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Chapter 105: Just Steamed Buns

The sudden turn of events left the two doctors in the tent dumbfounded, while Sanbica Norton also stared at Luo in stunned silence.

"From now on, no matter how painful it gets, you must not make a sound, or I'll crush your heart."

Luo's grip on the heart gradually intensified, and the overweight officer was overwhelmed by fear, his limited understanding failing to grasp the situation as the pain emanating from his heart grew more severe.

Then, he understood that the heart indeed belonged to him.

Hearing Luo's words, the overweight officer, enduring the pain, clutched his mouth tightly with both hands, fearing any sound might escape.

Sweat poured out quickly, soon drenching his military uniform, his body trembling slightly, his small eyes filled with terror.

"Lo, what is this…?" Sanbica hesitantly asked.

"My Nen."

Luo did not look at her but continued to focus on the overweight officer whose complexion gradually paled, slowly easing his grip.

This gradual increase in force was to make the overweight officer clearly understand his predicament.

Feeling death drawing nearer, feeling the panic and helplessness of having his heart controlled by someone else, was meant to make him submit.

After all, he was just a… decaying soldier.

"Your Nen… what exactly is it?" Sanbica deeply gazed at Luo, though she did not voice this question, keeping it to herself.

The more Sanbica saw of Luo's Nen, the more curious she became, already overturning the knowledge her master had taught her.

"Alright, now we can talk."

Luo completely released the heart, then looked at the overweight officer slumped in a chair.

God's Hand could not directly manipulate another's will, but it could use the ability's characteristics to threaten others, one of its derivative uses.

If used properly, even the ruler of a country could utilize this method to threaten…

Half an hour later.

Luo and Sanbica stood outside the temporary military camp, gazing at the continuously burning corpses ahead.

Threatening the life of the greedy and cowardly officer to restore the supply of materials and allowing the two doctors to bring their team and necessary equipment into the slums.

Now, Luo and Sanbica were waiting for the medical team to get ready, unwilling to risk their lives to enter the slums, they wouldn't force them.

"Thank you."

Sanbica suddenly thanked Luo.

Luo scratched his cheek, sighing, "As long as it's related to viruses, you dive headfirst into it. I admire your focus, but you can't just think about viruses all the time."

"Not to mention the issue of food after entering the slums, even if you quickly deal with the infectious virus, have you thought about how to leave the slums?"

"Seeing those people who seem not so much infected by the virus as they are weakened from hunger, you should understand that from the moment the blockade started, the military had no intention of letting anyone leave the slums."

Hearing Luo's words, Sanbica was silent for a moment, then seriously said, "I have thought about how to leave the slums after everything is done."

"Oh? How will you leave?" Luo was somewhat surprised; he thought Sanbica hadn't considered it so thoroughly, focusing solely on entering the slums to address the contagious virus.

"Isn't it because you're here?" Sanbica turned her head, quietly looking at Luo. She had seen Luo easily stop bullets, able to make the soldiers' firearms lose their deterrent power.

Luo was momentarily taken aback, then after a moment, he said helplessly, "You win."

Sanbica smiled silently, her face covered by a mask, so Luo couldn't see.

"Luo, why did you propose that condition?"

Luo knew the condition Sanbica referred to was three months of accompanying her, and at this point, he didn't hide his motive, directly replying, "Because I'm quite interested in your Nen. Maybe by understanding it deeply, I could gain some inspiration."

That night, he used the G2 virus as leverage to propose this condition to Sanbica, thereby compelling her to stay.

Of course, proposing conditions was mutual, and afterwards, Sanbica also added many corresponding conditions.

Such as the trip that was already decided, restrictions on freedom, and conditions like not touching her.

"Inspiration?" Sanbica's eyes narrowed slightly, she immediately thought of Luo's diverse Nen abilities.

"My Nen has a feature, you might consider it separation, like just now, I separated that officer's heart."

Luo looked ahead, saying, "Your Nen can manipulate viruses, so I thought, even if I can't manipulate viruses, maybe I can achieve separation."

