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Chapter 231

Buying the house in full had drained He Qingyu's parents' savings completely, leaving no money for a second round of renovations. Fortunately, the previous owner had renovated the place not too long ago, and the furniture, still usable, hadn't been removed. The previous owner's taste in decor was decent, at least nothing was displeasing to the eye.

He Qingyu called out as she unlocked and opened the door, "Mom, Dad, I'm home." As expected, there was no response. He Qingyu was used to this. After changing her shoes in the entryway and tossing her backpack on the sofa, she rubbed her growling stomach. She picked up a banana from the coffee table, peeled it, and took a bite, only to spit it out immediately because of the strange taste. "How can this banana taste so bad? Mom couldn't have bought spoiled bananas, could she?"

Saying so, He Qingyu glanced at the other bananas on the coffee table and resignedly headed towards the kitchen. As she passed by her room, she thought she saw someone sitting by her desk out of the corner of her eye. She whipped her head around for a closer look, only to see her mother's teaching materials spread out on the desk and the chair neatly tucked in front of it.

"There's nothing there." He Qingyu chuckled to herself, thinking she was just being paranoid, and then walked into the kitchen.

She took out some noodles from the cupboard, added water to the pot, and was about to turn on the stove when she suddenly paused and dialed a number on her phone. The call connected after a few rings, and a woman's voice came through, "Baby, mom is in a meeting and will be home late tonight. Remember to eat if you're hungry, gotta go."

"Wait," He Qingyu stopped her from hanging up, "Mom, did you come home today?"

"No, dear, why do you ask?"

"What about Dad? Did he come back?"

"Your father went on a business trip yesterday and won't be back until tomorrow. Be good, baby, mom is busy now, we'll talk when I get home." With that, she hung up.

Listening to the dial tone, He Qingyu broke out in a cold sweat. Neither of them had come back, so who had moved the chair in her room?

A few days later, Ling Chunann rubbed his sore back, having told someone not to follow him, he went to school alone.

It turned out, regardless of the man's identity, his talents were innate. Perhaps it had been too long since the last time, as Ling Chunann hadn't gotten out of bed for several days. If today wasn't the day for college application preferences, he probably wouldn't have gotten up at all.

"Good morning, senior."

"Morning, Senior Xie."


Many greeted Ling Chunann along the way, and he nodded to each, his demeanor neither cold nor warm, thrilling the fans.

The results had actually been checked online earlier, and the application for preferences wouldn't start until tomorrow. Coming to school today was merely a formality.

When Ling Chunann arrived at the classroom, most of his classmates were already there, buzzing with excitement at his arrival and crowding around him.

Classmate A: "Ziyan, have you checked your results? How did you do?"

Ling Chunann: "Not bad."

Classmate B: "We have an activity tonight. You've skipped so many times before; you have to come this time."

Ling Chunann: "Okay."

The student who just pushed for the graduation party, Classmate C: "What? Ziyan is coming to the party? I'm going too!"

The bell rang.

In the midst of everyone's chatter, the class bell rang, and Teacher Wang walked into the classroom, "Students, today is the last time you'll sit in this classroom."

After a sentimental ten minutes, seeing his students teary-eyed, Teacher Wang shifted the tone, "This time, our class has five students in the top ten of our grade, three in the city, and one in the province." He pushed up his glasses, his gaze intentionally passing over Ling Chunann, filled with pride, "And that person is our Xie Ziyan."

Under the envious glances of his classmates, Ling Chunann showed little emotion, "098, I recall leaving fifty-one points' worth of questions undone."

By the standards of previous years, he should have ranked around the top hundred in the province.

"According to statistics, the questions this year were generally harder, so the overall scores were lower. Thus, doing as well as you did in previous years naturally put you higher in the rankings," 098 replied.

Ling Chunann: "…"

Without a doubt, the title of top scholar fell upon Ling Chunann, but since his usual performance was excellent, no one envied him. Instead, he received a bunch of love letters

and confessions. During this time, 098 noticed that the little girl who confessed to Ling Chunann last time did not come.

After the award ceremony, the students of Class 6, Grade 3, gathered together and headed for a hotel in the city center. The teenagers, well-behaved for three years, joyously ordered a heap of beer, ending up with slurred speech and even proposing to go to a KTV. Ling Chunann took this opportunity to excuse himself from the teachers and left.

