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If you see the core credits rolling through the screen but cannot play then:

  1. If you cannot see the game attract mode behind the credits, then you are missing the game ROMs
  2. If you can see the game running but cannot insert coins then you are running a closed version of the core

Cores have three versions:

  1. Public version: OSD is gray, you can play with just the core file and compatible ROMs
  2. Beta version: OSD is yellow, you will need a valid key file in the right place
  3. Private version: OSD is red, these are files for alpha testing and development. They are not meant for final users. If you found one, discard it and get a public/beta one instead

Beta Keys

Although JT cores are available on many FPGA systems, only two of them have a relevant user base and can support all cores: the MiSTer FPGA and the Analog Pocket. These two systems receive beta cores and eventually, public files. In order to distribute beta cores for patrons easily, the binary files are stored in an open location: JTBIN. But, they will require a key to be playable, as described above. Follow these instructions to install your key:

  • On MiSTer, copy the file jtbeta.zip from Patreon to the /games/mame folder of your SD card. Do not unzip it. If you have more than one mame folder, the MiSTer may fail to find either the jtbeta file or the ROM files. So be careful about that.
  • On the Pocket, you will need to unzip the file jtbeta.zip and get the beta.bin from it. Copy beta.bin to each Assets/corename/common folder.


Cores in beta phase are updated each time there is a beta key change. Old beta cores will not work with the new beta file and vice versa. If the beta file changes, make sure you update the cores as well!

The beta key is only changed every 2-3 months, in order to reduce the burden of making manual changes to Patreon supporters.

A public MiSTer core is asking for a beta key!

If you cannot play with a core that is supposed to be public, chances are you have a mix of old and new RBF files (the files that the FPGA load) in your MiSTer _Arcade folder. The easiest way around this is to simply delete the _Arcade folder and run the update script again, so you get a clean and fresh install.

Why the Pocket requires multiple copies of the same file?

beta.bin is only required for cores in beta phase but it is easier to just copy it to each Assets/*/common folders. At some point, Analogue may release a firmware version that allows to have a single copy of the file, like on MiSTer. But for now, each core can only access files in its specific folder. That's why multiple copies are required.

Again, cores and the beta key file are synchronized. If you mix an old core with a new beta or vice versa, it will not work.

What is that missing ROM id(1) error about?

That is an Analog Pocket message telling you the ROM file is missing. Check out the Pocket installation guide to understand how to generate .rom files.

My Pocket gives me a firmware error

Sometimes you may get an error in the Pocket that is not related to a missing ROM. This normally means that the files in the SD card are not consistent with each other. This may happen if your SD card got data corrupted (like when you pull the card off while the computer is still writing data). Copying the files over again from the PC should fix this.

Sometimes the Pocket may just need a power cycle (turn off and on) in order to read the files properly. Try powering the device off, ejecting the SD card, injecting it, and then booting the system.



If I think that I'm missing Pocket cores, what is the best way to make sure I have all of them - is there a single zip file that has the latest version of *all* cores?


Hey Jotego, so how can we get cores back to a playable state? I'm a patreon with the latest jtbeta and update all had made all the Konami cores now unplayable. As you describe credits run over the title and I cannot use any buttons which means I'm running a closed core?


I used the Pocket Updater and it broke all of my beta cores. The beta.bin I have in CPS1.5 is from 10/6. Same for the Simpsons. I manually updated the beta.bin in both of the Common folders to the 10/27 beta.bin (Which is the beta.bin released for the CPS15 beta core...) Neither core is working. I just see the credits


RESOLVED **I Broke my cores using the updater. I resolved this by downloading the jtbeta.zip from 10/31/23 and updating this beta.bin on the root my my SD card which copied this into the betakeys folder and updated my beta cores with the correct beta.bin. All is working now! I hope my mistake helps someone else

Commander Keen

You are supposed to leave the jtbeta.zip in tact at the root of your SD card. You shouldn't have to extract the beta.bin out for the pocket_updater to pick it up.


Sorry but where do we find jtbeta.zip?


I'm getting missing ROM id(1) error after using Matt Pannella's updater. Anyone know what's going on there?


I had to delete my settings files etc. and reinstall the updater.


I use windoze to update my card, so I've ended up writing a small batch script using a for loop which finds all the folders under /assets/ on the sd card starting with jt - it then takes that list and copies the beta.bin file into each one of those folders. each time a new beta.bin is released I just copy it to a location on my sdcard, run my script with the for loop and it copies the file to the correct folders. easy. something like this should be implemented into the current update scripts/applications to make all the patreon's lives easier. the last thing you want is a patreon subscriber stopping their subscription because they cannot get the beta.bin into all the correct places to then enjoy the beta cores. It seems like there are a few people having troubles and for good reason, its not simple to get the beta.bin into all the required folders.


:: go into assets folder in DOS and run this command below for /D %a in ("\Assets\jt*.*") do xcopy /y /d \beta.bin "%a\common"

Kyle Peters

I’m really getting tired of having to redo the bin files for the arcade games like the Simpsons and tmnt.


yeah so Simpsons and TMNT arcade were working with my Pocket after i got the beta.bin files in there specified folders but now ever since I updated via Pocketupdater and the 2 new firmware updates. Both those arcade cores now have all the text like it did when I didnt have the files on there with all the Patreon text and tributes when you load it up. tried to redownload and reupload the specified beta.bin files for each and still nothing unfortunately

Quinterrya Swanson

Yeah. It sucks. I joined because of these two games and have yet to play them. The Simpsons is even showing upside down. Lol. But I'm keeping my membership because I support your work and effort.