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Anastasia Mihaylova

I have been in the village for a little less than a week. In the village where my dad was born and in the village where my closest relatives now live (since the beginning of the war, this place became the safest for them).

I don't really like coming here

- because I constantly felt the tension between my parents, their anxiety about their future

- because I constantly see the slow death of my grandfather in bed and how he already annoys my mother and aunt (yes, my grandfather has a difficult character)

- because I constantly feel my powerlessness in trying to improve and ease their forced stay here (and so I know that this is their choice and only they themselves can improve their lives in these circumstances)

- because I constantly feel guilty for not wanting to be in this viscous negative energy of my loved ones

But this time everything is somehow different. Now there are only my grandfather and my mother in the village (and my friend Katya, who wanted to support me here).....And for the first time I feel complete peace here. I began to explore the village - it turned out that I had never seen a school here, never went to the other half of the village, never turned onto the paths that were always interesting to me... This time I am correcting all my past mistakes) Out of everything, only uncertainty annoys me of my return to the city... but that will be resolved soon, too. Everything is decided in this life - you just have to let go and enjoy what is in the moment.




I am glad you are feeling differently about the village this time.


Beautiful pictures …