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Chapter 100: Departure

Every year, countless individuals aspire to take the Hunter Exam, but after preliminary screenings and the secretive nature of the exam locations, only a handful manage to find the right place.

Therefore, the number of people who reach the first stage of the Hunter Exam is not fixed, sometimes only a few hundred, sometimes a few thousand.

The locations chosen for the Hunter Exam are usually perilous, and by the final stage, the number of participants typically dwindles to under a hundred.

The high mortality rate during the selection process makes it an environment suitable for saving lives, albeit with the drawback of being held only once a year.

To increase the number of pages, one could participate in the Hunter Exam annually and also hunt in the exam locations, likely finding many ingredients.

"Once things here are nearly sorted, we can leave."

While Sanbica was treating Kenda, Luo thought quietly to himself. Relying on Barney's collection, he had gained an opportunity to greatly increase his strength. To ensure Elly's safety, he even risked putting himself in danger, returning the favor.

Now that Elly's potential crisis was handled, there was no reason to stay any longer.

As Sanbica treated Kenda, she again removed her gloves, revealing her pale, bloodless palms, and then directly touched Kenda's fractured left arm, maintaining contact for about twenty minutes before retracting her hand.

According to Sanbica, she couldn't heal the injury instantly but could accelerate the healing process.

Injuries like fractures, which normally take months to heal, could recover in about half a month with her intervention. For those with stronger constitutions, recovery could be possible in less than a week.

After the treatment, Luo mentioned the incident with the five corpses that brought the G2 virus to Kenda. It was Sanbica who reminded him to check the bodies for photographic equipment.

Kenda was shocked upon learning this and then used it as a clue to investigate the only nine-star hotel in La Xiang City.

Luo then visited the hotel but found nothing. After inquiring at the front desk, where the clerk initially refused to divulge information citing customer privacy, Luo's slight show of force elicited an honest answer.

The guest staying in the top-floor room had checked out two hours earlier.

After getting the name, Luo returned to the mansion and informed Kenda.

Hearing the name Luo mentioned, Kenda's face turned sour. The owner of that name was a direct relative of one of the Elders.

Kenda didn't know the young man sent over was intimidated by Luo's displayed strength. Despite losing five men, he didn't want to make an enemy over this incident and decided to leave La Xiang City with his men decisively.

Their prompt departure was also related to obtaining the G2 virus data.

If Kenda knew the young man's mindset, he probably wouldn't have been so worried.

The following days were peaceful. Luo and Sanbica stayed in the mansion, waiting for Kenda's left arm to heal, while his right arm was beyond recovery.

As time passed, the battle-damaged mansion was being repaired. Sanbica, who had acquired the G2 virus, requested a room where she wouldn't be disturbed. Elly, knowing Luo was about to leave, clung to him every day.

That night's battle resulted in a major purge of La Xiang City's gang forces. Most knew about the nine bosses who led a large group to attack Barney's mansion, only to fail miserably overnight.

Kenda, quite capable himself, quickly recruited more people to fill the vacancies. The servants who were sent away before the battle were rehired.

By the end of October, confirming that Kenda's protection was sufficiently strong, Luo prepared to leave.

The day was sunny and pleasant.

"This is far enough. You should go back."

Luo turned to look at Elly and Kenda, who had accompanied him from the mansion to the mountain path.

Sanbica stood quietly to the side, silent.

"Luo, will you come to visit me?" Elly asked, reluctant to part.

"Of course." Luo reached out to ruffle Elly's hair, smiling. "Didn't we make a promise? Let me see the other Augus people's puppets next time."

"Okay," Elly nodded vigorously.

"If you need help, call me anytime," Kenda said, bowing slightly.

He had given Luo a phone, and they exchanged numbers. The farewell was more than just polite words. There might not be many chances to help Luo directly, but when it came to financial matters, there might be some assistance he could offer.

Grateful words were not reiterated, as they had been expressed countless times during their time together.

"Take care."

