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Today is Halloween so we are going to introduce five Halloween-ish games. All of them are playable on multiple FPGA platforms through JT cores. Try them out if you haven't already!

First up is Haunted Castle, released by Konami in 1988, a rare reimportation from a consumer console to an arcade game. The gothic horror worldview was further refined in the arcade version, with wonderfully enhanced graphics and sound. In stage 3, while the famous song 'Tears of Blood' is played, blood drips from the eyes of a woman depicted in a painting, which was impossible on consumer consoles at the time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is exactly the kind of work that draws you in.

Ghosts'n Goblins, released by Capcom in 1985. This blockbuster hit was created just two years after Capcom entered the video game industry. Players were delighted by the well-crafted gameplay, and many of them probably went to game centres day after day to clear the game despite the overwhelming difficulty level and despair. The powerful enemy in the game, ARIMA, was modelled on Mr. ARIMA, the programmer of the game.

Three years later, Ghouls'n Ghosts was released, set in Europe and inspired by the biblical world, and created by players who had played through the previous game. The game has evolved to be easier to play, although the difficulty level remains high, with the addition of up-and-down throws to the hero's action and the ability to equip golden armour and use weapon-specific magic.

You can also play Vampire Savior The Lord of Vampire and Vampire Hunter 2, which were released by Capcom as extra-human fighting games that developed the Street Fighter II (SF II) control system. By using monsters such as vampires and werewolves as the characters instead of humans, the game incorporates inhuman action without any sense of discomfort, and achieves a flamboyant presentation that cannot be achieved with humans. Another major feature is the use of an American Comics-style cartoon drawing technique for the shading of the characters, rather than dot patterns.


今日はハロウィン。1990年代後半から日本でも各地でイベントが開かれるようになり仮装した人たちで賑わい、店や家庭でもハロウィンの飾りつけをしたり、毎年恒例のイベントとして認知されるようになりました。そもそもハロウィンとは、古代ケルトがケルトの暦上の新年の前日である10月31日に死者を供養したサウィン祭と、カトリック教の11月1日の諸聖人の日が重なっていき、その後10月31日をAll Hallows Eveと呼ぶようになり、それが略されてハロウィンとなりました。


Core FPGAへのアクセスはこちら。 JTGNG ぜひ遊んでみてください!!





カプコンがゲーム業界に参入してわずか2年目で生まれた大ヒット作品。練りこまれたゲーム性にプレイヤーは歓喜し、圧倒的な難易度で絶望を味わいながらもクリアを目指し、日々ゲームセンターに通い詰めた人も多かったのでは?ゲームに登場する強敵アリーマーは、この作品のプログラマーだったMr. ARIMAがモデルとなっています。



カプコンがストリートファイターII (ストII)の操作系を発展させた人外格闘ゲームとして発売した『**ヴァンパイアセイヴァー**』や『**ヴァンパイアセイヴァー2**』もプレイしてみてはいかがでしょうか?人間ではなく、吸血鬼や狼男などのモンスターをキャラクターに据えることで、人間離れしたアクションを違和感なく取り込み、人間同士では表現しきれない派手な演出を実現しています。キャラクターの陰影をドットパターンではなく、アメリカンコミックス調のアニメ絵風の手法を用いたのも大きな特徴です。




cps2 Dimahoo's screen orientation has changed abnormally again...

Tony Vo

Haunted castle way ahead of its time 😲

John Candelaria

I keep getting”Error in frameworks “ Missing ‘ROM’ ID [1] And also tmnt is now running with credits on it and I can’t play it. I’m new to being a patron and FPGA so thanks in advance

Marcus Vaughn

where do i find these at?