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Chapter 200

In the past, Ling Chunann was often the one being cared for in numerous worlds, but he knew how to dress someone, much like a man had done for him countless times before. Quickly finding the knack, although not adept, he managed to dress the man successfully despite their frequent contact causing unavoidable physical reactions from Xiaohong Jing due to Ling Chunann's deliberate and accidental touches. Pretending not to notice the man's awkward attempts to cover up, Ling Chunann mentally told 098, "I'm satisfied that the main parts are fine."

"Would you like to have breakfast now?" After they had both washed up, the voice of Ying Jiu came from outside the door.

Sitting up straight, Xiaohong Jing pulled Ling Chunann to sit beside him and said, "Bring it in."

Ying Jiu and a few servants brought in the meal. Seeing Ling Chunann sitting together with Xiaohong Jing seemed to surprise him, but then he quickly lowered his head after catching Xiaohong Jing's glance, understanding that it was not their place to question their master's actions.

After serving breakfast, Ying Jiu led the servants away.

"I had the kitchen prepare these dishes, not sure if you'd like them," Xiaohong Jing handed chopsticks to Ling Chunann, "If not, we can change them later."

Ling Chunann had already noticed that the table was filled with his favorite dishes. The chefs here were naturally top-notch, far surpassing those in the Prince An's mansion, though Ling Chunann was notoriously picky.

"Don't like them?" Xiaohong Jing asked.

"Nothing tastes as good as you do," Ling Chunann replied.

098 warned, "Host, comments like that can easily get you mistaken for a cannibal. Besides, given the servants' reactions in this man's house, he's not someone to be trifled with. You've just met; don't be so bold!"

However, 098 only thought this to himself, daring not to voice it out. After all, this man showed no principles when dealing with the host.

Hearing Ling Chunann's words, Xiaohong Jing couldn't hide his joy, "If my treasure likes it, then feel free to bite anytime."

Ling Chunann didn't refuse, thanking him with a bright smile, "Thank you, Imperial Uncle."

"You can call me Hong Jing, or anything else," Xiaohong Jing said.

This was the first time Ling Chunann saw him resisting a title, which amused him, but he kept a straight face, "One must not mess up seniority."

"Alright, Imperial... Hong Jing," Ling Chunann finally couldn't hold back his laughter, finding the man too amusing.

After breakfast, Ying Jiu brought in ink, brush, paper, and inkstone. Once the ink was prepared, Ying Jiu left, and Xiaohong Jing did not move. Ling Chunann went to look at the stack of paper, "What's this for?"

"Just writing a few characters to pass time," Xiaohong Jing replied.

Ling Chunann doubted this, given the various scrolls on the bookshelf, but did not pursue further. Considering the man's physical condition, staying home and living an early retirement seemed normal, especially since he could play Go by himself for over a thousand moves.

Ling Chunann, having had some calligraphy training, knew he could write well enough not to need a double in dramas, but only in Chinese.

So when Ling Chunann picked up the brush, he knew what he would write.

It was a small habit of the body that couldn't be changed overnight. Staring at the two oddly shaped characters on the paper and about to try his calligraphy again, Xiaohong Jing's voice came from beside, "You hold the brush well, but your stroke is a bit too forceful."

Then Xiaohong Jing held Ling Chunann's hand from behind, "Like this, follow my movement and try writing two characters."

Xiaohong Jing's fingers were cold. Because of the height difference, his hand was much larger than Ling Chunann's, perfectly holding it steady.

Following Xiaohong Jing's force and angle, the characters they wrote together were indeed much more beautiful than those Ling Chunann could write alone.

They wrote several pages this way, and eventually, Ling Chunann sat on Xiaohong Jing's lap, letting him teach calligraphy while also using his healing abilities to care for Xiaohong Jing's body.

