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Here's the SpiderGwen variations line-up as the 2nd part of this lil project.

First, I drew my version of her, then came the Spiderverse look and then the Comic design-mix. It's actually interesting to see em together like this.
Visible differences between these 3: eyes, hoodie shape, the part where the hood joins to the suit in front, the suit pattern around the chest area, breast size, pattern on the arms, thigh size and the shoes. There's also a bit change for the headshape, but that's not as significant as when I did the Carnage variations.
I made my version the thickest cuz of... obvious reasons xd

I was thinking drawing the 2nd Spiderverse design (of the upcoming film) instead of the comic version at first, but my design was based on that, so I kept the comic look idea, just like in the Carnage lining-up set. I always thought the eyes looked weird btw, having the edges of the frame blurred like that (altho, that's not that intense on my art..). I also wanted to include a year for that one's description, but I kinda mixed that design from other comic panels, so I left it like that. 

Spidergwen's first appearance was in Sep 2014 btw, then she got her first comic in 2015. Interesting how 2 years later, I've already drawn her.

Not long ago I've received the 2nd comment on my art at twitter from a unawared person, writting "shes like 15.." on my latest nsfw art with her and Venom (project #88). So yea, this is the exact reason I came up with this idea, to put different designs next to each other and then my version, to show they aren't the same. Like literally they do not even look the same. So the next time I get this kind of comment, I can just link this picture. Hoping it's enough for an explanation and better than writting a response. I also included two years in brackets for the same purpose to emphasize the fact, that I've been doing this way before someone decided to make a movie of a Gwen younger than she is in the comics.

Also it was kinda fun to study the different design details.
- I had some troubles with the colourings, trying to keep the sketchy style from before. I think I kinda failed in that, cuz it came out much more colourful than the Carnage version. Then again, his character has basically dark colours, she is much more brighter cuz of the amount of whites. In the end, I like how this came out. I especially like that blue highlighted parts I added onto her left side.
- While working on the Spiderverse version, I had added some pictures from google next to my sketch for helps, still had to check on google more for the tiny details.
I was using this for the chest area. Couldn't decide how far those 2 black spikes were reaching up to her shoulders, this was helpful for that:

- For the Comic version, I mostly went for the blurry eyes variant, which is the very first design if I'm right. I looked at the concept art aswell. For the bra/chest pattern, I was looking at this for reference:

Yes, I mainly drew the shoe part like it appears on the concept art aswell.

- For my design, I checked my previous arts. But guess now I have a lil reference sheet of her in a way. xd
I've also made some shading right after I finished my version, but only for that. It was just a test, that came out well, but for the sake of keeping the style I'm not using it in the final lined-up set (and didn't do the same for the other versions). So the last 4 added pictures are those.

The next character in line for this project is going to be Venom, obviously. Then I can publish all of these.
I'm thinking maybe I'll make 4 variants of him. The first movie version, old comic version(?), mine and for the 4th, I was thinking drawing the version of a videogame where I've become a fan of him. The one I'm kinda based the personality of mine.



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