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Chapter 104: Threat

In the world of Hunters, there are six continents and ten districts, including five major countries and numerous authoritarian small nations. Regardless of the location, the existence of slums is a constant norm.

The stark disparity between wealth and poverty is separated by a wall, a wire fence, or even a mere boundary line.

For the residents of the slums, whether it is the 'Wall of Shame' that draws the dividing line, the looming 'Net of Despair,' or just a white line a step away, they all represent insurmountable barriers.

Luo, along with Sanbica Norton, arrived outside the slum and saw a group of people in white protective suits incinerating bodies on the spot with high-temperature flame guns.

The pungent and unpleasant smell drifted from afar, and the pitch-black smoke, like giant serpents, rushed towards the sky.

This is a city, yet it has drawn a boundary line, isolating the bright from the dark, life from death.

Soldiers with indifferent expressions stood before the boundary line, forming an obstacle that the impoverished could not cross.

The piled-up bodies could only stay within the line until death, quietly awaiting the arrival of the flames, symbolizing 'purification.'

There were many dead, and just as many still alive.

On one side were the incinerated dead, on the other were the living, staring blankly at the bodies, lost in despair. Further away, a cluster of low buildings housed more people struggling to survive.

These living individuals, barely clothed, their bodies emaciated, faces filled with despair, appeared exceptionally gloomy, sitting helplessly on the ground.

Among the many people, a few wore distinctly different clothes, but their spirits were equally poor, cheeks hollow, a clear sign of severe malnutrition.

When Luo and Sanbica approached, soldiers immediately came to drive them away, but as soon as Sanbica showed her Hunter license, the soldiers' tough demeanor softened immediately.

After Sanbica stated their purpose, the soldiers took them to a tent.

A portly officer sat in a chair, not far from him stood two men in white coats, one middle-aged and the other with white temples.

"Do you want to go in?" the officer asked Sanbica, his tone indifferent.

The two men in white, presumably doctors, were also taken aback.

"Yes," Sanbica said.

The officer sneered coldly, "Just so you know, not long ago, forty-seven volunteers entered that forsaken place, and now thirty are dead, the remaining seventeen crying to come back."

"But unfortunately, they can't return. They can only wait to die there."

"Do you know why?"

Hearing the officer's icy words, the two doctors sighed silently, frowning, their expressions filled with worry.

"I know," Sanbica said calmly, "because of an unknown infectious virus that has left you all at a loss."

Her voice carried a faint hint of sarcasm, like the gentle tinkle of wind chimes.

The officer caught Sanbica's sarcasm, propped his cheek, and sneered at the two doctors, "Indeed, what can we do if these doctors are helpless?"

His casual remark seemed to absolve him of all responsibility.

Sanbica's eyes flashed with anger. She had researched the information before coming, not knowing everything but guessing some of it.

It wasn't that the doctors didn't want to solve the problem; it was that the city's authorities didn't want to deal with it at all. If not for humanitarian reasons, they would have had the military burn the entire slum down—a simple and thorough solution.

Of course, there was another reason for not doing so—to take advantage of the situation for their own benefit.

"Just let me go in," Sanbica said, taking a deep breath.

"Oh, a minor matter," the officer replied indifferently.

They hadn't asked for help from the Hunter Association, nor did they feel obligated to assist a Hunter who came of their own volition. If Sanbica wanted to go in and face death, he had no reason to stop her.

Even if Sanbica could solve the problem, they wouldn't pay her.

Seeing the officer's agreement, Sanbica signaled Luo with her eyes that they could leave, then turned to go.

"I'm curious about something," Luo said, not moving but looking at the officer.

Sanbica stopped and turned to look at Luo, confusion in her eyes.

"Oh?" the officer looked at Luo lazily.

Luo raised his index finger and said lightly, "Food."

The officer's gaze turned colder upon hearing this, just staring at Luo, silent.

"Your reaction confirms my guess," Luo sighed, "So the supplies have been cut off? Meaning, the donations from the outside world have been happily swallowed up by you."

A group of living people not far from the boundary line had caught Luo's attention.

Before coming here, San

bica had mentioned the situation in the slum. Trusting in Sanbica, Luo was not afraid of the unknown infectious virus. Instead, he wondered how a place completely sealed off could have anything to eat.

Sanbica had dispelled Luo's doubts, saying that the official would provide supplies regularly. However, reality was cruel.

"Soon to die anyway, no need to waste food," the officer said coldly.

Sanbica hadn't considered so much; she just wanted to help solve the virus problem in the slum. Hearing the conversation between the two, she now understood and glared angrily at the fat officer.

Then, Luo silently took out a bank card, pinching it with his middle finger, and smiled, "This card contains one billion Jenny, do you want it?"

This card was given to Luo by Kenda, a VIP black card with the highest bank level, containing one billion Jenny. The officer recognized the black card at a glance, his eyes immediately showing greed.

"It seems you really want it," Luo smiled, "As long as you can resume the supply of materials after we go in, the billion is yours."

The officer's eyes widened, immediately energized, sitting up straight, without hesitation, "Deal."

When Luo proposed the condition, he would agree no matter what. First, get the money, and whether he would act afterward depended on his mood.

"Luo…" Sanbica frowned, unwilling to compromise with the do-nothing officer in this way.

Luo raised his hand to stop her, then glanced at the two stunned doctors, smiling, "Sorry, forgot there were outsiders here. This is a direct bribe; you don't mind, do you?"

Hearing Luo's words, the two doctors felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

The officer coldly glanced at the two doctors, now scared silly, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, I don't mind."


Luo tossed the black card onto the table in front of the officer.

The fat officer quickly picked up the black card, examined it closely, and once confirmed it was real, his face showed undisguised greed.

After a while, he looked up at Luo, about to ask for the password and confirm the funds, but saw Luo standing silently in front of the table, smiling at him.

The fat officer was startled, only to hear Luo's smile fade as he said coolly, "Just kidding."

"You…" The officer was furious, but suddenly his vision blurred, and he saw the audacious young man holding a heart in his hand. Then, his face changed as he felt a stabbing pain from the heart.

Luo gently held the beating heart, "No need to doubt, this is your heart."

He didn't squeeze because he considered that if the officer screamed in pain, it might attract the soldiers standing guard outside the tent.

Even if the officer called the soldiers, Luo wasn't afraid; it was just too troublesome.

One billion Jenny was not a small amount. If it could help Sanbica before coming to the slum, he wouldn't mind using it.

Now was the time to use it, but he would rather burn it than let this fat officer benefit. Besides... compared to bribery, threats were more practical.


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