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Hey there folks! Got lots to talk about so strap in!

Not only did I manage to finish everything on my to-do list for the game, I got a bunch of other things done too! I'll talk about the extra things as they come up but I wanna focus on the to-do list.

Finished the buttons.

I drew and coded in all the navigational buttons needed for the game, lemme go over the bottom row's functions. The arrows just kinda move you to other screens. :V


This is where the various items you collect will be. Ranging from ailment cures, to keys to help you explore.

For convenience it comes in the form of a list, so you know what you might have missed. When you see an item for the first time its slot gets filled.

Like this.


Over the course of the game, you might get things like passwords or safe combinations, and this page will keep track of those for you. (it's a horny game, I don't want you to have to think TOO hard.)

It works exactly the same as the inventory. Find a clue, it gets added to the list.


If there's anyone around, clicking the chat button will let you talk to them. Maybe you can persuade a guard into unlocking a door for you. Maybe you can trade things with a shady looking fella in an alley. Maybe you can convince the captain of the knights to lend you a uniform in exchange for giving him a sloppy blowjob in the barracks! Lot's of possibilities!


This gives you the details of the room you're in. If you wanna do more in a room than walk through it or talk to people, this is also the way to do that. Through this you can push statues, check out paintings, or other stuff like that. Depending on what race you pick (more on that later) the results of you examining the room can be very different.

Basic Path from Beginning to Results Screen

You can go from the title screen to the intro, selecting your race, the basic screen (the city outskirts, as seen above) and from there the results screen.

After the intro, you're given the option of choosing from 9 different races.

Each of them plays differently, giving you a bit of customization before the game starts.

Wolf: Better hearing when examining a screen.

Human: Can detect trapped doors, chests, and other objects.

Dwarf: Immune to getting the "Drunk" status.

Minotaur: Immune to getting the "Cursed" status.

Hawk: Better vision when examining a screen.

Devil: Immune to getting the "Horny" status. (you can still get sex scenes though!)

Unicorn: Can detect magic in an area, even if it was used long ago.

Lizard: Better sense of smell when examining a screen.

Tanuki: Items can be bought for a lower price and sold for a higher price.

None of the races have weaknesses, for instance, the lizard is not more vulnerable to cold.

Currently the options button does nothing, but once the game has options it'll have em.

Clicking the image preloader brings you to a screen with all the game's graphics in it.

This way when you play through the game there will be no pop-in from your web browser loading the images.

Okay! I think that's everything! From here, I'm gonna focus on adding rooms and paths to the game, I'll get back to you on Friday.

Before I go, I wanna give you guys the next song. I'm thinking of having it be the theme for exploring the city!

Alright, that's it for today. Stay happy and healthy everyone! :D


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