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Chapter 119: Reaping What One Sows

The forest was eerily silent, with only the occasional brief chirping of insects.

Luo closed his eyes, suppressing thoughts that bubbled like boiling water, whether they be goals, prospects, or dreams... all would start from where he stood.

Moments later, he opened his eyes, a slight smile on his face, then briskly walked towards the survivors who couldn't move.

By then, Tonpa had already adjusted his mood, showing no signs of distress.

"Luo, they've been poisoned," Buhara glanced at the survivors on the ground as Luo approached.

Before Luo could speak, Tonpa said, "There's no saving them. They've been poisoned by the rot spider, and without a specific antidote... If they could be promptly taken to a well-equipped hospital, there might be hope, but it's definitely too late now."

Tonpa's tone was tinged with pity, but his words were deliberately chosen to crush the survivors' will to live.

Hearing Tonpa's words, those lying on the ground showed eyes full of despair.

"So, you knew," Luo suddenly looked at Tonpa, who immediately became as silent as a cicada in winter, fearing Luo would notice his true intentions.

"Indeed, there's currently no antidote for the rot spider's poison," Luo withdrew his gaze from Tonpa, clearly seeing the despair of the people on the ground.

As Tonpa had said, in their current situation, there was no hope for them.

Rot spiders don't consume living things; they only eat corpses. Their hunting method is not to wait silently or use their poison, but to pounce on their prey, just like the actions of the five rot spiders earlier.

Though they only eat corpses, they typically leave their prey alive at first, binding them with spider silk, then deliberately injecting their venom and waiting patiently for the poison to take effect.

The intense poison within these survivors was specifically injected by the rot spiders, seeming superfluous, but actually akin to humans seasoning their food during cooking.

Yes, humans hung in spider webs are just another dish the rot spiders are preparing, albeit in a crude and simple manner.

In this place, humans are no longer the apex predators, and there exist magical beasts that delight in eating humans, understanding more delicate culinary methods for their human captures.

Without a specific antidote, there was no hope...

The twenty-six survivors, who thought they had escaped calamity, fell once again into the depths of despair.

They couldn't speak, only their eyes could express their unspeakable despair.

To be alive, no one wishes to die.

"Humph, this is the risk one must bear during the Hunter Exam," Tonpa thought to himself.

"Don't worry, I can save you."

Suddenly, Luo spoke with absolute certainty. Indeed, there was no specific antidote before, but now there was one.

He could have used the power of God's Hand to detoxify these people, but that would occupy a page, and since the white smoke text told him the method of detoxification, he would use that method.

Now, he fully trusted the white smoke text.

Leaving a hopeful message, Luo asked Buhara to watch over them, then turned to leave the area in search of ingredients for the antidote.

Watching Luo leave, Tonpa frowned and coldly said, "How could there possibly be a way."

If Luo weren't here, he wouldn't dare use that tone. But saying so was also to make the hopeful survivors despair again.

However, Luo had silently killed five rot spiders earlier, which made the survivors willing to believe what Luo said, no longer swayed by Tonpa's demoralization.

Noticing the subtle change in the survivors, Tonpa clenched his teeth in displeasure.

"As long as Luo says it can be done, then it absolutely can be done." For Buhara, his belief in Luo was now unconditional, a conclusion he had reached from their time together.


Disheartened, Tonpa walked to the side, wondering whether he should take the opportunity to slip away.

He had already categorized Luo as someone absolutely not to be provoked, and naturally, Buhara, who was with Luo, should not be provoked either. Since he couldn't derive any pleasure from them, staying seemed pointless.

Buhara and the survivors waited for Luo's return, while Tonpa hesitated.

Ten minutes later, Luo returned with two plants in hand.

One was a lush green plant with diamond-shaped leaves, and the other was blood-red with white spots, resembling reed leaves.

These two plants, found near environments favored by rot spiders, could be crushed and ingested to neutralize the rot spider's venom, but it would take between half an hour to an hour to take effect.

After explaining the method to Buhara and Tonpa, they divided the two plants into twenty-six portions for the survivors to ingest.

"Can these two leaves really neutralize

the rot spider's venom?" Tonpa was unwilling to believe. If it were so simple, why didn't anyone know?

Luo simply nodded, unwilling to waste words with Tonpa. Whether it worked or not would be known soon enough.

The method was indeed simple, and the detoxifying plants were easy to find, right in the areas where rot spiders were active. It's not surprising that no one knew, given the myriad species in the Amarlo Jungle, including countless poisons, and many places similar to the Amarlo Jungle. It's unrealistic to know every poison's antidote.

If Luo wished, he could use the function of the white smoke text to contact poisons whose antidotes are unknown, then compile a book to share with the world. Such an achievement should suffice for a three-star rating.

Seeing Luo not elaborating, Tonpa kept his mouth shut.

Five minutes later, the antidote took effect, and the survivors were able to move their mouths.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

"We thought we were done for, glad to have met you."

Being able to speak was a good sign, indicating the detoxification method was effective, and the survivors, now able to live, were overjoyed, expressing their gratitude to Luo and the others.

"It really works."

Tonpa quietly observed Luo's unchanging expression, feeling numb.

Half an hour quickly passed, and the poison was nearly neutralized. The survivors could stand up, one of them, a middle-aged man draped in animal skins, muttered, "Who would've thought mixing bee arrow grass and white spot grass could neutralize the rot spider's venom."

Seeing everyone standing up, Luo didn't plan to stay long and said, "Although the poison is neutralized, there might still be some aftereffects on your bodily functions. It's best to stay put until you recover further, and also, it would be wise to give up on this year's exam."

"Buhara, let's go."

After speaking, Luo prepared to leave.

"Benefactor, may I have your name?" the middle-aged man in animal skins asked eagerly.


"Your full name?" the man persisted.

Luo looked at the man and simply said, "That's the full name."

The man was taken aback, then hesitantly said, "Benefactor, may I disclose the method to neutralize the rot spider's venom in your name?"

"Whatever," Luo replied nonchalantly.

At this moment, all twenty-six survivors quietly memorized Luo's appearance and name.

"Luo, Buhara, I'll stay behind to look after them," Tonpa suddenly said.


Luo looked quietly at Tonpa.

"Look, I still have some drinks here, I'll share them with them later. Once they've replenished some strength, I'll take them back to Amarlo Village," Tonpa said kindly.

Hearing Tonpa's words, those who were still weak were visibly touched, unaware of the strong laxative in the drinks.

"You actually had drinks hidden!" Buhara exclaimed upon seeing this.

Watching Buhara about to rush over for the drinks, Tonpa's mouth twitched, regretting using the drinks to bolster his persuasion.

"Then you stay. But, may I pick a can of drink?" Luo suddenly said with a smile.

Tonpa's emotions surged, but he kept a poker face, opening his bag to reveal it stuffed with drinks.

He dared not show any sign at this moment.

Luo approached, pressed his hand on a can of drink in the bag, activated his ability, and extracted all the laxative components, then silently injected the laxatives into Tonpa's body.

After the maneuver, Luo casually took two cans of drink, saying, "Then I'll help myself."

Saying so, he kept one for himself and threw the other to Buhara.

"Let's go. Take care of yourselves."

Luo waved the can in his hand and left with Buhara.

The people on the scene watched them leave, except for Tonpa, everyone's gaze towards Luo's back was filled with gratitude.

"This is what you brought upon yourself!"

Tonpa clenched his teeth, letting Luo take two cans of drinks but felt no pleasure, only fear.

Poor Tonpa still didn't know Luo had injected the laxatives into his stomach.


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