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My best friend and his wife were visiting me this week. I was emotionally distant for a couple of days. I couldn't get used to the fact that I see these people live, and not online, that I can hug them, touch them. The last time we saw each other offline was in September... I'm like that with all people. Even when my parents come, my peak of communication and tactility falls on the 3rd-4th day, and the first days I walk alienated.

Almost every day I went to the botanical garden early in the morning - to drink tea, write a diary, meditate and take pictures. I was missing this. The lilac has already begun to bloom - it has never bloomed so early. So that you understand, last year at the beginning of May, I was returning to Barcelona and the lilacs were just about to start blooming. Global warming, right?

And I also began to miss the workshops a little, where there is an opportunity to meet people who are burning with inspiration, who are full of ideas and experiments. I'm already looking forward to my next work modeling trip

Insight of the week - Only now I am beginning to understand how to communicate with the environment without losing myself in it, without drowning in other people's thoughts, judgments, emotions.

Hugs and kisses ❤️

P.S. Shooting from last september/ The most difficult september in my life but in a same time emotionally the deepest, most conscious, most transformative.



G Ranger

These are stunning! They are beautiful and emotional. The ones with your eyes facing the camera. My heart goes out to you.