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Here're 2 gifs of this last project: one as how the drawing was evolving, and one how it was made out of the 3D pose reference (showing the 3d pic, the lineart, and the final piece).

Here's a more clearer pic of the basic reference I used, screenshot from SFM:

I sticked to some parts of the base I used, like Gwen's hand, and like the vagina's position (at first I tried to make it differently, but didn't look good so I went back to stick to the basics in the end).  
I'm kinda proud how Venom's hand turned out, the one that holds the mobile phone. I think I kept looking at my own hand how I'm holding the phone with my fingers to achieve that look in the final artwork.

If I wanna spot flaws that I think I could have changed more in the drawing, is that I think Venom's knee should have been bigger, cuz it's close to the view (and I think the blur is not enough for that illusion).
I also thought Venom's head might be too small there, I enlarged it just a little bit, but not too much cuz I didn't want to lose the sight of his expression and features.

For Venom's arm, viewing from under, I looked at my own arm and tried to find references online. Cuz of this uncommon angle, I was not really successful. I think I was looking at some bodybuilder photos that were finally helpful in a way. The ones where they have their arms crossed or just in front of em, similarly how Venom has his here.
Sometimes I got a bit grumpy cuz at some cases, "new muscles appeared" at some bodybuilder's buffed arms, that made me confused in a way. xd Didn't want him to have a too detailed arm, and there's not much detail to add at the part between the wrist and the elbow, anyways..

I also tried out a theory during this drawing; to have a coloured background while sketching other than white, to spare my eyes. And tbh, I think this was the first time one of my eye kept getting bloody red after my drawing sessions. xd It didn't hurt at all, but I felt some slight exhaustion in it, so I tried to go easy on it whenever it got red. After 2-3 days, I continued my work anyways, cuz I wanted to finish this (then my right eye got red again pfff xd).
In conclusion, it should be helpful to work with a coloured background, guess my eye didn't feel like it when I was doing it that time. 

In the first gif, the last 2 frames are from the time when I was working on the drawing in 2022, others are from 2021, as shown/written at the top right corner of the gif. It might mean I didn't work that much this year, but I indeed made a lot of tests here and there and fixing some parts of the drawing, including checking out if a change was for the better or not.
As said before, I tried to play with the stream cloud in front of Gwen which did not make it in the end, but here are the variations I tried out:

These changes looked good, but I didn't find em fitting for the picture. I wanted the steam clouds to look stylish and simple. It was a good practise for possible future drawings tho.
While making these I tried to mimic the style I used in a previous drawing where one thing I love, is the way the speech bubbles look like all around the canvas (yes, I'm talking of  the 2Venoms×Spidergwen pic).

To end this project's presentation lemme show one last sfm pic that showcases how THICK is the Venom model's thigh I use in sfm xd



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