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My journey to Ukraine has already begun.

My boyfriend called me and said that the commander promised them a vacation next week. And this is the only opportunity to see each other in these six months. Without hesitation, I set off with my friend Tony in the direction of Germany by car (where he just needed to have a minor operation). Now we stopped in the small French town of Bessonance. Where I planned my trip in one day.

Today I have a night trip by bus to Prague, a day of walking around the capital of the Czech Republic and the next day a train to Krakow. Then my planning is interrupted because tickets to Ukraine are possible to buy only at the train station in Poland.

I don't know how the hell I decided to go by ground transportation instead of using a plane for my trip. But it is as it is. Maybe it's the experience I need or my unconscious desire to be alone on the trip as long as possible. Because as you know, when you travel alone, you begin to understand yourself more.

Kyiv waiting for me)




This is probably the best set of yours. Lights are perfect.


Твой парень в армии? Класс! Он герой Украины. Безопасного пути домой. Глубоких мыслей на пути