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A few days ago I've encountered with an AMV. Funny how I was questioning if those things still exist at all, prior that. To get to the important part: it gave me fuel to draw.

The video has points that turns on my artistic-self so intensively. I've already imagined how I'd make some animations inspired by some of the smooth animations in it. Here's the said video: https://youtu.be/WbnHutA1u_0
I was mostly listening to this repeatedly while sketching.

As how this all started: I got a request to draw Venom Knight again, so I thought I'd make something fast. Started with that sided backview, then thought that wouldn't be that good for a show-off of the character. I also remembered that a friend once said that I should just post sketches (guessing he was missing out of my art style and all, heh), so I didn't spend too much time on fixing up this drawing or studying how I should improve it (anatomy and muscle-wise). So I moved on to make another sketch next to it. Tbh I kinda surprised how good it came out. I mean that mostly for the head part. (I kept thinking if this looks this good, I could draw Shocker too, who was my first fav in the '90s spiderman cartoon, before Venom debutted ha)

I kinda liked how things were going so far so I moved on to another sketch. After this 2nd sketch, I was thinking I wanna make a sketch-dump of characters onto one piece of picture. Like the first 2 sketches being so close and somehow "blocking each other". I kinda like those crowded pics anyways and with this sketchy style, not only I'm kind of finishing em faster but they look good together. Making these 3 pics was like a ~4 hours work with all the reference checking, anatomy studying/searching and editings.

With the 3rd drawing, I set up a challange for myself again. The reference I was using was of a mostly buffed character that wouldn't have fit my style (in terms of trying to be anatomically correct as possible), so I had to try to make it look right. I don't even know where could I look for references for a pose like that anyways, even of a buffed man and all.. xd So it has flaws and all, but I wanna move on to the next.
I was thinking maybe doing 2 sketches of each character I randomly select to appear on this. I'm just scrolling through my reference folder and see what catches my eyes and think who'd fit in that situation.

So This post is just a fast sharing thing, the fruits of a sudden arting-mood. I might change these along the way. And hopefully, just because I've revealed this, I won't stop making these (cuz I tend to.. :'v ).
Made multiple pictures just to showcase em well, the pic where they all together is how it looks like on my canvas atm... I might need to re-size that Venom or just increase the size of the canvas, which eventually gonna happen. xd

I also decided to call this as project #96 instead of nothing, and I'm also including the previous fem-anti venom in this project so it won't be lost.

Alright, hope ya sinners like it! 'Till next time!



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