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Chapter 91: The Struggle of a Trapped Beast

Atop the mountain.

After witnessing the explosion caused by the rocket launcher, a young man with blond hair whistled excitedly and chuckled, "The boss's rocket launcher is showing its power."

"It's time to move," the leader, a middle-aged man, put down his binoculars and turned to walk back down the mountain path they came from.

The other four individuals promptly lifted a green box and followed behind the middle-aged man.

Inside the house.

Despite being unclear about the current situation, Luo had a rough idea through the content broadcasted from the loudspeakers.

With about an hour left until the unsealing, careful handling should pose no problem.

"We suffered a loss this time, must be more careful next time. But opportunities like this are rare, even museum exhibits probably don't have as many as Barney," Luo shifted his attention from the white smoke letters in his consciousness, cherishing the chance to boost his average by 13%.

Luo was unaware that ancient artifacts imbued with Nen were rare. Even among Barney's 128 collectibles, it was lucky to have so many special items.

That is, finding another collector with over a hundred collectibles might not yield ten special items imbued with Nen.

After leaving the room, Luo moved to the corridor, aiming for a higher floor to scout the situation.

Outside the house, the man with the loudspeaker wasn’t idle amidst persuasion efforts, launching several more rockets, destroying part of the house, and killing about a dozen people hiding behind barriers.

Hearing the explosions, Luo frowned, walking while opening communication with Kenda.

"How's the situation?"

After a moment, Kenda's voice, gritting teeth, came through the headset, "Don't know where they got those rocket launchers from, we might not hold much longer. The worst part is they're using the rocket launchers' intimidation to persuade our people to defect."

"Can't you stop them?" Luo asked.

"I'm afraid not," Kenda replied grimly.

Once the chance of victory was completely extinguished, surrendering seemed the only natural outcome.

Kenda had no reason to surrender, but his subordinates were different, especially since he was now disabled, with mere words being utterly unconvincing.

"I'll check the situation, keep the communication open."

Luo wasn’t as pessimistic as Kenda, wanting to first check the outside situation from the third floor.

"Luo, has your Nen recovered?" Kenda asked hopefully at that moment.

"Not yet," Luo responded.

In the control room, Kenda sighed deeply, then focused on the surveillance screens, continuing to verbally deter his subordinates' thoughts.

However, no matter how hard Kenda tried to persuade, the enemy's subsequent rocket launcher barrages proved more convincing.

The seventy-plus people hiding behind barriers, under the onslaught of the rocket launchers coupled with verbal persuasion, gradually wavered.

Seeing no hope in defense, surrender seemed the only option, at least it offered a chance to live.

As this thought emerged, one person took the lead, dropping their gun, raising their hands, and walking towards the enemies outside, shouting, "I surrender, don't kill me!"

"That's the way to do it," the man with the loudspeaker laughed heartily.

As one led, others followed, each dropping their weapons and walking out from the house, all in the name of survival.

Luo, from a room on the third floor, peeked out the window to vaguely see a group surrounding the house. It was impossible to determine their number, but Kenda's men were gradually coming out, choosing surrender to save their lives.

Kenda's frantic voice came through the headset, unable to stop his colleagues from exiting the house.

Soon, the last line of defense, the seventy-plus individuals, all came outside, raising their hands high facing the enemies.

Luo silently observed this scene. Making such a choice was understandable. Who wouldn't choose to live if possible? That these people had held out till now was commendable enough.

After all, with Barney dead and Kenda disabled, these men didn’t covet Barney's inheritance but fought valiantly this night. What more could be asked of them?

"The unsealing time hasn't arrived, my Nen is unstable, rash resistance would only end tragically," Luo thought silently.

Outside, the man with the loudspeaker, seeing Barney's remnants walking out, flashed a hint of coldness in his eyes, but spoke in a gentle tone, "Smart choice, congratulations on living. As for those who haven’t surrendered, I’ll give you three more minutes. Time waits for no one."

Hearing this, those who chose to surrender breathed a sigh of relief internally, thinking it made no difference whom they worked for, as long as they could live.

The three minutes felt incredibly long.

Those still in the house had actually all left,

leaving only Kenda in the control room, Elly in a separate compartment, and two trusted aides.

"Luo, what do we do now?" Even if Kenda wasn’t disabled, he would feel utterly powerless, let alone now that he couldn't even hold a gun.

For Luo, this was also an unavoidable peril. However, he had one advantage in such situations: he remained exceptionally calm.

Whether it was fighting with Cook, facing dangers with the Elders, or that night's battle in the rainy alley, it was no different now.

"Don't rush,"

Luo calmly replied.

After three minutes passed, the man with the loudspeaker, seeing no one else coming out of the house, coldly smiled.

"Those who surrendered, we’re all from the same world. There was originally no need to eliminate you, but this time is a special case, sorry."

As his words fell, the faces of the seventy-plus individuals changed drastically.

"Da da da…!"

The crowd surrounding them opened fire, the merciless bullets weaving a barrage that was impossible to dodge, covering the seventy-plus individuals.

The desperate screams echoed in the night sky for a moment but were quickly drowned out by gunfire. Blood burst from the bodies in the courtyard as bullets tore through, felling them to the ground.

Unlike the previous battle, this was a one-sided massacre.

Seeing this, Kenda in the control room was stunned, closing his eyes in pain.

In a third-floor room, Luo's expression also darkened. If there was never an intention to spare them, using the rocket launcher from the start would have been simpler.

First, they gave them hope, then plunged them into the depths of despair.

The gunfire lasted for thirty seconds before ceasing, leaving a courtyard filled with corpses.

"Ha ha, Kenda, you're done for," came the triumphant laugh from the loudspeaker.

The speaking man casually discarded the loudspeaker, commanding everyone to enter the house, to kill on sight, leaving no one alive.

Upon receiving the order, over three hundred people moved towards the large house from different directions, leaving about thirty, including the nine united leaders.

Seeing this through the control room, Kenda fell into deep despair, instinctively looking towards the compartment where Elly was staying put.

"Kenda, don't touch the camera's power supply, turn off all other power sources."

Then, Kenda heard Luo's icy voice through the headset, grasping at it like a lifeline, immediately instructing his men to turn off the power.

"Luo, please, if they break in, they won't spare Elly," Kenda pleaded earnestly through the headset.

"Keep the communication open, I'll check in with you about the situation,"

Luo didn't directly respond, his expression ice-cold as he picked up a decorative, sharp dagger from the wall and headed outside the room.

If the enemy intended to thoroughly exterminate them, he wouldn't be courteous either.

What's the difference between ten lives and over four hundred?

At this moment, it's merely a matter of numbers...

Luo's body quietly emitted a chilling killing intent, a kind only those who have killed could possess.

After releasing the killing intent for a moment, he quickly suppressed it, knowing without being taught that letting killing intent leak would make it easy to be discovered.

With his Nen still sealed, he could only rely on the environment to fend off enemies.

One against four hundred, this was a battle of absolute numerical disadvantage.

In the courtyard, over three hundred people slowly approached the sprawling house from different directions.

As they were about to reach the various entrances, the house's lights suddenly went out, plunging into darkness.

The sudden change caused the three hundred plus individuals to instinctively halt their steps.

"The struggle of a trapped beast."

Seeing the house fall into darkness, the nine leaders waiting outside simultaneously sneered internally.

In their eyes, Kenda turning off the lights was merely delaying the inevitable death, the outcome would not change.


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