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I have been in Kyiv for a couple of days. And I still can't come to my senses. I haven't seen a boyfriend, parents, or friends yet... the first person I met was my dentist) And I've already visited her more times in these couple of days than in all 5 years (and there are a few more sessions to come) . Yulia's advice - go to the dentist every six months to clean your teeth from stones and you will be happy.

Regarding Kyiv.

When I left the main train station, I had the impression that I had returned to pre-war Kyiv, but that was a false impression. At that moment, I had not yet heard sirens, had not seen empty shopping malls, had not seen food prices (which had risen to European levels), had not seen this number of people digging in garbage dumps (due to lack of work and low wages), had not seen dilapidated buildings in the city center ...

When I first heard the siren, I was on my way to the dentist. And there were no places to hide around (All shops are closed during the air raid alert).... and you are standing on the street and you just don't know where to run. The worst thing is that people are used to it. No one is hiding anymore, everyone is in no hurry, everyone continues to go about their business, and it seemed to me that no one noticed the air alarm at all except me.

One more insight...I noticed how few young men were on the streets and in public transport. I really hope that everyone will return alive and well.

Despite all this, I felt peace here, which I did not feel all this time in Spain. And now I began to think whether it is really better for me to return to Spain for the winter or to stay here.

P.S: 5 minutes of filming from one angle




Я подписался на твою страницу (почти год назад), чтобы смотреть на твои фото. Но, я продолжаю подписываться на тебя, чтобы быть в курсе историй одной беженки из за бесзаконной жестокой войны. История интересная и печальная. В любом случае, я конечно наслаждаюсь фотографии) Кстати, этот бассейн в Барселоне, и ты сняла фото до поездки?


You take my breath away every time I see you. Hope all the best for you


Как приятно понимать что людям интересно не только мои фотографии но и то что я пишу. Прям очень! Спасибо