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I've made a mistake. 

Lemme explain first before I get to that xd
So I was thinking, since I was sketching last time, that I should sketch different variations of the same characters, as in: different appearance in design context. Like I have my very own version for certain characters. And I kinda had to explain myself a few times how my SpiderGwen is NOT the same as the Spiderverse Gwen. A picture that would show the looks in a line (with possible texts naming where it's from) could help in the explanation (.. without pointing out and listing the differences.. hopefully that'd be enough...). 

I was thinking making such kind of line-ups of: said SpiderGwen, Venom and Carnage for at least.
Idk why I chose the last one, maybe I wanted to draw him, or just having some headcanons for him for my version, so maybe this'll be good in the future later for showcase or something when I'll have more pictures with him (yes, I wanna include him in my lil stories and all, of course).

Aaaand this is where that very first sentence comes in.
As said before a few times, his pattern... IS Time Consuming. xd 

Firstly I've made my version. I was really liking how his head turned out. I was more focusing on that part, so his bodyfigure didn't come out that slimmy, but more normal (lil bit buffed) looking. For the pattern, I was looking at my previous drawings of him. Even with that, it took me again, 3-4 hours to make it all together (altho I had troubles to make the colours right too, and had to deal with some layer effects to get to the final outcome). 

2 days later I went back to work on the next design, which was the comicbook variant. I looked at a lot of pics on google, even in one of the comics I have (which is Maximum Carnage, btw). The pattern... it was so.. hard to make. xd But even while making the lineart and the basic colouring, my hand was starting to get tired and hurtful. With all the pain, I'm satisfied with the end result, eventho the colours might not look that right. Well, not the usual look for him, that's for sure. He's more colourful.. and has less black.
Also was interesting to notice, there's no comic panel or drawing where Carnage would not have his mouth opened when showing from the front. Most likely cuz the black/colours they used, and his teeth/mouth wouldn't be visible in that case. So I've made his mouth opened here aswell.
I was also considering making his 90's cartoon look as the 2nd design btw, but that's so simplified, that looking at the first pic on google changed my mind.

And then, after finishing the 2, looking at my previous try, the design of my Carnage.................. such huge differences xd The pattern detail makes the 2nd look much more interesting than my simplified Carnage. xd But holy, my hand still hurt after finishing that comic-look xdd

Then a day or so later, I was working on the movie version of him. I had troubles figuring out how to draw him for detail points. There aren't many useful pictures on google where he isn't blured OR hiding from light and all that that would show him off clearly. An action figure was more helpful for me while sketching, and checked a pic of the fortnite model of him too (which was used... in some nsfw settings, obviously ha).
Here's the action figure that had good pics of him: link-link 

When I was colouring him and was about to make his pattern, I realised I won't have to spend much time on that. Cuz other than his face, there's nowhere any black pattern on him. Later I noticed on the linked action figure, that he has some black veins appearing on his torso and arms, so referencing on that, I've started drawing some random lines. Later, checking the final battle of him against- - actually, the ONLY battle vs Venom, I noticed he indeed has such veins on him. I only noticed that on a close-up when he was a giant. Also weird how this is accessable on youtube tbh... Like literally showing the end of the movie.. (even his death)

but I was laughing at the fact/thought I had while looking at this design of him: "I can't help him, he's just ugly.." xd
Not in a bad way tho, maybe I just failed at it, but he's just simply difficult to draw in 2D  ̶(̶O̶r̶ ̶I̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶)̶. Especially when I wanna stick to these colours I've made up from the previous sketches. But he definitely looks different than the previous 2 designs.

It's actually interesting to see how all 3 look differently.
And also makes me feel a bit pity for my design next to the others xD he looks like a freakin chibi next to them x'd
Well, simplified for sure, and still takes some time to draw him. I like how the 2nd has a better looking bodyfigure, but that's cause I worked on that body again, after leaving the first. Thought I'd change the first to that, but nah, I'll leave it like that and just go on.
I was also planning to mirror my version to face the others when lining-up, but it looks much better like this I think. Altho I still liked how he looked mirrored, so I've made a pic like that too.

I was thinking releasing this set to the public when I have the other 2 ready aswell (with Venom and SpiderGwen). At least that'd look good together imo.
Also this is the 101rst post tagged with "Venom" at Patreon, kinda funny how many posts are there with this already xd



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