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Chapter 55: Nemesis

The Nen attached to the trash can was severed, disrupting Hisoka's subsequent plans. It was this, in particular, that made him regard Luo's God's Hand as his nemesis.

Close combat, a punch thrown.

This punch, moving from bottom to top, traced a powerful arc aiming for Luo's chin.

Normally, Hisoka would retract the thrown trash can to distract Luo, but since Bungee Gum was cut off, this plan was aborted.

Luo looked down at Hisoka's movements, his raised hands naturally pressing down on the uppercut coming his way, while also keeping an eye on Hisoka's other hand.

If Hisoka managed to attach Bungee Gum to any part of his body, it could pose a fatal danger. He had to be vigilant against this.

As their attacks were about to meet, Hisoka abruptly retracted his punch, slightly retreating, making Luo's pressing hands miss their mark.

However, Luo calmly stepped forward, his falling hands pushing towards Hisoka, who had stopped his attack. Suddenly, Hisoka squatted, quickly lowering his center of gravity, and then swept his leg towards Luo's lower body.

"Remove God's Hand's effect, gather more aura in the legs, resist Hisoka's sweep, and then quickly counterattack."

This thought flashed through Luo's mind as Hisoka's sweeping leg approached, but it was immediately dismissed.

The speed of transferring aura was too slow to support this thought.

Luo jumped to avoid Hisoka's sharp sweep. At that moment, as Hisoka's body turned, his hands pressed against the ground, lifting himself slightly, then he elbowed Luo in the abdomen with the back of his hand.


Luo was hit in the abdomen, flying out, his face reflexively showing pain.

The attacker often takes the initiative, moving faster in distributing aura.

Hisoka's backhand elbow was equivalent to dealing 100 points of damage, while Luo's defense in the abdomen was around 70 points, not causing serious internal injuries but still painful.

After landing the hit, Hisoka quickly adjusted his stance, stepping forward to pursue Luo as he landed, aiming to attack him upon landing.

Luo, who had been training for months, bore the pain, performing a flip in the air to land steadily as Hisoka approached.

He had just landed when he saw Hisoka, eager to attack, leaping forward, his right leg sweeping towards his left cheek.

"Don't get too greedy."

Luo, with a cold expression, extended his left hand lightning-fast, positioning it beside his cheek, with a white orb in his palm emitting a faint light.

This time, Hisoka couldn't retract his move. His right leg, wrapped in aura and packed with force, would touch the white orb before hitting Luo's cheek.

God's Hand activated instantly.


However, due to the significant amount of aura wrapped around Hisoka's right foot, Luo couldn't instantly overpower the aura's defense to detach Hisoka's right foot.

Before God's Hand's separation effect took place, it was necessary to first remove the aura's defense, creating a buffer time.

This not-so-short buffer time was not only a fatal flaw of God's Hand but also gave the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Once the aura was eliminated, a Nen user's attack would become a normal physical attack, struggling to inflict damage against an aura defense.

Luo easily grabbed Hisoka's right ankle, his gaze sharpening, ready to separate, when his body suddenly leaned towards Hisoka by half a body's length.

It was Bungee Gum...

Luo's expression changed slightly.

After the aura on Hisoka's right foot disappeared, he immediately made a decision.

He chose to abandon his right foot and attack from another angle, thus securing the victory.

Decisively abandoning his right foot, he controlled Bungee Gum with his left hand, attaching it to Luo's chest.

After doing so, he pulled forcefully, his right hand wrapped in a small amount of aura, performing a gymnastic move, punching Luo's chest as he leaned forward.

A muffled sound, Luo flew backward again, this time unable to adjust his posture, tumbling several times before stopping.

However, Luo wasn't idle as he flew and rolled to a stop.

He realized it was Bungee Gum, promptly severing the Nen Hisoka had attached to his chest.

After punching Luo away, it was an excellent opportunity for Hisoka to follow up, but upon landing, he made no further move.

Because the part below his right calf was gone, missing a foot, he couldn't rush to Luo lying on the ground at the fastest speed, but this wasn't the key point.

The key was that the Nen attached to Luo's chest was cut off again, severing Hisoka's subsequent attacks and strategies, also cutting off the victory established by that punch.

Luo's action and this outcome were decisive in the battle's outcome.

"Amazing, Luo."

Hisoka stood in a peculiar stance, looking at Luo slowly rising from the ground, and sincerely expressed his admiration.

Losing a right foot for the victory of this battle was inconsequential, but the decision to sacrifice it needed to create value far exceeding its equivalence.

The punch that hit Luo's chest almost pushed him to the cliff's edge, leaving him hanging by his fingers in a perilous situation.

At that moment, all Hisoka needed was to step on Luo's hands gripping the cliff's edge.

However, as he was about to extend his foot, Luo, taking advantage of the wind, leapt into the air, flipping over Hisoka's head to land behind him.

Thus, the situation was reversed, and now it was he who stood on the cliff's edge.

If the Nen attached to Luo's chest hadn't been severed so quickly, Hisoka could have easily inflicted another wound on Luo, such as... breaking his arms.

Unfortunately, there were no ifs.

The result of exchanging a foot was merely one punch, placing him at a complete disadvantage in the subsequent fight.

Luo took two punches from Hisoka, while Hisoka lost a right foot. Whether it was a gain or a loss was still up for debate.

"You've lost your right foot; you're definitely going to lose."

Luo, wiping the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, then held Hisoka's right foot in front of him.

"Truly the hand of a magician, so miraculous, so wonderful."

Hisoka, however, appeared nonchalant, looking down at his right leg missing the foot without bleeding, feeling no pain, and what was more miraculous...

He looked at the right foot in Luo's left hand, his slightly squinted eyes slowly opening, revealing an intrigued expression.


Luo was momentarily stunned, only to see the right foot from Hisoka begin to move, its toes playfully dancing.


Luo was speechless.

"Luo, perhaps you are indeed my nemesis."

Hisoka slightly tilted his head back, his eyelids trembling lightly as if savoring the moment of impending danger.

A nemesis, mostly because God's Hand could easily sever his Bungee Gum.

Hearing Hisoka's words, and seeing the enjoyment on his face, Luo felt a chill, his body involuntarily shivering.

He disdainfully tossed aside Hisoka's right foot.


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