By then, it was already dark. As Ling Chunann was about to leave the hotel, he was stopped again.

"Xie Ziyan."

It was the same soft voice as before, but this time the girl looked much more haggard, with dark circles under her eyes, obviously not having rested well these past few days. Ling Chunann looked at her, "He Qingyu, what's the matter?"

He Qingyu blushed, but given her already pale complexion, it could only be considered normal. She fidgeted with her clothes, nervously asking, "Which university are you planning to apply to?"

"I haven't decided yet, but probably Ancheng University," Ling Chunann replied, "You haven't been sleeping well, have you? You look a bit off."

He Qingyu was initially overjoyed to hear Ancheng University from Ling Chunann but became pale again at his question, "No, nothing. Just a bit nervous waiting for the results."

Seeing she didn't want to talk, Ling Chunann didn't press further and nodded, about to leave.

"Wait," He Qingyu stopped him again.

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann turned back, "Is there something else, He Qingyu?"

"About the letter I gave you last time... Did you read it?" He Qingyu's face reddened again.

"Sorry, I accidentally lost that letter," Ling Chunann said apologetically.

"I see..." Disappointed, He Qingyu quickly recovered, "It's okay, no need to apologize. You... you should go home, thank you."

"Okay, goodbye."

098 glanced back at the pitiful girl standing still, then asked, "Host, aren't you going to help her?" It could see the girl was entangled with those things.

Ling Chunann didn't turn back, simply replying, "It's fine."

"She's been scared to this extent and it's still fine?" 098 couldn't help but doubt its host's standards.

"If something was wrong, she wouldn't be here today, still curious about the love letter matter," Ling Chunann accurately answered 098's question.

After some time, 098 understood deeply that it wasn't a matter of energy strength but that it had been thoroughly seen through by its host. Whatever 098 thought, Ling Chunann knew. Hearing Ling Chunann's words, 098 fell silent for a while, "The host is right."

However, Ling Chunann hadn't walked far before He Qingyu caught up again, this time quietly following behind without calling out to him. Ling Chunann let her be.

He Qingyu stealthily followed Ling Chunann, then saw him enter an alley. She followed but found no one in the alley, and even at the end of it, Ling Chunann was nowhere to be seen.

Then a voice suddenly came from behind her, "He Qingyu."

He Qingyu screamed in shock.

098: "…Didn't expect her to be so thin yet scream so loudly."

Ling Chunann: "Size and energy are somewhat different."

A few seconds later, when the screaming stopped, He Qingyu realized it was Ling Chunann, her face turning beet-red, she stammered awkwardly, "So-sorry, I didn't mean to follow you."

"It's okay, seems like I scared you instead," Ling Chunann said with a comforting smile.

"No, no, it's not your fault," He Qingyu hurriedly replied, then fell silent for a while before saying, "I'm sorry, I should go."

"Wait," Ling Chunann stopped her.

He Qingyu was surprised, "Wha-what is it?"

"Here, take this," Ling Chunann tossed her a coin, "Don't lose it."

"Okay, okay," He Qingyu caught the coin, not even looking at what it was, replying repeatedly.

"Okay, goodbye."

"Host, I thought you said you wouldn't help her?" 098 teased.

Ling Chunann: "098, I've noticed you've been a bit arrogant lately."

098: "…Sorry, host, my mistake."

Ling Chunann walked out of the alley, and Tang Shouxu's car was parked at the entrance. The man appeared with a radiant smile, "Baby, let's go home."

He Qingyu left the alley in a daze, Ling Chunann already gone. She aimlessly returned to her community but stopped at the entrance,

not daring to go home.

Her parents working overtime hadn't come back yet, and the house, apart from a few dim lights in the yard, was pitch dark. He Qingyu stood there for a while, "It's okay, it's all an illusion, an illusion."

After comforting herself, He Qingyu mustered the courage to walk home.

The house was completely dark. He Qingyu groped around to switch on the light, but the switch that was supposed to be there seemed to have disappeared.

She took a deep breath, comforting herself that she might have remembered wrongly, and started searching elsewhere. Then, her body suddenly stiffened—it was a cold, icy hand.

A giggling voice whispered in her ear, "Hee hee, sister, have you finished your homework?"

He Qingyu's accumulated fear over the past few days finally burst forth, and she fainted.


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