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Chapter 97: Sanbica Norton

The girl who suddenly appeared was an enigma, with bizarre actions and words, seemingly not affiliated with the mafia.

Although Luo had slain hundreds tonight, he was no murderous fiend, not to the point of attacking this girl without reason.

Curbing the murderous intent festering in his thoughts, Luo watched the girl closely. Regardless of whether her warning to stay away from the virus was well-intentioned, the timing of her appearance alone warranted caution.


Seeing Luo still standing there dumbfounded, the girl became urgently frustrated and ran towards the bullet-ridden box.

If the threat Luo faced wasn’t the virus, she surely wouldn't have bothered interfering.

"Hmm?" Finally, Luo moved, stepping back, not to distance himself from the so-called virus, but to put space between himself and the girl.

As the girl rushed over, Luo immediately sensed an aura fluctuation from her, indicating she was a Nen user. Had it not been for her lack of hostility, Luo’s first reaction would not have been to retreat but to counterattack.

"This girl..."

Retreating over ten meters, Luo observed the girl, who was exuding aura, with a calm demeanor. She didn’t seem weak.

Among the five he had casually killed earlier, one was a Nen user, barely at the level of a third-rate Hunter, not worth his attention. This girl, however, definitely possessed the capabilities of a second-rate Hunter.

Quickly approaching the shot-through box, the girl didn’t make any noticeable movements but suddenly let out a sound of puzzled surprise.


She glanced at Luo with a look of confusion.

"What?" Feeling the girl’s puzzled gaze, Luo was perplexed.

Her timing of appearance, her actions and words, and her urging him to stay away from the virus while she approached it herself - everything about her screamed oddity.

"Sorry, I was mistaken, this virus doesn’t have the capability to spread through the air," the girl suddenly apologized to Luo.

Luo fell silent, feeling as though he was watching a stranger talking to herself.

Seeing Luo not responding, the girl felt somewhat uncomfortable, cooling down the atmosphere.

Luo couldn't confirm if the girl was an enemy but saw no malice from her so far.

After a moment, he stared intently at the girl and asked tentatively, "Who are you? What’s your purpose here?"

Even if she wasn’t an enemy, he couldn’t let her stay.

"My name is Sanbica Norton."

The girl took out a Hunter License from her pocket, showing it to Luo for him to see, then honestly answered, "I’m a Virus Hunter, here for the G1 virus."

Luo's mouth twitched slightly, having only asked tentatively, not expecting this girl named Sanbica to not only answer truthfully but also reveal her identity.

"The information and stock related to the G1 virus have been destroyed, there’s nothing here for you, so you can leave," recognizing Sanbica’s Hunter License, Luo, preferring to avoid further issues, directly told her to leave.

This was his first encounter with a formal Hunter, but he knew well that regardless of age or gender, a Hunter would go to great lengths to capture their prey.

"If it's already destroyed, then never mind," Sanbica said regretfully, seeming to easily believe Luo's words.

Luo rubbed his forehead, thinking this girl seemed a bit naïve.

"But can I take these G2 viruses? These aren’t yours, right?"

Sanbica put away her Hunter License, then suddenly turned her back to Luo, took off her gloves, revealing pale, vein-lined hands, and touched the unknown liquid leaking from the box.

Exposing her back to a stranger without discernible hostility, especially after showing her license, could be seen as either naïvely charming or foolish.

What is a Hunter License? Simply presenting it at a bank allows one to cash out a hundred million Jenny without identity verification, and that’s just the minimum value. On the black market, buyers willing to pay billions exist.

Any sufficiently greedy individual would not hesitate to attack Sanbica when she's unguarded, enticed by the valuable Hunter License.

Luo was well aware of the value of a Hunter License but wasn’t the greedy type, so he wouldn’t attack Sanbica over it.

"This box contains the G2 virus?"

He frowned upon hearing Sanbica's words. The G2 virus was destroyed by Kenda before any clinical trials, how could it be here, especially brought by an enemy?

"This is just my hypothesis, but... we can confirm it soon."

Sanbica's eyes twinkled as she focused her aura on her hand.

Luo focused his aura in his eyes to watch Sanbica’s actions, only seeing her condense aura in her hand and slightly envelop the suspected G2 virus liquid on the ground, without any further action.

After a moment of no apparent activity, San

bica withdrew her hand, put her gloves back on, and turned to Luo, stating earnestly, "It's somewhat different from the G1 virus, but the structural characteristics match. This should be the G2 virus."

"That’s impossible," Luo countered immediately.

"Why impossible?" Sanbica asked, puzzled.

Luo remained silent for a while, then calmly stated, "I’m not obligated to answer you."

Sanbica didn’t mind, earnestly saying, "I trust my Nen. This is indeed the G2 virus."

Her statement wasn’t a "judgment" but based on Nen... meaning Sanbica determined the result through the effects of Nen, not merely knowledge or experience, which was more convincing.

Since it was based on Nen, Luo somewhat believed Sanbica’s words, although he had seen the G2 virus destroyed by Kenda before its release. But who knows if the person who developed the G2 virus might have leaked the information.

If there was any possibility, the extinction of the G2 virus couldn’t be certain.

"Whether you believe it or not, I’m taking these G2 viruses," Sanbica stated earnestly.

"What if I don’t allow it?" Luo asked.

"The people were killed by you, but the items aren’t yours," Sanbica hurriedly said.

Luo responded indifferently, "Then, these items should rightfully be my spoils of war."

Sanbica paused, then said dejectedly, "That makes sense. And you're very powerful; I can’t beat you."

Implicitly, she couldn’t take the G2 virus by force or rightfully claim it.

In truth, if not for Luo appearing strong, she wouldn’t have bothered talking and would have taken the G2 virus and fled.

But soon, Sanbica thought of another way and suggested to Luo, "If you’re willing, I can buy it."

"Uninterested," Luo flatly refused.

"How can you be like this…"

Disappointed, Sanbica paused, then brightened up, pulling out her Hunter License again, "I can trade it for them!"

Her idea was simple: if neither force nor trade worked, she’d exchange the license for the G2 virus, planning to take back the license once she became stronger than Luo.

Such a notion was either foolish or naïve.

Luo, seeing Sanbica showing the license again, was speechless at the naivety of this sweet girl.


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