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Chapter 92: Hunters and Prey

The Barney estate spans an area akin to a castle, with an internal structure that is far from clear-cut. It houses numerous rooms and corridors that weave in every direction, its height ranging between three to four stories.

Without carrying large lighting equipment, the gang leaders found it challenging to quickly locate the remaining "rats" once the lights in the house went out, despite having a significant number of people.

Over three hundred individuals entered the dark house from various entrances, intending to conduct a thorough search to find the power source and deal with any remaining individuals.

Some of them carried small flashlights, typically used in conjunction with handguns, which proved to be somewhat useful now. However, most were left to search in the dark, grouping in twos and threes, straining their eyes in the prolonged darkness.

On this cloudless night, even though it was only a crescent moon, the light was not too dim. Rooms and corridors near windows were bathed in moonlight. Luo, after obtaining a short sword, steered clear of areas lit by the moon and vanished into the shadows.

There was less than half an hour left before his Nen abilities would be unsealed. During this time, he had to prevent the enemies from approaching the central monitoring room of the house.

Luo leaned against the wall at a corner of a corridor, his form hidden in the darkness, invisible without any light source.

He gripped his short sword, his eyes gleaming coldly.

The enemies had no intention of leaving any survivors, meaning his only option was to eliminate all of them.

"About four hundred or so…"

Luo sighed softly. Since the enemies were after their lives, he wouldn't hold back. However, facing more than four hundred individuals alone before his Nen abilities were unsealed was a daunting challenge.

A murderous intent, unknown to the enemies, began to stir within him, and Luo commenced his action.

In the outer corridors, four gang members coordinated with each other, groping their way through the darkness.

They moved quietly, always listening for any sounds around them. Despite assuming there were not many people left in the mansion, caution was paramount.

Among the four, one held a gun in one hand and a lighter in the other, providing a faint source of light that was better than nothing.

After spending a long time in the dark, a person's eyes could adjust to see vaguely. However, without a light source, vision was limited to shadows. Even with a lighter, the illuminated area was only a few meters.

A lighter could light the way but also revealed one's position, highlighting the difference between a lighter and a flashlight.

From a safe distance, Luo targeted this group based on the weak light from the lighter.

Now, he could use Ren, but couldn't go all out.

By concentrating a small amount of aura in his eyes, he could see the positions of his enemies in the darkness.

The intruders, being ordinary people, constantly leaked aura, marking their positions for Luo in the dark.

Utilizing the differences in visibility, he planned to execute a hunt. However, with the number of people entering unpredictable and many carrying lighters or even flashlights, action had to be taken against these individuals first.

Luo decided to target those using lighters for illumination first, sending a message: those using lighters would die quicker.

When the enemies realized they shouldn't use lighters carelessly to reveal their positions, Luo would shift his focus to those using flashlights.

The four gang members were unaware that someone lurking in the dark had set their sights on them. As they turned a corner, a sudden breeze extinguished the flame of the lighter.


The sudden plunge into darkness caused them to pause, and before they could react, a chill swept across their necks, and their vision bizarrely floated upwards as if they had taken flight.

Luo, holding his short sword, crossed their bodies, decapitating them with swift strikes as he passed by.

The sound of blood gushing from their necks filled the darkness, followed by the dull thud of bodies hitting the floor, alerting other enemies nearby.

Before striking, Luo crouched to stay below the trajectory of gunfire, minimizing the risk of being hit by stray bullets even if his beheading attempt failed.

The short sword he picked up in the house was sharp enough, and with a bit of aura wrapped around it, cutting through their necks felt as easy as slicing through tofu.

After dealing with the four, Luo didn't immediately leave, waiting for the next group attracted by the noise.

Despite the limited visibility preventing Luo from seeing the heads fly, a ripple of satisfaction spread through him.

"There's some noise over there, let's check it out."

A team not far from him approached following the sound. This team, without flashlights and using only lighters for illumination, extinguished their lighters before getting closer.

Using a lighter in this long, dark corridor was like being a target, practically shouting one's location to the enemy.

This team consisted of seven people, proceeding with caution: four in the front and three in the back, inching toward the location of the bodies.

Luo glanced at them and quickly discerned their strategy: the four in front acted as bait, while the three in the back were the real threat.

After identifying their formation, Luo's figure vanished into the darkness.

"There's a smell of blood, everyone be alert." The one who first detected the scent of blood tensed up, their movements becoming even more cautious.

A team would usually move in groups of three, but the fact that these victims hadn't managed to fire a single shot before dying indicated that their assailant was formidable.

The four leading men raised their guns, ready to fire at any sound, regardless of whether it was friend or foe.

Soon, the seven-member squad neared the location of the corpses, with the leading person stepping into the pooled blood.

"It's blood, a lot of it." The person who stepped in it immediately alerted the others, then without hesitation, began firing into the darkness ahead.

"Da da da..."

The muzzle flash provided continuous light, revealing the four headless bodies and the spreading pool of blood on the ground, as well as the empty corridor ahead. This action not only allowed them to see clearly but also served as a warning to others entering the mansion.

If lucky, they might even hit an enemy lurking in the shadows.

Luo, who had already circled behind this group, frowned slightly upon seeing the leading man's action. The enemies weren't mere animals waiting to be slaughtered; they wouldn't remain idle before he struck.

Had he not circled around, the gunfire would have directly thwarted his ambush.

"The eleventh."

Luo steadied his spirit, counting the number in his mind before making a move, as if he had already listed these seven people in the book of life and death.

He crept behind the three rear members, finding the right trajectory, surged forward, and with a flurry of movements, his short sword swiftly decapitated the three.

After crossing their bodies, he quickened his pace without making a sound, approaching the four in front as the three headless corpses slowly collapsed to the ground.


The sound of the bodies hitting the floor startled the four in front, who turned around in shock, feeling a breeze pass by their skin, puzzled.

They intended to pull the trigger, but their firearms remained silent.

With this inexplicable question lingering, their heads soared into the air.

After decapitating these four, Luo leaped forward, crossing over the blood without getting too much on himself.

Leaving eleven corpses behind, any slight discomfort Luo initially felt when decapitating his enemies had now vanished.

This night hunt might produce hundreds of souls, turning into a wealth of experience, hardening Luo's heart like steel for future killings.

The sound of gunfire echoing through the mansion ceased along with the falling bodies, swallowed by silence.

An invisible aura of lethality now enveloped the entire estate.

At this moment, everyone who had entered the mansion failed to realize that they had shifted from being hunters to becoming the prey.


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