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last month i feel like nothing. I didn't shoot other girls, I tried to feel inspired and shoot self-portraits. But already 4 shootings in a cool location, with good light - I feel inspired... but when I start shooting, I get angry in 10 minutes. Because I don't get what I thought up in my head - as if everything is wonderful, but something is missing. Maybe I exhausted myself, or I need to forget about filming for a certain period - I don't know.

To be honest, even when shooting with other photographers I feel too restricted, like a shy little girl with low self-esteem.




I think that you've clearly demonstrated that you are an excellent and talented artist, there really shouldn't be any doubt in your abilities, as they are really outstanding. Do you sometimes take photos just for yourself? Perhaps you could try new subjects or mediums? I've just traveled to Spain and found the country to be beautiful and quite inspiring. I really loved trying my hand at taking pictures of unusual textures, adorable animals and experimenting with street photography. Either way, perhaps you are applying too much pressure on yourself? If you truly feel exhausted by it all, perhaps some time off could help you re-center yourself. It's never wrong to take a break if you feel you need it. Anyway, I hope you can find your happiness and your passion back and I wish you all the best.


I always take photis for myself (especially selfportraits), because i like it) But you are right, i need just have rest and dont push on myself.