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Chapter 118: The Special Poisonous Cuisine

Even with their mouths sealed, one would expect some muffled sounds, but the people trapped in the spiderweb could only look at Luo and his companions with their eyes, unable to make any sound at all.

Clearly, the toxins injected into their bodies had paralyzed their mouths, rendering them silent.

After a moment of eye contact, Tonpa shivered slightly, suppressing the urge to turn and run, he quickly said to Luo, "Let's go, this place is..."

"Do you think they would agree?"

Luo interrupted Tonpa, glancing around as five calf-sized spiders slowly emerged from the forest, encircling them.

The spiders, all crouched on the ground with bodies black as ink, slightly shaking limbs that seemed made of steel, and three rows of eyes glowing a cold, crimson red, stared intently at Luo and his group.

They didn't opt for a surprise attack, emerging from the ground instead, presenting a situation of encirclement as if victory was assured.

Upon seeing the spiders, Tonpa's first reaction was not fear but to think about how to preserve himself in such a situation.

For the people hanging in the spiderweb, Luo and his group were their hope, silently praying in their hearts.

"Mr. Tonpa, do you know what species these spiders are?" Luo asked curiously at this moment.

Tonpa was stunned, mouth agape, unable to respond. Even the carefree foodie Buhara sensed the danger, let alone Luo, who was still leisurely inquiring about the species of the spiders.

"I thought you knew."

Seeing Tonpa silent, Luo shrugged his shoulders.

The five spiders slowly tightened their encirclement, seemingly searching for the perfect distance to pounce.

Buhara was ready to act, prepared to strike. Although he was not adept in Nen, his physical strength was formidable.

Suddenly, Luo extended his hand and flicked his fingers five times in the air towards the approaching spiders. In the blink of an eye, he shot out five Nen orbs, which silently hit the spiders.

Upon contact, the power of God's Hand was activated. The five spiders disintegrated without any warning, as if sliced by an invisible blade into more than twenty pieces, then scattered on the ground. Yet, the spiders were still alive.

Everyone was astonished by this scene. They could not see the Nen orbs formed by aura, only witnessing Luo making a few flicking gestures, followed by the mysterious disintegration of the five black spiders, clueless about what had transpired.

Buhara, who had seen Luo prepare driftwood before, knew this was a power called Nen, but he was unaware Luo could achieve such a silent effect, his astonishment evident.

Even though Luo was three to four years younger, Buhara couldn't help but admire him.

Such a powerful individual... he's decided to follow!

"What did you... do?" Tonpa looked at Luo with a horrified gaze, the incomprehensible scene making his dread and fear of Luo skyrocket.

Luo remained silent, merely looking calmly at Tonpa, then suddenly flicked his finger towards him.


Tonpa screamed reflexively, instinctively covering his face with his arms and stepping back hastily. In his panic, he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground in a rather embarrassing manner.

When Luo made the flicking gesture, Tonpa thought he would disintegrate into dozens of pieces like the spiders, his heartbeat nearly skipping a beat.

If it weren't for his guilty conscience, his reaction wouldn't have been so exaggerated.

Realizing he was unharmed, Tonpa's breathing was shallow, his shock still lingering.

Known as the rookie killer, Tonpa had completely fallen to Luo, a newcomer. If he knew Luo would come every year, who knows what he would think.

"It seemed like just a mosquito, Mr. Tonpa. Are you alright?"

Luo smiled lightly, then without waiting for Tonpa's reaction, walked towards the spiderweb, signaling Buhara to finish off the five spiders.

Tonpa watched Luo's departing back, utterly dispirited.

Though unclear about what happened, the spiders being dealt with by Luo filled the group, who were close to death, with immense excitement.

After being captured by the spiders, they were not killed immediately but stored like provisions, a scenario of imminent death counting down to despair, enough to make anyone crumble.

Having experienced despair, and now with a glimmer of hope for rebirth, their eyes shone with a bright light, a sincere gratitude.

Such a look... seemed familiar on Kenda's face.

Luo managed to rescue all the people caught in the spiderweb, a total of thirty-two.

After the spider silk binding them was undone, six had lost their lives, and the remaining twenty-six were in poor condition, like vegetative, only able to move their eyes, unable to speak.

Only then did the group

realize that even after being saved, their situation was still dire.

Unable to speak, the twenty-six could only look at Luo with pleading eyes, unable to do anything else.


Luo suddenly turned around and walked briskly towards the spider corpses, because Buhara had already taken care of all the spiders.

"What's wrong?" Buhara asked, having just finished off all the spiders.

"Nothing, go watch over those people." Luo instructed.

"Okay." Buhara nodded and obediently went to the survivors, while Tonpa, with a complex emotion, slowly stood up, his expression quite ugly, lost in thought.

After Buhara left, Luo crouched down and touched a spider. Like a system of white smoke font, it instantly displayed information about the spider, letting Luo know the toxin that had been injected into the survivors.

However, there was no antidote available.

Luo frowned slightly, then decided to try using his ability. Since viruses could be separated, the toxin should pose no problem.

With this thought, Luo crouched down on the spot, directly using his ability on the spider corpse.

With a slight intention, the power of God's Hand activated, following his will, it gathered all the toxins from the corpse to one place, then extracted them, condensing into a ping-pong ball-sized, dismal green liquid in his palm.

"It really works, and this is...?"

Luo flung the toxic liquid to the ground, then checked the information displayed by the white smoke font again.

This time, it revealed the antidote to the poison.

"What exactly is attached to my body? Omnipotent?" Luo took a deep breath, his eyes showing surprise.

The white smoke font felt like an all-knowing compendium, even able to analyze the information of the toxin, wondering what more powerful functions it possessed.

If this compendium function could be applied to everything, he might write a travelogue, recording all the creatures encountered along the way.

This is a marvelous world, the category of living beings far beyond the framework of Earth.

Situated in secret realms and demon territories around the world, sea beasts, precious beasts, phantom beasts, even intelligent demons... form a vast group.

Among them, some are ingredients pursued by humans, while a large part consists of poisons.

Luo thought of creatures containing deadly poisons, like the liver of the porcupine fish, such high-level ingredients that people would still desire even if processing fails, because with a prepared antidote, one could taste the porcupine fish liver.

Such people exist, like those gourmets on Earth, who risk their lives annually to eat puffer fish.

The idea forming in Luo's mind was related to both toxins and ingredients.

This world is vast, the species rich, and those poisonous and inedible species are countless.

Using the power of God's Hand to remove toxins, inedible ingredients could be turned into treasures.

This is... a realm all gourmet hunters have never stepped into, a field untouched till now... the Special Poisonous Cuisine!


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