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Chapter 236

She was a girl with shoulder-length hair, wearing a white dress, and very pretty.

098 introduced, "Host, this is one of the female leads, named Chu Lingling."

Chu Lingling is the top beauty of Ancheng University and also an heir to a family of Taoist priests. She helped the male lead a lot in the story, which is why she became the top female lead among many.

"Hello, may I ask if there's anything you need?" Ling Chunann turned to ask.

A flash of surprise crossed Chu Lingling's eyes, then she smiled, "I thought the photo was fake before, but you look even better in person."

"Thank you." Ling Chunann glanced at Chu Lingling, "You are also very beautiful, senior."

"Eh?" Chu Lingling was surprised, "How do you know I'm a senior?"

"You're wearing an ID badge." Ling Chunann pointed to the badge on Chu Lingling's chest.

Chu Lingling: "...Haha."

"Is there something you need, senior?" Ling Chunann asked again.

"It's like this, the school entrance is now occupied by the media, all here for you. I suggest you enter through the side door," Chu Lingling said.

"Haven't they already interviewed me?" Ling Chunann asked, "Why have they come to the school now?"

"That, I'm not too sure. It seems to be about family issues," Chu Lingling frowned, "Anyway, it looks quite aggressive, so be careful."

"Okay, thank you, senior."

This junior is too cute! Chu Lingling's smile brightened considerably, "Then let me take you through the side door."

"No need, I'll go take a look." Ling Chunann refused Chu Lingling's suggestion.

As Chu Lingling had said, the school entrance was indeed packed with people - students, media personnel, and many curious parents, all blocking the entrance. As more students arrived to report, the entrance became so congested that people couldn't get in, and the school security struggled to maintain order, wiping sweat while trying not to let the crowd get too chaotic.

When Ling Chunann approached, the scene eerily quieted for a moment before erupting into even greater noise, accompanied by the clicking sound of cameras.

"Xie Ziyan, did you really not save your father when he was dying?"

"Xie Ziyan, what do you have to say about accusations from your relatives that you lack filial piety?"

"Xie Ziyan, it's said that you were once the bully of the west city in Lucheng, do you have any objections?"

"Xie Ziyan..."

After glancing at the dozens of microphones thrust in front of him, Ling Chunann's expression unchanged, waited until almost everyone had asked their questions, then said, "Sorry, I didn't hear the questions clearly. Can you ask them one by one? Also, it's the time for school reporting, and it's somewhat obstructing traffic here. Would you mind moving somewhere else to talk?"

Ling Chunann's voice wasn't very loud, just enough for the nearby media to hear. Those who had intended to press forward strangely calmed down.

"Senior, could you find me a more open space?" Ling Chunann turned back to ask Chu Lingling, who had just squeezed into the crowd.

Seeing Ling Chunann ignore her advice, Chu Lingling was a bit upset but still followed. Seeing how quickly Ling Chunann managed to control the situation, she was somewhat incredulous but still replied, "Yes, I can help you borrow a conference room."

"Thank you, senior."

"Host, I've checked. It's those relatives who came looking for you when you first arrived in this world. Knowing you became the top scholar in the college entrance examination and apparently not lacking in money, they went to the media to cry poor, saying you're ungrateful and neglecting them, the poor relatives who took care of you before." 098's tone grew more angry as it spoke, "That's too much, when have they ever taken care of you? Utter nonsense."

Ling Chunann, fully aware of his system's level of scolding, comforted, "It's okay, it'll be resolved soon."

Chu Lingling helped Ling Chunann borrow a large auditorium that could accommodate two to three hundred people. Apart from a few dozen media people, Ling Chunann didn't prohibit others from entering, so it wasn't long before the auditorium was filled with onlookers, including many curious students and parents.

Of course, 098 believed they were there more to see their host's looks than to watch the drama. That senior over there, could you please wipe your drool?

After carefully scanning the people in the room, 098 suddenly exclaimed, "Host, the original host's aunt, uncle, and their spouses have arrived. They're sitting in the leftmost

part of the second to last row." Trouble is coming.

Ling Chunann smiled, "Interesting."

Glancing at the people hurrying in, Ling Chunann pressed his hand down, and the somewhat noisy room instantly quieted down, "Thank you all for coming. Regarding the questions just asked, I can answer them here collectively."

