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For short story, my friend asked for some photos of my portable Air Conditioner cuz he was considering getting one, also he wanted to know how big it is.
Somewhy I thought demonstrating it in my cosplay would be a funny take.

So that's how these photos were born and I just got to edit 'em now.
Tbh I had taken pictures before, but they didn't came out that good cuz I barely can see through my mask, but these came out surprisingly pretty well.

- I also got the idea to photoshop something onto that AC, like "support smutbase" or something. I got a bit tired in editing so I'll do that later. So here're the clean, (more or less) original photos of it.
- Some photos have duplicates, that's because I liked those that barely had any coloured background too. So first take is without, second is with coloured/slightly coloured, blurred background.
- I only edited the photos a bit btw, like erased when my hair was visible, or covered the folded parts of my mask that were sticking out (I still need to get a wig cap, so my mask is literally opened at the back, I don't want to catch my hair while closing the zipper, so I'm playing it safe). I didn't do the latter edit with the 17th pic (which is the same as the very last pic).

I put my phone on my chair while doing these and set a 5 seconds timer. So I had to be fast xd
While looking at the screen I kinda liked what I was seeing, so that's how the 5th-8th photos happened (those were taken between my jumps while posing with the AC, btw). Then I made the later photos. Funny, I was doing these in one of the hottest  days, but also because of that, I did not wear my cosplay for a longer period. (yes, that's why the zipper at both of my arms are down.. I forgot to zip it, and did not bother to fix that on the photos.)
I also tried to make "the classic Spidergwen cosplayer pose" when she holds her hoodie apart to both sides (while my research before my purchase, a cosplayer said people must be doing this cuz of the hoodie being shit/too big xd well, she was really unhappy with her purchase in that video). This photo came out so good for the first and only shot, like.. wow. I'd frame it on my wall. xd
Then the rest happened cuz why not.

The 2 photos before the last one was created "accidentally", merging the 12 and 14th photos while working in Photoshop. This just created an interesting photo manipulation that I thought was worth to keep.
The last pic was just.. a lil demonstration how I could use that "support smutbase" text I used to use at tumblr back in the day, but it doesn't look good on the AC tbh xd I'll figure something out later.
I like those first photos, worth the sharing with the public imo. I won't publish every photo, just a few selected. The rest is patreon exclusive.

Speaking of that "used to use that at tumblr", Today is the 6th anniversary of my very first drawing as smutbase.
I wanted to celebrate it by making the same scene in 3D  ̶(̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶x̶d̶)̶. I still wanna. I've been thinking I could start learning Blender by using warframe models. That, cuz they are pretty ready, while the other characters I'd use in that program are either not ready, out of my reach or just not existing.
And I gotta learn 3D to make some nice things. 👀

Alright, that is all.
Thanks for reading!



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