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Here are the wip gifs I gathered from the recent project.

- The first gif is of the comic version. I didn't save much process steps on this, the very first 2 stages is how I moved her left eye a bit closer to the other. And while watching this, I kinda prefer the one where it's further away. xd Still okay tho, just a minor flaw.

- Now the 2nd gif is what's all about. Shows how I worked on the base, then the creation of my version of Gwen's appearance.
It was a bit challenging, I used a reference photo, but I changed the position of that to my liking. The left arm and hand's position are the ones I've changed, for that I tried to take the same pose, to see where the hand can rest in that state. I also took a photo of my hand in the same position to have a reference of and of the fingers too.
I also felt like I need to change the direction she's looking, so I changed the head and now it looks like she's looking down, maybe with that position she's also ready to jump or fall for a swing around in town.
This gif has some changing parts that's barely noticable, I'm sorry about that. Like right after the hoodie is added, the next changing stage is that she gets shoes on. Then the next is that she gets thicker/bigger thighs.
Then the part where she gets shadows on, after that, I erased some shadows under her breasts and the bottom part of her right leg. Then it shows the final version, where even the background is coloured differently.

- The last 2 pictures are fast sketches I did before deciding if I should change her head or not.  I feel like the way it turned out, the figure is equally "busy" for both sides. Cuz if I were to use the one that's looking to the left side, that left side would have been more weighted on, as in amount of details of the whole figure.
I think the hoodie is more visible in this way too.

For the very final pics I used textures over the black pattern part of her suit. Just like I used on Carnage, I thought to keep up the sketchy style, I have to add some to this too. The pink parts of her suit also got a different kind of texture applied to. And she also has a thicker outline above her lineart.



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