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Here are the screenshots I could gather around before finishing the sketches of project #122.

- In the first image is the canvas of some reference pictures and my tries of sketching down an exo face as well as the final sketch (with some additional shadow layer). As mentioned before, I had tried to draw this exo face 5 times, and the 5th try was the final that I was more satisfied with than the previous heads.
The middle figure (above the finished piece) was the first pose I wanted to make, but didn't like how it was going. At first I drew a pose, then was working over it. Then I realised I don't know how to draw the face. xd So I started to study from reference pictures and some SFM pose findings. I think the latter were incorrect, at least for the colouring of the character. Then I moved on to look at more fanarts and tried to mimic some there, while still keeping my own style (so making it look in a way taht I like it too).

- The 2nd image is the wip gif of this same sketch.
Not much to see here, other than how it was getting filled with colours and some minor, barely visible adjustments. For example, the very last 2 frames show how I decided to thicken her.... "jaw line"? So yea, the very last frame is about that. xd

- The 3rd image is how I was working on Excalibur Umbra.
While working on the helmet, I started taking screenshots to see if it goes in the direction I like. I actually had to start his horn twice, cuz I didn't like it how it looked like it was rotated to the left too much.
I also left the reference images in the gif. First it shows the collectable figure of the character that I was looking at while working on the body, then my own SFM picture shows up in the bottom left that's actually part of Project #63 (that still needs to be finished at some point). This was a very useful picture too, to see the details of him while having no scarf around his neck. Then there's a fanart I found via google that was also helping how to simplify the (golden) details of the helmet.

Hope ya liked these lil inside, behind the scenes sharings! c:
oh, also; this is the 100th post tagged with "Warframe". xd



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