha’s determined amber eyes.

"It’s my life-long dream," Sasha firmly responded.

This time, Luo did not hesitate and gave Sasha his contact number before bidding farewell.

During these days, he received more detailed clues about the City of Gold from Sasha. According to her, the City of Gold has an inseparable connection with that lake.

To find the City of Gold, one must thoroughly explore the lake, a belief she firmly held, which is why she was there in the first place.

Of course, this belief was without any basis.

Had it not been for the unknown creature from the lake, Luo’s interest in the elusive City of Gold would have remained mild. Now, it might actually prompt him to visit Sasha.

After parting with Sasha, Luo went to Amarlo Village to exchange some spices before boarding a sailboat headed for Mafando.

Once aboard, Luo looked back at the edge of the dense forest on the shore, then quietly withdrew his gaze.

Six days later, the ship arrived at the not-so-large port of Mafando.

Luo, carrying the bear paw in a cloth bag over his shoulder, found that even without refrigeration, the freshness of the bear paw remained unchanged, though he was unsure how long this state would last.

After disembarking, Luo headed straight to Granny Merlin’s house.

Upon arriving at Merlin’s, he saw her and Sanbica sitting at the doorstep, weaving fishing nets, as if the entire fishing village depended solely on Merlin’s weaving, never stopping for a moment.

Seeing Luo’s return, both Sanbica and Merlin were surprised.

It had been barely twenty days since he left, excluding travel time, the Hunter Exam should not have ended so soon, yet here was Luo.

Sanbica’s surprise stemmed from her belief that Luo could obtain the Hunter License, hence deducing the exam had ended upon his return.

"This year's Hunter Exam was really short," Sanbica observed.

Merlin squinted her eyes, she also believed Luo could have obtained the license, but this was too fast, quite unreasonable.

"The Hunter Exam should not have ended yet."

Luo, carrying the cloth bag, walked over to Sanbica.

"Ah?" Sanbica looked up at Luo, after understanding, asked, "You were eliminated?"

"Sort of," Luo smiled and nodded.

Sanbica’s expression turned incredulous, while Merlin showed surprise.

"Was this year’s exam that difficult?" Sanbica inquired further.

Luo stroked his chin, seriously saying, "It was okay. The first challenge was mountain climbing, quite easy. The second was like a sumo match. I’m not sure about the others since I dropped out during the second challenge."

Sanbica was dumbfounded. Luo lost in a sumo match? Wait, Buhara wasn’t seen, could it be he lost to Buhara?

"Did you voluntarily quit the test?" Merlin, puzzled by the word ‘quit’, asked.

"Sort of."

Luo nodded.


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