He spoke calmly, "Regarding my father, he passed away when I was fourteen. I wasn't present at his death, so there's no possibility of me not saving him. My neighbors at the time can testify to this."

"As for the accusations from my relatives that I lack filial piety, my parents are deceased, and I've been living with an uncle. Whether I have filial piety is not for them to judge."

"Finally, regarding the title of 'bully of the west city.'" Ling Chunann revealed a cunning smile, "I didn't expect my reputation on the streets to be so high. Blame my youthful recklessness, please forgive my folly."

The media, initially ready with questions, couldn't help but burst into laughter at his last remark, though the other onlookers laughed even louder, filling the auditorium with laughter.

After a while, the laughter subsided, and a reporter stood up, "Xie Ziyan, how do you respond to your relatives' accusations of you lacking respect for them?"

The reporter's voice was loud and the question sharp. After he spoke, the auditorium fell silent again, with everyone's attention focused on Ling Chunann.

If it were any other student, they might have panicked by now. Ling Chunann cleared his throat, glanced at the corner in the back, his expression unchanged, his voice firm, "My respect is reserved for those who deserve it."

This statement caused an uproar.

"So you mean your elders don't deserve respect?"

"How could you treat your elders with such an attitude just based on seniority?"


A barrage of criticism came from all sides. Ling Chunann sighed internally, "Boring."

The righteous 098 suddenly heard Ling Chunann's comment, asking, "What's boring?"

"No matter the world, the emotions of the ignorant masses are always easy to manipulate," Ling Chunann replied.

The ignorant masses, 098: "..."

As the emotional climax was reached, with the "elders" in the back row barely hiding their smugness, Ling Chunann finally spoke again, "Please be quiet."

Ling Chunann has always been good at controlling the pace. After he spoke, the room quieted down again, waiting for his explanation.

Ling Chunann didn't explain immediately but switched topics, "My father's funeral was arranged by me alone. To ensure he was laid to rest, I spent all our family's money and even sold some furniture. I still have the expense list. If you're interested, I can take photos and send them to you later."

"The day after my father's burial, my second uncle's family and my little uncle's family came to me." Ling Chunann continued, "Over my custody, they fought at my doorstep because our house was about to be demolished, and the original residents could get a new apartment and a substantial compensation."

Ling Chunann spoke without much emotion in his tone, yet it was enough to make people feel his downcast mood, naturally inciting righteous indignation.

Ling Chunann was only fourteen at the time, and these people plotted against him, no wonder he said these people didn't deserve respect. What kind of terrible relatives were these?

Seeing the crowd's attitude change in an instant, the few people in the corner couldn't sit still any longer.

"You're slandering!" a loud voice rang out, belonging to Xie Ziyan's second uncle, his face flushed red, "Back then, you clearly deceived us into thinking you weren't Xie Ziyan!"

"Aren't you my second uncle? Why can't you recognize what I look like?" Ling Chunann retorted, "Besides, I was just a child back then, my dad had just died, and suddenly there were so many strangers at my door, of course, I had to be cautious."

"You, you..." Clearly not expecting Ling Chunann to respond like this, he was momentarily speechless, looking frantically at his few allies.

Everyone is not a fool, seeing this situation, where else could they not understand that they were just here to swindle, instantly filling with sympathy for Ling Chunann.

"Even plotting against a child, these people are really not good."

"That's too much!"

"Fortunately, Xie Ziyan is smart, or he definitely would have been cheated by these relatives."

"Xie Ziyan is really pitiful, losing his parents at such a young age and then targeted by such terrible relatives."


Under the public's denouncement, the relatives who thought they had public opinion on their side left the school in disgrace. Ling Chunann left the auditorium surrounded by people, and before leaving, he

glanced at the corner of the hall.

Seeing Ling Chunann looking over, Han Chen smiled and waved at him, then touched his fast-beating heart. A hand was placed on his shoulder, and he turned around instinctively, "Lingling, you scared me."

Chu Lingling revealed a big smile, "You, my little junior, are truly dazzling."

Han Chen returned the smile, "Yeah."

Chu Lingling blinked, "I've decided, I'm going to pursue him."

Han Chen: "..."


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