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Chapter 51: Overturning Understanding

Releasing meaningless amounts of aura to crack the ground around him was a bad habit of Uvogin before starting a fight.

From being stationary to moving, the surging aura quickly gathers and covers his body, forming a strong defense and offense with Ken!

Charging forward, he raises his hand.

Fifty meters away, Uvogin slowly brings up his right fist, which begins to glow with a blood-red light, emitting a daunting presence. This was him using the Super Destructive Punch from the start.

The abundant aura wrapped around his fist was so clear that there was no need for Ren to see it.

"Super Destructive Punch..."

Watching Uvogin's right hand charged with aura, Luo's expression tightens. His understanding of the Super Destructive Punch was based on knowledge from decades later, naturally bringing a sense of dread.

However, he overlooked one fact: Uvogin wasn't the formidable Enhancer he would become decades later, so the current Super Destructive Punch wasn't unstoppable.

Of course, caution has its benefits.

This time, Luo didn't stand in place waiting for Uvogin to come close but instead retreated, thereby increasing the distance between them.

He saw the aura on Uvogin's right fist increasing and realized that when the aura reached a critical point, it would likely be released.

This was different from the original understanding of the Super Destructive Punch, but it didn't make Luo doubt the decision he made in that instant.

The transformations triggered by daily training and battles were evident at this moment.

After making the right judgment, Luo kept retreating while keeping an eye on Uvogin's movements.

As long as he kept increasing the distance, preventing Uvogin from getting close, it would force Uvogin to waste his meaningless aura.

Seeing Luo decisively increasing the distance, Uvogin frowns.

"Luo is too sharp, seeing that I haven't approached yet and gathering aura, he didn't hesitate to increase the distance. Does he see the flaw in my move?"

Uvogin started to gather aura from fifty meters away because he had just mastered the Super Destructive Punch and wanted to maximize its power by gathering aura in advance, a limitation he hadn't yet overcome.

In previous training battles, Luo would always stand in place waiting for him to get close, but this time he immediately retreated, perhaps because Luo had revealed his Super Destructive Punch.

Are you an idiot...

This thought suddenly crosses Uvogin's mind, then immediately extinguishes.

"Even if you increase the distance, you're retreating, and I'm advancing, I have the advantage in speed. If all else fails, I'll resort to the old method!"

With this thought, Uvogin steadies his mind and starts to close the distance between them at the fastest speed.

Forty meters...

Thirty meters...

Twenty meters...

These were the distances estimated by Uvogin.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

These were the seconds Luo silently counted as Uvogin gathered aura on his right fist.

When the aura reached a critical point, Uvogin, unable to get close, reluctantly reverted to the old method.

"It's over."

Uvogin shouts, thrusting his fist into the ground in front of him.


The ground shatters explosively, dust and smoke rise abruptly, and a massive amount of debris propelled by the force flies towards Luo, who is more than twenty meters away.

At this moment, the expressions of Nobunaga and Machi, who were watching the battle, change when Uvogin's fist hits the ground, even feeling the ground shake.

"Three seconds in total."

Luo calmly watches the flying debris, knowing dodging is meaningless against such quantity and that Ken's defense could easily withstand it, as long as he pays attention to Uvogin's follow-up attack.

This was Uvogin's old method, clear to Luo after nearly a hundred battles.

As the debris approaches, Luo continues to retreat, crossing his arms in front of him to create a small gap for vision.

Concentrating some of his aura on his eyes, he looks through the dust, completely ignoring the debris's lethal potential.

"Next, it'll probably come straight at me again, as expected. After throwing that punch, Uvogin will immediately start charging his second punch."

Puff, puff...

The debris hits Luo, turning into powder upon impact, causing no damage.

Even with the dust obscuring his vision, concentrating his aura on his eyes, thus employing Gyo, Luo clearly sees the aura fluctuations of Uvogin charging through the dust.

For Uvogin's tactic of breaking the ground with his fist and then obscuring the opponent's vision to find an opening, two conditions are required.

First, he must master the high-level Nen technique of In, approaching the target unnoticed.

Second, he needs to train his Super Destructive Punch to the point of near-instantaneous release, which would make In effective.

Currently, Uvogin lacks these two conditions.

Clearly seeing the aura fluctuations of Uvogin charging through the dust, the oppressive force Luo initially felt from Uvogin using the Super Destructive Punch is directly halved.

This battle, in reality, isn't fundamentally different from the previous ninety-nine battles, except for the addition of the Super Destructive Punch, which lowers Luo's margin for error.

Suddenly, Luo stops retreating and instead advances, charging through the debris towards the dust cloud.

Knowing that Uvogin needs three seconds to charge his Super Destructive Punch, he decides to close the distance before those three seconds are up.

"Here it comes!"

Luo's gaze sharpens, and he sees Uvogin emerging from the dust cloud, his right fist glowing red, but the aura isn't fully gathered, half less than the first punch.

Uvogin's aura gathering isn't complete, and because Luo actively closes the distance, their positions suddenly shift to close combat.

"Luo, you freak!"

Uvogin, seeing Luo right in front of him, angrily directs his still-gathering right fist straight towards Luo's face.

Luo smirks, prepared mentally, and reveals white orbs about the size of a basketball in his palm, pressing them closely together.

Then, he sidesteps, making a dodging maneuver, while twisting the white orbs in his palms towards Uvogin's straight right punch.

Separating Uvogin's right punch, directly weakening Uvogin's combat strength by fifty percent, was Luo's intention.

However, as they pass by each other, Uvogin's right punch remains intact.

This phenomenon startles Luo; he was certain his ability affected Uvogin's right fist and should have separated it, but there's no reaction.

Without time to ponder further, Luo performs a spinning kick, aiming at Uvogin's back.

Uvogin turns around in time to see Luo's kick coming but doesn't use his usual right hand to counter; instead, he uses his left hand to cover with aura, blocking Luo's flying kick.


With a muffled sound, Uvogin slides back several steps before stopping.

Luo lands and quickly retreats over ten meters, then checks the white orbs in his hands. Inside both orbs, a red aura swirls rapidly.

"What is this..."

Luo's expression shifts, then he becomes puzzled.

He didn't separate the fist but instead separated the aura gathered on Uvogin's fist?

At this moment, Uvogin is also puzzled, lifting his right hand. The aura gathered on his right fist disappears instantly, so he defensively used his left hand in haste.

Since it was a training battle, both are puzzled and refrain from continuing the attack, instead looking at each other, seeing the confusion in each other's eyes.

Luo suppresses his confusion, deactivates God's Hand ability, and the white orbs on his palms disappear instantly, along with the trapped red aura dissipating into the air.

After deactivating God's Hand, Luo conjures a book, opening it to the fifth page, which doesn't have Uvogin's name.

"Let's continue. If there are any doubts, we can discuss them after the fight is over."

Luo puts away the book, looking towards Uvogin, who still shows a puzzled expression.

Fortunately, this battle revealed information that overturned previous understanding.


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