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Welp, first of all, I declair this round's attempt as a failure, because there were zero comments or nominations from the public front, aka outside from the patrons' group.... at least the post got one like from a follower, I guess. So it's a failure in the "making it public" part.
On the other hand, I indeed did not advertise this on my socials (worrying that there'd be too many comments anyways).. eh.. Maybe next time it'll be different.

  • For those of you who did nominate, I Thank You very much for helping me out in this and keeping the event alive... (and giving me challenges what to draw. xd)
  • For those of you who had voted, I Thank you for choosing and raising a winner out of all the nominees.

Now enough of the intro, let's see the summary for the First Anniversary;

- On the 3rd place, we got daddy Umbra with 4 votes!
- The 2nd place was claimed by Silk with 6 votes!
- And the winner for the 10th round of Sketch of the Month is Elsie Bray with 10 votes! 🏆

This winner was the most difficult to sketch, out of all the previous sketches I've had before. Because it has a specificly structured FACE. I also have never drawn an exo before this either, and understanding how the face is built up was also a different kind of difficulty level for me. (This was the part where a 3D model could have helped me to understand how things are going on on that pokerface.)
Furthermore, this character barely has any useful references via google images and has NO 3D model available publicly. So I couldn't even get a closer look nor rotate the figure for details. I also have not find any backshot of her (only fan-made content where her curves were filled up to look like huge balloons).
I had re-drawn her face 5 times, until I finally got to an acceptably looking one.. I have no idea where those people who keep making fanarts of her get their references, man.. She also has some ai generated pic on google, so that wasn't helping at all either. >:v
I mostly tried to study and learn from an artist named "KevinRAGES" at twitter while I was working on the face.

Originally I was planning to draw her from a different angle, but cuz I suck at drawing (robo-)faces, I kept failing at that. Eventually I had to look for a different pose. On this final one, I had to re-draw her face only once.
I guess I got carried away a little bit with the colouring on this again, must be cuz that was the part I could feel satisfied with my work, after so much troubles and struggles.. xd

Hopefully this pic came out right and nice to look at.. cuz I still dunno if it looks good.. :'d


4 - gray with bg
1 - original
2 - no bg
3 - gray without bg
5 - darker
6 - a bit lighter
7 - original pic with Auto Tone effect


General Amador

First off let me say that I’m so happy that Elsie finally won after trying for a while to get her win, big yay there. Second, despite how you struggled a bit with her Smut (which is understandable because it took me awhile to nail her down too) she looks amazing. I was always curious how you would make her look and it’s magnificent. Third, even though this was outside of your comfort zone, it gave you a new learning experience, hopefully. 😅 In the end though she looks very cute and I love that you gave it your best shot. Thank you Smut and thank you all who voted for her. 🙏😁


My only problem with this was that there weren't much useful references of the character from multiple angles. So my perfectionist anxiety was kicking in cuz I couldn't understand the shapes and forms on the character. I didn't want to just copy down a pic I was looking at. Then I had to make up some parts and details myself cuz I didn't know how the character looks at those parts.. 😭 (On the right arm and neck for example.) But yes, I gotta get out of my comfort zone once in a while, to branch out and learn more. This was definitely one of those occasions when I was challenged. xd I bet if I had a 3D model of her I could have done something better, cuz it still looks a bit off for me somehow. Maybe some day I'll be okay how it turn out. xd Reading you that it looks good calms my worries, it makes sure it's not that bad. ;w; So Thank you, and I'm glad you approve how she came out.