Initially, Ling Chunann worried Xiaohong Jing might have leg issues that couldn't bear weight, but after checking, he found the legs were fine. Xiaohong Jing was just weak due to a fierce poison in his body and his practice of internal energy, leading to his current condition.

Complete recovery required slowly drawing out the poison, otherwise, it could cause a fatal energy imbalance. That's why Ling Chunann found a way to be by Xiaohong Jing's side, knowing the man would not let him stay anywhere else unseen, especially not in his own house, given the potential danger.

As they continued writing, Ying Jiu quietly brought in tea, but upon seeing how close Ling Chunann and Xiaohong Jing were, and that Xiaohong Jing seemed pleased rather than repulsed by the intimacy, he accidentally spilled the teapot. Though he caught it before it broke, he scalded his hand, quickly left the room without them noticing, for the first time losing his composure.

"What happened, Ying Jiu? I heard you were bringing tea to the master. Why do you still have the pot? Did you spill it?" someone asked as Ying Jiu was lost in thought.

Startled, Ying Jiu jumped, "Could you make some noise when you walk?"

"When have I ever made noise?" Ying Qi replied. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Ying Jiu shook his head, "Are you here to report to the master? If it's not urgent, maybe wait until after lunch. The master is busy now."

"Busy? Isn't the master always in the mansion? How can he be busy?" Ying Qi was confused.

"Never mind, don't say I didn't warn you. I have to go," Ying Jiu hurried off, his steps uncharacteristically hurried.

After lunch and medicine, Ling Chunann yawned, feeling sleepy.

Though his physical condition was better than in the previous world, his constitution had not improved much. Without Prince An's support, in this martial world, he might be easily killed by any minor character.

"Feeling sleepy, my treasure?" Xiaohong Jing stroked Ling Chunann's hair.

Ling Chunann, moving closer into Xiaohong Jing's embrace, nestled himself comfortably and murmured, "Sleepy, stay with me."

With a light laugh, Xiaohong Jing pulled him closer, "Okay."

Ying Qi entered to find them in this tender scene, their usually inscrutable and stoic master tenderly holding a young boy in his arms, looking at him with a soft smile.

He must be dreaming.

Thinking this, Ying Qi retreated stiffly, still in disbelief.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Ying Jiu leaned against the wall outside, amusement in his eyes.

Still shocked, Ying Qi blurted out, "The master, he..."

"What about the master?"

"Has he been... replaced?" Ying Qi could think of no other explanation for the change.

Ying Jiu replied, "Ying Qi, you've become bolder, suspecting the master."

"How else could he... change so much?" Ying Qi asked.

Ying Jiu suggested, "I think the master has someone he cares for."

Considering Ying Jiu's words, Ying Qi was skeptical, "But isn't that a man?" Despite the young appearance, gender was not disguised.

"That's the heir from the neighboring Prince An's mansion," Ying Jiu revealed.

"What?" Ying Qi was astonished, having not recognized Ling Chunann, "Isn't the heir known for being a wastrel? How did he end up close with the master?"

"Shush," Ying Jiu cut him off, his expression serious, "Keep this quiet. The master letting us know shows trust and a warning that the heir is untouchable. Do you think the master would allow us in without knocking if it were otherwise?"

"Understood," Ying Qi calmed down, "I'll write a report for the master."


When Ling Chunann woke, it was already dark. His arms were still around Xiaohong Jing's neck, nearly lying on top of him. Perhaps due to Ling Chunann's healing ability constantly nourishing him, Xiaohong Jing looked better than when they first met.

However, because of the healing, Ling Chunann's energy was nearly depleted, leaving him even sleepier and hungrier than before. Blurrily looking at Xiaohong Jing, he kissed and licked his lips, finding no taste and about to try elsewhere when he was stopped by a hand on the back of his head, followed by something cold pressing against his teeth.

Ling Chunann responded instinctively for a while, until Xiaohong Jing's hand moved inside his pants, jolting him to full awareness due to the coldness of his hand.


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