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Chapter 96: Epilogue

In terms of individual capability, Nen abilities remain a boundary ordinary people find insurmountable.

Despite the absolute advantage in numbers, and the formidable power amassed from firearms and rocket launchers, Luo managed to kill over a hundred people in less than a minute of showing up, leaving the rest terrified.

Among the sixty-plus people who abandoned their weapons and fled, nine were leaders. Their habit of standing at the back saved their lives, but only temporarily.

Carrying a fear close to despair, they ran out of the house, which resembled a castle, as if it harbored an extremely terrifying entity.

The arrival of five individuals, following the orders of a young man, caught them by surprise upon witnessing this scene.

Based on their assessment, the mafia alliance, supplied with rocket launchers by their boss, should have already eliminated Barney's remnants and then occupied the house to start looting.

However, the reality before their eyes was starkly different from their expectations. The mafia members running out of the house wore faces marked by fear, their expressions as they fled seemed as if they wished they had an extra leg.

The image of the event happening on the spot was transmitted back to the hotel through the equipment carried by the subordinates in real-time.

The young man seated on the sofa, upon seeing this scene, was also taken aback.


Except for the leader, a middle-aged man who made no move, the other four immediately raised their submachine guns, aiming at the fleeing mafia members, ready to fire upon command.

The mafia members, scared witless by Luo, had managed to run out of the house; even seeing the armed posture of the five outsiders, they showed no intention of stopping.

They wanted nothing more than to escape from the deadly threat behind them, not even five armed strangers could deter this thought.

Seeing the mafia members, resembling dogs that had lost their homes, showing no sign of stopping, the middle-aged man's face darkened slightly. He was about to order his companions to cripple their limbs when suddenly, the situation took an unexpected turn.

The fleeing mafia members, after running about a dozen steps in their frantic escape, gradually came to a stop and then, without any warning, fell to the ground, lifeless.

Their faces, marked by fear, were almost distorted as they fell.

The sudden silent collapse caught the four gunmen off guard.

The middle-aged man, knowledgeable in Nen, changed his expression instantly. When the mafia members suddenly fell dead, he sensed a powerful wave of Nen emanating from the house, a force so strong that it was beyond his capability to contend with.

A Virus Hunter, hidden in the shadows, also detected the Nen wave coming from the house. Beneath the mask, a face revealed a moment of gravity.

This Nen wave, along with the bizarre scene of over sixty people dropping dead without reason, indicated that the unknown Nen user inside the house was very powerful, far beyond what the middle-aged man could compare to.

"Should we give up..."

The Virus Hunter hesitated.

Hunters, when they set their sights on their prey, always go to great lengths to obtain it. The original obstacle was only a seemingly not-so-strong middle-aged man, but now there was an unexpectedly powerful figure emerging.

After a moment of hesitation, the desire for the unknown virus took precedence, driving the Virus Hunter, whose eyes were the only part visible, to decide not to give up and continue to observe.

She was only interested in the virus and related data, not wanting to harm anyone else.

The Virus Hunter made the decision to stay, while the middle-aged man, without much hesitation, decided to retreat.

"Something's wrong..." However, before he could even utter the word "retreat," Luo, unarmed, stepped out of the house and approached them.

The four companions, whose nerves were already on edge due to the bizarre turn of events, immediately aimed their guns at Luo, who had stepped out of the house.

"Take him down."

At this moment, a dispassionate male voice came through the earpiece, belonging to the young man in the hotel, who was also the boss of the five men present.

He was not on the scene and did not understand Nen, completely unaware of the oppressive feeling the middle-aged man experienced.

No matter how bizarre the scene before his eyes, no matter who the young man coming out of the house was, to eliminate unease, the decision was to deal with the opponent immediately.


Hearing the boss's order, the middle-aged man, wanting to retreat, felt his heartbeat suddenly accelerate and immediately voiced a protest, but it was too late.

The four companions had already pulled the trigger, and with the sound of gunfire, a barrage of bullets flew towards Luo.

"The last five people, huh..."

As Luo stepped out of the house, he had already withdrawn his domain. When the bullets were fired at him, he once again made them halt and hover

in front of him.

The four gunmen, having emptied their magazines, were stunned to see all the bullets mysteriously stop in front of Luo.

Luo extended his hand towards the hovering bullets, and a surge of energy from his palm propelled the bullets at high speed towards the five men.

The four gunmen had no time to react before they were hit by over a hundred bullets, turning into sieves and dying on the spot.

The middle-aged man, being a Nen user, was alert the moment Luo extended his hand. When the bullets returned fire, he quickly grabbed a green box and then crouched down, attempting to block the bullets with the box.

However, when the bullets hit the box, the middle-aged man's eyes immediately showed despair.

It was a thought faster than the bullets that emerged in his mind, telling him: death was certain.

The large, heavy, and solid box was easily penetrated by the bullets before they entered the body of the middle-aged man, wrapped in Nen.


With bullets entering his body, the middle-aged man's body shook and he fell, following his companions, turned into a sieve and dying on the spot.

The bullets that struck them were not pointed end first but the flat base, yet they could penetrate the box, indicating significant penetrative power.


The seemingly heavy box fell to the ground before the middle-aged man's body, making a dull sound, almost disintegrating.

The G2 virus liquid stored in the box leaked out, turning into a colorless gas upon contact with the air and dispersing into the surroundings.

Luo, unaware of this, slowly walked towards the five bullet-riddled bodies, seemingly the last of his enemies.

"Don't get close to the bodies."

At that moment, a very clear and pleasant female voice came from the bushes on one side.

Hearing this voice, Luo's expression changed, and he instinctively stopped. Before the voice, he hadn't noticed anyone else in the yard.

Following the voice, he saw a girl of similar height to himself, fully covered, with only her eyes visible. Judging by her voice and height, she seemed to be quite young.

"What do you mean?" Luo turned to look at this unknown person, his eyes filled with caution.

"The stuff in the box is a virus!" The girl's tone was urgent.

Hearing the girl's words, Luo's expression changed slightly, but he did not move.

"Stay away, will you?"

Seeing Luo standing still, the girl, perhaps out of some emotion, spoke with even more urgency and concern.


In a top-floor room of a nine-star hotel, the young man's wine glass fell from his hand onto the carpet as he stared at the screen displaying static, utterly shocked.

He had given the order to kill Luo, and in less than ten seconds, his five capable subordinates were taken out by Luo, too quickly for him to believe, still unable to react.

The device connected to the video feed was also damaged by bullets, so he couldn't see what happened next.

"Boss, we need to leave this place as soon as possible," the middle-aged man standing next to the young man calmly suggested.

"Why?" The young man's eyes trembled slightly.

"This boy is very dangerous," the middle-aged man replied calmly.

The young man fell silent upon hearing this.

Dangerous? Did he really need to be reminded?


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