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Hey there folks! Hope your week has been going well!

As of today, all the main coding for The Great Orc Heist is finished, everything is working pretty smoothly! Now I just gotta plug all the rooms in and make a few good and bad endings for ya!

The title screen was a bit simplified, I moved the image preloader to the options menu, where the credits and sound test are. The sound test will let you play any of the game's songs (We're up to 4 now! I'll have the two new ones available for you to listen to as attachments to this post!) and the credits will have the names of everybody who worked on this including testers, as well as the 5$ and up backers.

As for the exploration itself, that is finished and 100% functional. If you can't go in a direction, the button is darkened and won't respond to clicks. I think doing it this way minimizes the amount of repeat text you have to read.

Each of the actions you can take has a color coded screen now so you can more easily tell what you're doing at a glance.

As a quick aside: The two new songs "Back on Top" and "Get Your Fuck On" are gonna be used for exploring underground areas and for sex scenes respectively.

Okie dokie, this is the last code focused update for this game, each update after this will talk heavily about the different scenarios, cuz that's all there's left to do! :D

In order, I'm programming the city, the underground tunnels, and then the castle. I'm planning on having the city completely done by Tuesday, the tunnels done by next Friday, and then the whole thing done by the 29th. No Tuesday post that week, it'll be on Wednesday instead with the game.

As you can see I'm gonna be busy as hell but this kind of work is really fun and rewarding, so I'm actually looking forward to it!

See you all next time, stay happy and healthy! :D


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