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Remember when I said after the very first "Sketch of the Month" that I won't sketch all the characters again that are nominated?



SO ANYWAYS I just did that. xd
At least I went for a more sketchy style this time and didn't go in on a full perfectionist way.💦
I recently made some plans what to publish for the rest of the year, and was checking old artworks. The last thing I was checking out was the Lynx sketch I did. I thought I should go back and sketch like that, so I set up a goal to aim at before working on these.

-  First I sketched "Silk".
And tbh, I was so not satisfied with the base sketch, I almost scrapped the whole thing. I still think I just gave her some bombastic thick thighs... x'd and.. other anatomically incorrect things.. Man, females are hard to draw. ;A;
I tried to find another reference example like the picture I got where she's "fully masked", but I think that's an edit, cuz I didn't even find that exact same pic anywhere. So I went with the same "add spidey lenses" for the eyes, just like how she looks like in the poll's character showcase table.
During the whole work on these drawings I mainly used 2 colours: a gray and a pink one. That's why she has pink instead of red too.

- The next drawing I worked on was "daddy Umbra" and man, I did enjoy working on this for sure.
I worked on the body first then the last thing was the helmet... which was difficult to understand, but cuz I had multiple examples and other fanarts, I could work pretty fast with it.
Obviously, I skipped his scarf for.... understandable reasons. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I mean-, I didn't want to censore the details of the character, cuz that scarf is long, ya know. At least I added his loincloth there. xd
For his details, I was checking a collectable statue photo of him. Thought at that moment, that it could be pretty handy if I had it irl. For his helmet I looked at fanarts, and my own sfm screenshots.
.............also while adjusting some parts of him I was joking to myself that "the big tiddies STAY!"... of course I was making em bigger while thinking that.
I think I could have made him wider or something to fit the "daddy" label more.... or give him a beer belly? xd Anyways, I stopped myself cuz of the "this is meant to be just a sketch" theme.
Btw, It was good to draw something warframe again. Haven't done that since the beginning of the year.. (Also this post is the 99th patreon post tagged with "Warframe", heh. c: )

- Then the last character I drew was the "Elite Combine Soldier".
A friend sent me a video recently that featured this character.. I took that as a sign to go at it.. xd The video was a funny meme kinda one, and I did not understand what was even happening. So I was thinking I'd try to sketch this guy in a similar vibe, being funny and all. I was thinking I should get a funny pose or something...
Theeeen somehow it ended up this way. Slurping on a smoothie or some shake, and giving that annoyed/not interested/bored one eye in the center of the visor was the peak part of my work on this. xd
(yes, I did think of Tali before working on this. Kinda the reason I thought this could work too.)
Also, this character got 3 votes in the polls, so he was just 1 vote behind the top 3rd.

- All of these were done on the same day one after the other. Could say that I was in the mood for a lil sketching. And maybe the fact that these were kinda done in a quick manner, helped me to increase the quantity (and not the quality).
- The reason there are so many Umbra variants is cuz I couldn't really chose from all the different brightness versions.. :'d So I just dump it all together. Hopefully later when it's publishing time, I'll have The One ready to go.
- Oh, and the first picture here is how the canvas looked when I worked on these.

Sooooo there ya have it.
I thank you guys again for nominating for the First Anniversary of this event. 🎉🎂🎈
Hope you like these lil something somethings. I had fun making 'em.🥂 c:

And if I happen to not post anything new before this year's christmas;
I hope you all gonna have a beautiful Christmas filled with all the foods, drinks, meals, treats and joys you love to have. Merry Christmas, sinners! 🎁✨🎄 c:


full canvas
2 - Silk
3 - Elite Combine Solider
4 1 - base with yellow sparkles
4 2 - base with orange-ish sparkles and No Shadows
4 3 - darker with yellow sparkles
4 4 - darker with yellow sparkles, No Shadows and No Chin-decor thingy
4 5 - more darker with layer effected lineart
4 6 - more darker with darker lines too and orange-ish sparkles
4 7 - more darker with darker lines and dark middle/torso lines
4 8 - more darker with darker lines and dark middle/torso lines and No Shadows


Apathy Gremlin

I really like these sketches, Silk is *so* pretty and that Combine art is fun


Thank you! 😊 I was thinking I should try to stick with this style for these events. It's fun and looks nice too. (...bet I won't be able to stick to it, but ohwell xd)


So I just updated my Patreon and holy shit I've missed so much, Silk looks absolutely stunning! Also uh, Daddy Umbra's loin cloth... can't stop staring for some reason 👀


You just made an early Christmas experience for yourself. B] Glad to hear you liked my take on Silk and... of course the loin cloth had to stay... at least that, for the extra spicyness. ;]