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Chapter 52: Summoning

As long as the target's aura defense is sufficiently strong, even if God's Hand successfully hits, it cannot achieve separation. This might also be due to my own power still being too weak.

Because Uvogin's fist was enveloped in a large amount of aura, forming a cushioned zone, the instantaneous contact did not allow God's Hand to exhibit its intended effect.

This piece of information was unknown to Luo, as he had only used God's Hand in combat twice: once to kill Cook, and another time to sever Hisoka's aura.

Had he known this, Luo would not have directed the orb towards Uvogin's fist but rather towards his less aura-concentrated arm.

The battle continued.

Luo initiated the attack this time, with orbs the size of basketballs reappearing in his hands.

Uvogin instantly entered battle mode, seeing Luo charge towards him, and once again stimulated the aura in his right hand, preparing for his destructive punch.

"I won't give you the chance to gather strength."

In the blink of an eye, Luo covered a distance of over ten meters to face Uvogin.

The destructive punch doesn't need three seconds of aura gathering; even one second is sufficient, though the power would be reduced.

Seeing Luo approach, Uvogin didn't hesitate to throw a punch.

At that moment, Luo made a risky decision; he stacked his hands together, blocking Uvogin's punch.

To Uvogin's surprise, and to the astonishment of Machi and Nobunaga watching, they thought Luo had gone mad.


The expected scene did not occur.

Luo steadied himself and caught Uvogin's punch.

The aura gathered for one second on the fist was separated by Luo's ability, turning the destructive punch into a wet squib, instantly extinguished.

"It's indeed because of your Nen."

Uvogin reacted quickly, realizing that the power of his destructive punch was restrained, he swung his left fist towards Luo's abdomen.

Luo's response was even quicker; he grabbed Uvogin's right fist, his body sharply retreating backward while pushing down Uvogin's extended right arm, causing Uvogin to lose his balance, and the swung left fist missed its mark.

As Uvogin lost his balance and leaned forward, Luo seized the opportunity to knee him in the chin while letting go of his hand, sending him flying.

Uvogin's sturdy body soared into the air before crashing to the ground.

Struck hard on the chin, he felt dizzy. Lying on the ground, he shook his head, and by the time he regained his senses, Luo was already standing beside him, his hand shaped like a knife blade hanging over his neck.

As the dizziness subsided, Uvogin, looking at the palm knife above his neck, let out a frustrated grunt.

Luo smiled slightly, opened his hand from the knife-shape to a palm, and reached out to Uvogin, who, seeing this, grabbed Luo's hand and got up.

After the sparring session, Nobunaga was the first to jump out, mocking, "Uvogin, you've lost a hundred matches!"

Uvogin, glaring at him, retorted, "You're close behind."

Nobunaga proudly said, "As long as I don't fight Luo, I'll be fine."

"..." Uvogin was at a loss for words.

Machi approached, looking at Luo with curiosity, "Luo, can your Nen take away someone else's aura?"

Luo nodded, explaining, "Actually, I wanted to split Uvogin's fist like I did with Cook, but perhaps because there was too much aura on Uvogin's fist, I only made brief contact and couldn't split it, instead cutting off Uvogin's aura."

"Hmm, the aura on my right fist disappeared instantly, even affecting the aura on my arm. For about a second, I couldn't use Ren on my right fist," Uvogin recalled the details of their fight.

"Is that so..." Luo fell into deep thought, materializing a book. The fifth page didn't have Uvogin's name; was it because God's Hand's ability only affected Uvogin's aura and not any part of his body?

Initially, thinking it was only about separating the enemy's body parts, which would not result in fatal injuries, now another aspect needed attention.

The good news was, cutting off the enemy's aura also rendered their attacks ineffective.

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed that God's Hand was leaning towards a supportive type.

Luo was reluctant to have God's Hand limited to a supportive role. At that moment, he thought of the knife in the Elder's basement. Currently, he was completely unable to retrieve the knife , and with the end of August approaching, the Southernpiece Auction was just around the corner.

Seeing Luo in deep thought, Machi and the others did not disturb him.

When Luo snapped back to reality, Machi and Nobunaga had started fighting a bit further away, with Uvogin sitting on a rock, watching their battle.

Luo walked over to Uvogin and sat down beside him.

Uvogin glanced at him and provocatively said, "When I shorten the charging time of my destructive punch, I'll definitely knock you down."

Luo simply smiled and replied, "One hundred matches."

Uvogin, leaning his head back against the rock, appeared utterly defeated.

After the training session, everyone returned to Meteor City, had dinner, and then dispersed to their respective homes.

Night fell.

Chrollo Lucilfer arrived at Machi's home alone.

Machi opened the door, surprised to see Chrollo.

"I'm here for Luo."

Chrollo stated his purpose directly.

Looking puzzled, Machi turned to Luo, who had already gotten up from the bed and walked to the door.

"What's it about?"

Luo, facing the nighttime visitor Chrollo, sensed it might be regarding the Southernpiece Auction but still asked.

After a moment of hesitation, Chrollo abandoned the idea of calling Luo out alone and addressed both, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Come in," Machi stepped aside.

Chrollo nodded and walked into the cramped room, finding a chair to sit down.

Machi closed the door and leaned against it with her arms crossed, while Luo took a few steps back and sat on the edge of the bed.

"The time has come," Chrollo said, looking at Luo with a cryptic remark.

Machi, confused, listened on.

"Is that so." Luo lifted his eyelids, understanding the implication—it was indeed about the Southernpiece Auction.

"The Elder wants to see you now," Chrollo continued.

"Now?" Luo's brow furrowed.

"Yes," Chrollo remained calm.

Machi couldn't hold back her curiosity, asking, "What are you guys talking about?"

Chrollo glanced at her but didn't answer, turning back to Luo.

"Machi, I'll explain when I get back," Luo replied to Machi's question, then looked at Chrollo and calmly said, "Let's go."

The training battle today was only one match against Uvogin, and it was swiftly concluded. Luo felt his condition wasn't bad; even if he were to meet the Elder now, he was confident he could come back unscathed.

Machi was momentarily stunned but felt reassured by Luo's promise. She remained silent, watching the two men.

Chrollo stood up, and Luo rose from the bed's edge.

Machi, seeing this, stepped aside and opened the door.

Without further words, Chrollo walked out of the room.

As Luo followed, Machi suddenly said, "Come back soon."

Luo, taken aback, then smiled and made an OK gesture before leaving the room.


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