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Chapter 98: Virus x Doctor x Inspiration

In any industry, those who stand out have their unique traits, and a craftsman's spirit that persists unwaveringly for decades is also a key factor.

Sanbica Norton's willingness to exchange her Hunter License for the G2 virus shows her high regard for it, attributing her interest primarily to her profession as a Virus Hunter.

Reflecting on Sanbica's actions to warn him, if the contents of the box were not the virus, Sanbica might not have revealed herself, preventing him from noticing her presence.

Her actions and motives, centered around the virus, sparked the subsequent reaction.

Is it obsession or love? It can only be said that Sanbica lives up to her profession, and at such a young age, she already displays such characteristics, indicating her potential for future achievements, but...

"This name, I have no recollection of it." Luo thought to himself, unable to find any information on Sanbica in his memory.

He believed that someone so dedicated to their profession would become well-known in their field in another decade or so, yet he could find no trace of Sanbica.

It's possible she wasn't mentioned in the original story, or her role was too minor to remember. Another possibility is that Sanbica met with an accident before the story began.

In fact, Sanbica only made a fleeting appearance in the original narrative. She would later become a dedicated doctor for the Hunter Association, earning a one-star title in her field, though her screen time was limited. Her abilities, however, were evident, and her popularity within the association remained high.

Luo did not remember Sanbica. Had he recognized her, her status as a dedicated doctor for the Hunter Association alone would have warranted establishing a good relationship.

Despite not recognizing her, Luo did not overlook Sanbica's importance, particularly because her Nen seemed quite unique, not meant for combat but rather for logistical support.

In his previous life, Luo had a team that supported him in many dangerous places until it disbanded due to the death of team members and the pursuit of increasingly dangerous goals.

Without his team, Luo, with a stubborn heart, delved into his hobbies. Without divine favor, he would have become a skeleton at the bottom of a cliff.

Even after gaining unique abilities from consuming a special fruit that allowed him to operate solo, he never underestimated the importance of a team.

"Is it possible?" Sanbica, unaware of Luo's thoughts, looked at him expectantly, seeing every new virus strain as a hunting target, with trade as one means of acquisition.

Seeing Sanbica's potential and the possibilities for her future, Luo quietly changed his attitude and dismissed the idea of driving her away.

He looked at Sanbica, not responding to her request but instead asking, "You should know that G1 and G2 viruses are narcotics. So, what motivates you to want these cases of G2 virus?"

Just by touching the viral liquid, Sanbica could discern its structural characteristics, seemingly possessing analytical capabilities akin to those of instruments, a point of curiosity for Luo.

Hearing Luo's question, Sanbica changed her usual approach, hesitating instead of responding directly.

This question involved her Nen, which was not easily answered.

If it were about her measurements, age, hobbies, or even the color and style of her underwear, she would answer without hesitation to obtain the virus.

However, Nen, with its myriad and unknown effects, appeared daunting. For any Nen user, the effects of their Nen are considered a secret, not to be shared lightly.

Seeing Sanbica's hesitation, Luo's gaze hardened slightly as he lightly asked, "Is it that hard to answer?"

"If I say it's to save people, would you believe me?" Sanbica, not wanting to reveal her Nen, sidestepped the issue to address the motive directly.

She wasn't lying; any virus in her hands could become a tool for saving lives. However, without revealing her Nen, her statement lacked persuasive power.

"I don't believe it." Luo might have believed it if it were just about the virus, but he was not easily convinced when narcotics were involved.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it." Sanbica, covering her head, showed frustration under her mask. After a moment, she shifted focus, saying, "I am a doctor!"

"Oh?" Luo, slightly surprised, immediately followed up, "Related to your Nen?"

"Yes, my Nen…" Sanbica nodded unconsciously, ready to explain her Nen but quickly stopped herself.

"I don't mind if you continue," Luo said, showing a hint of regret.

"Are you going to exchange or not!" Sanbica, unable to continue, glared at Luo, somewhat angry.

Luo shook his head, "No exchange, unless I know what your Nen is. I'm quite curious, how do you… use viruses to save


"If you were a Nen user, would you reveal your Nen that easily?" Sanbica fixed her gaze on Luo.


Luo smiled slightly, raising his index finger and forming a basketball-sized transparent sphere at the tip, which he flicked towards a green box nearly shattered by bullets.

The transparent sphere left Luo's fingertip, landing on the box ten meters away, silently slicing it into dozens of pieces.

Sanbica, witnessing this, felt relieved she hadn't chosen to forcefully take it.

"This is my Nen, useful for chopping vegetables," Luo explained seriously.

Taken literally, it wasn't just for chopping vegetables but also for 'dicing' tonight's 'dishes.'

"These bodies on the ground didn't die like that," Sanbica glanced at the numerous bodies, having witnessed the demise of both groups.

"Don't mind such minor details. Come on, tell me about your Nen." Luo took a step forward.

Seeing Luo step forward, Sanbica instinctively stepped back, weighing whether to give up on the G2 virus and find another method or to reveal a bit of her Nen like Luo did.

"If I tell you, will you give me the G2 virus?" Sanbica asked.

Luo paused, then said lightly, "That depends on your answer."

If Sanbica's Nen was special and related to saving lives, she was undoubtedly a talent not to be missed.

After hesitating, Sanbica finally said, "I can control viruses and use them to save people. That's my Nen."

She didn't elaborate, simply stating the key point like Luo.

Not only could she control viruses, but she could also analyze and merge them… and her body, unlike that of ordinary people, harbored many special viruses.

These details, she wouldn't disclose.

In simpler terms, Sanbica's Nen resembled the Gu from Miaojiang, and her body was the vessel for the Gu.

"Controlling viruses…"

Luo stroked his chin, pondering the feasibility of controlling viruses and the connection between controlling them and saving lives. He even wondered if his God's Hand could achieve the same.

Inspiration is one thing, but implementation is another, and Sanbica was a rare textbook example.

So, should he let her go?


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