Saying this, Luo gave a wry smile, "Not to hide from you, I

've tried following this line of thought, but failed. It felt as if… I could successfully hold water in my hands, but no matter how focused I am, the water would still flow away."

Such a terrifying person…

Sanbica's eyes showed an incredulous light, just knowing she could manipulate viruses, trying on her own after understanding the possibilities, and reaching beyond the threshold.

No wonder Luo had such diverse Nen abilities, but… how high must one's talent be to achieve what Luo has?

"Maybe… you really can do it, if I can help, I'm willing to try," Sanbica said.

"Mhm." Luo smiled.

The medical team that decided to accompany them consisted of five people, including the two doctors in the tent.

A group of seven, carrying the necessary equipment and some supplies, crossed the boundary line between life and death under the compassionate gaze of the soldiers.

The emaciated poor in the slums looked at Luo and the others with lifeless eyes, showing no reaction.

"Do you two really not need to wear protective suits?" the most experienced doctor asked worriedly.

"No need." Sanbica replied, her special constitution fearless of any virus, while Luo's abilities could keep viruses at bay.

Sanbica looked at the old doctor, asking, "How much do you know about this unknown virus?"

The old doctor spoke solemnly, "We don't know much. The doctors who first came into contact with the patients were infected, and then the military forcibly isolated the slums and burned all related items."

Saying this, the old doctor sighed, reluctantly saying, "The military only told us it was a contagious unknown virus and its symptoms and causes of death, beyond that, we can do nothing. Out of helplessness, all we could do was consult documents, but to no avail."

"This unknown virus appeared very suddenly, we don't even know who the first infected person was."

"Are the symptoms weakness, muscle pain, and then death due to massive internal bleeding?" Sanbica mentioned the information she had found online.

The old doctor nodded gravely.

"What about the incubation period?" Sanbica continued to ask.

"Unclear." The old doctor shook his head.

Sanbica frowned slightly, as the old doctor said, even though they had been here for a while, because they were restricted by the military, they couldn't conduct further research, so their understanding was about the same as hers.

The government's attitude is too passive… Is it because the people left in the slums are expendable?

The slums were densely built, close together, and generally not tall.

Walking inside, they saw corpses lying beside the roads, ignored by anyone.

Along the way, people sat on the ground or leaned against walls, all with lifeless eyes, skinny as if just skin and bones.

What they saw and heard gave a dark, cold feeling.

For Luo and the newcomers, the people in the slums mainly focused on their equipment and the bags and barrels that seemed to contain food.

From these people, one could not see any hope for life, only the aura of death.

This is a group… so desperate they can only wait to die.

Luo looked at the people around, compared to the basic knowledge of the unknown virus, these people seemed more like they were starved to death.

Suddenly, a few people in better condition ran out of a wooden residential building, all men wearing doctor's attire.

"Finally…" These people saw Luo and others, crying tears of joy. They were the first volunteers to enter the slums.

Following the volunteers into the house, everyone put down the equipment and supplies.

Luo, lacking knowledge about viruses, did not join their conversation.

He silently carried the supplies into the kitchen, before the military delivered the next batch of supplies, he decided to make a batch of steamed buns for the people in the slums.

The method of making steamed buns was relatively simple but required some time.

The kitchen had no steaming basket, so Luo directly dismantled a wooden wall, using his ability to create a six-layer steaming basket on the spot, then immediately started making steamed buns.

An hour later, the first batch of steamed buns was ready.

Luo, holding the freshly steamed buns and some water, walked out through a hole in the wall, dipping the buns in water and distributing them to people sitting or lying on the street.

Just a warm, moist steamed bun was undoubtedly a hope for life for the people in the slums at this moment, and the most delicious food.

It didn't take long for Luo to distribute all the steamed buns. He didn't count them but returned to the kitchen as quickly as possible to make the second batch.

When he returned to the kitchen and started working again, the others realized what he had done.

As doctors, their first concern after arriving was related to treating diseases, but the first thing Luo thought of was distributing food.

It wasn't about adding pages to a book… it seemed that everyone they saw along the way was starving.


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