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Chapter 93: Transformation

As time slowly passed, from the moment Luo began his move, people entering the house successively fell in pools of blood.

Luo's advantage lay in his ability to see the positions of his enemies in the dark, along with being quite familiar with the mansion's environment, further aided by Kenda providing him with information through surveillance.

With these advantages, Luo was like a terrifying hunter lurking in the night, hiding, circling around, and launching surprise attacks...

With just a slight assistance of aura, using only a short sword, he dragged the enemies entering the house into a silent slaughter.

The main ambush site was on the first floor because the location of the surveillance room was right in the center of the first floor, while those enemies who went up to the higher floors managed to avoid the initial disaster.

"Number sixty-five."

Holding the short sword, Luo walked towards the front of the corridor, six headless bodies falling behind him.

"Luo, the enemy has begun to destroy the cameras," Kenda timely informed Luo.

The surveillance room displayed twenty-seven screens, arranged in a square, with the outer ring of screens turning into static, indicating that the enemy had begun to compress the search area, moving towards the center of the house.

Cameras would blink with a faint red light in the dark, easily exposing their location, and the enemies noticing the cameras would shoot them down with a single shot.


Luo responded in a low voice, swinging his sword-holding arm to the right, flinging the blood from the blade onto the wall, and moving towards the next target.

Over three hundred people had entered the house, and more than sixty had been reduced in number. This smooth progression was also because the higher floors of the house dispersed the enemies right from the start.

But it wouldn't take long before those who found nothing on the higher floors would come down, eventually concentrating on the first floor. With the increase in numbers, Luo's pressure would grow, and the enemy's search efficiency would correspondingly increase.

In the courtyard.

"What a bunch of trash."

The man using the megaphone to persuade surrender muttered in anger upon hearing the reports from his subordinates.

Dozens of people dead without even a glimpse of the enemy – what was this?

This person was one of the nine major leaders, the most powerful among them. He was visibly displeased, as were the other leaders.

With such a clear numerical advantage, but no bit of good news, instead continuously finding the bodies of their own people, it was like facing a ghostly enemy...

If not for the fear of destroying valuable items left by Barney, they would have burned down the house long ago, avoiding such cautious measures. However, this very caution provided Luo with opportunities.

As the members of the mafia began to compress the area inside the house, getting closer to the location of the surveillance room, the area in which Luo could operate gradually became smaller, making it increasingly difficult to act.

If not for the need to consider Kenda and others, giving him enough time, he could completely kill this group of people in silence under the cover of darkness.

"Just a bit more time, and after the Nen abilities are unsealed, it won't be so troublesome."

Luo thought silently, stealthily approaching a team of five from behind, finding the right moment to suddenly attack, easily slaying these five people.

At the same moment, Luo suddenly sensed danger, his feet bursting with aura, leaping to the left.

As he moved, dense gunfire erupted in the corridor, the light from the muzzle flashes illuminating the space, with countless high-temperature bullets flying towards him, turning the five bodies, yet to fall to the ground, into a hive of bullets.

"That's ruthless."

Luo narrowly avoided the barrage, hiding in the dark, indifferently observing the five bodies torn apart by bullets, then stepped back, completely vanishing into the darkness.

Destroying the outer cameras prevented Luo from controlling the overall field of vision, then using unaware companions as bait to look for opportunities to attack.

Judging from the timing of the gunfire, the enemy didn't consider the safety of those five from the start, aiming to take out Luo along with those five companions.

"Starting to counterattack, huh? Good."

As Luo moved through the darkness, as long as the enemy attempted to counterattack, their search efficiency would decrease. Just drag out a bit more time, and once Nen abilities were unsealed, there would be no need for sneaking around.

Even though... this experience of gradually whittling away the enemy without injury wasn't too bad.

The mafia members began to counterattack, but Luo did not stop his hunting actions.

Time passed by every minute and second, and more and more people fell, soon to break through the hundred-person mark, meaning Luo had nearly killed a hundred people during this period.

Even during wartime, achieving a hundred kills was difficult, let alone in peacetime.

Without actually doing it, Luo never imagined that one day, he himself would become a serial killer capable of a hundred-person slaughter.

There was no need to comfort himself with the excuse of self-defense, nor was it necessary.

Believing these people deserved to die, killing them was just that, and Luo felt not the slightest guilt.

With each swing of his sword, another body fell, and as the number of fallen increased, he gradually became accustomed to it, having long accepted this outcome.

Unable to flush out the enemy, while continuously losing manpower, the mafia members present began to feel uneasy.

This house, swallowed by darkness, was like the gaping maw of a monster, endlessly devouring those who entered.

Among the nine leaders, someone cursed and grabbed a rocket launcher, firing it towards a corner of the house.

The rocket, trailing flames, hit the second floor of the house, exploding with a loud bang. Walls collapsed, glass shards were blown away by the blast wave, and the explosion left behind surging flames.

The other leaders, seeing this, said nothing, feeling irritated at the moment, wishing they could just demolish this building.

After firing one rocket, the person didn't stop there and loaded another rocket.

"Enough, calm down." When the person was about to fire a third rocket, the other leaders immediately intervened.

What a joke, firing a couple of rockets to vent was fine, but demolishing the house, not to mention their men inside, would mean burning valuable items, turning their efforts into a complete waste.

Stopped by the others, the person didn't insist, casually handing the rocket launcher to a subordinate, coldly looking towards the large house now emitting flames from several spots.

The bad news was the continuous loss of life, but the good news was corralling the enemy into a smaller area, although it was done with a pile of bodies.

The explosions caused by the two rockets shook the house twice, startling the mafia members inside, who then heightened their alertness and continued to compress the area.

Luo didn't care much, continually attacking the mafia members.

Twenty minutes passed, and under Luo's increasingly adept hunting techniques, the mafia members finally reduced by half, but they also compressed the search area right in front of the surveillance room.

When the area was compressed to a certain extent, Luo lost his hunting ground, but his Nen abilities had already been unsealed, no longer needing to rely on stealth attacks to deal with the enemy.

"Just in time... to catch them all in one net!"

Luo's eyes sparkled with a sharp light as he walked towards the surveillance room. Decorative items around him, still some distance away, silently shattered into fine particles.

As he made his way there, all the decorative items along the way, even a painting hanging on the wall, were mercilessly turned into particles.

This was Luo's attempt after his transformation, retreating all the way back to the surveillance room, having destroyed quite a few items.

The terrifying aspect of an average value of 20%... was just right to try on these people, killing them with the ability of God's Hand, without the need to add pages of burden.

"The power can be turned on now."

Entering the surveillance room, Luo's demeanor was calm, his first words were to have Kenda turn on the power.

Before all the cameras were destroyed, Kenda had witnessed Luo killing over a hundred enemies, and by now, he was deeply convinced. The two who stayed in the surveillance room looked at Luo as if they were looking at a monster.

With the power restored, the mafia members who had roughly identified the key locations were taken aback.

Those outside, seeing this, did not hesitate to walk towards the house.

In less than an hour, losing over a hundred people, and still not knowing what the enemy looked like. Fortunately, having identified the key location, even without turning on the lights, they could deal with the remaining stragglers.

More than two hundred people converged outside the surveillance room.

The temperamental leader, holding a rocket launcher, fired a rocket at the door of the surveillance room.


Amongst the explosion, many laughed out loud.

As long as the last of the stragglers were wiped out, they could start dividing the spoils.

After all the mafia members entered the house, two uninvited groups arrived outside.


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