Luo nodded slightly, turned, and walked away, with Sanbica following quietly.

"Luo, you must come to visit me!" Elly shouted after Luo's departing figure, tears welling

up in her pale blue eyes, waving her hands vigorously.

Luo waved back, bidding his final goodbye.

Walking down the mountain path, Luo and Sanbica quickly covered some distance.

"Wouldn't a car have been more convenient? Why refuse it?" Sanbica complained after walking the mountain path for over ten minutes.

Kenda had offered to send a car for Luo and her to the city, but Luo had refused.

"This way, we can enjoy the scenery along the way," Luo said, interested in the surroundings.

Sanbica widened her eyes, pointing at the sparse forest outside the mountain path, "What's there to see here?"

Luo scratched his cheek, pointing beyond the forest and the sea outside La Xiang City, smiling, "Isn't there the sea?"

Sanbica stared at the sea, barely wider than a palm from their viewpoint, and resignedly kept quiet.

"Sanbica, if we rush too much, we might miss a lot of beautiful scenery. Patience is important, after all. A few hours' journey is nothing," Luo said meaningfully.

Sanbica, uninterested in engaging with Luo, quickened her pace.

Thirty minutes later, Luo flagged down a red convertible sports car driven by a woman with wavy hair wearing sunglasses.

"Miss, my brother and I are lost. Could you give us a lift?" Luo looked pitifully at the woman in the car, under Sanbica's incredulous gaze.

"Get in. Where are you headed?" The wavy-haired woman smiled, pushing her sunglasses up to reveal her large, lightly made-up eyes.

"La Xiang City."

Luo smoothly opened the car door and sat down, then called out to Sanbica, still stunned by the roadside, "Brother, what are you waiting for? Get in, don't keep the lady waiting."

"It's alright. Is he your brother? He seems a bit taller than you," the wavy-haired woman joked.

Luo buckled his seatbelt, casually saying, "Maybe because my brother likes to work out. Look, his chest muscles are slightly bigger than mine."

The woman glanced at Sanbica's chest, nodding seriously, "Your brother dresses weirdly, but he has nice eyes."

"Exactly, my brother is great in every aspect, just a bit shy, that's why he dresses so conservatively," Luo explained, gesturing for Sanbica to hurry up.

Sanbica gave Luo a look that nearly spelled out her murderous intent, then opened the car door and sat down without a word.

Luo smiled, not bothered in the slightest.

After Sanbica got in, the woman started the car and drove down the mountain path.

On their way to La Xiang City, Luo chatted away, amusing the woman throughout the journey.

Sanbica, sitting in the backseat, glared at the back of Luo's head, barely restraining her urge to punch him.

Forty minutes later, the trio arrived in La Xiang City.

"Little brother, it's a pity you're too young for me," the woman said regretfully as they parted.

"Ah, if only I were born a few years earlier," Luo lamented, leaning against the car door, feigning regret.

"Ha ha."

The woman laughed joyfully, suddenly leaned in to kiss Luo, saying, "Can't let you ride for free. This is your payment."

With those words, she started the car and drove off.

"Shameless," Sanbica suddenly remarked.

Luo touched the fresh lipstick mark on his cheek, took in the sights of the bustling streets and shops, and deeply inhaled, smiling, "You wouldn't understand."

The increased strength gave Luo ample confidence. The initial worries he had upon entering the world of Hunters dissipated as his power grew, allowing him to freely enjoy his time.

"Alright, take me to sign up for the Hunter Exam," Luo said, looking at Sanbica, who turned her head away, sulking.

"Angry, huh? I just didn't want to repel the same sex, so I had you temporarily switch genders. Look, that lady went out of her way to bring us here, surely because we're both men. No, no, because she thought you were a man."

Luo quickly explained, knowing what Sanbica was upset about.

Sanbica slowly turned her head back, her gaze towards Luo containing a faint hint of murderous intent.

Luo stepped back, earnestly saying, "Let's talk, no need for violence."


Chapter 100, throw confetti!

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