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I think I'm finally done with this project. It was a challange for sure, with these crazy perspectives. xd

I've cropped the first part a bit, to adjust it for a better display for it's twitter debut (here's the patreon post of the original look: link). Sadly, twitter gives away the full thing. Luckily at other sites, these 2 pieces will appear one after the other, in a linear line, not spoiling anything.

EDIT: added a comic version with both pictures included, so I could upload these together to Hentai-Foundry. All variations will be available at my Pixiv (outside of Patreon, publicly I mean).

Both pictures were a challange.
Lemme try to wrap the whole story of these, apologise if I repeat myself in the process (altho I might not be that accurate now, so previous posts are more likely to be more precise xd).
The idea for this came randomly, as how Venom would contribute to Gwen's actions of selfies that happened to appear on his phone (so basically continuing project #73's storyline). So he wanted to take a selfie together with her, but didn't discuss it when. Talking of "actions have consequences", huh?

In order for me to make this 2nd picture, I had to make the first aswell, since it appears on the phone that's also shown there. I used sfm's help in the posing, with more or less success t̶b̶h̶,̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶a ̶s̶u̶c̶c̶e̶s̶ ̶c̶u̶z̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶h̶a̶  I also kept looking at photo references for this pose, meaning a simple selfie pose, where the arm is seen aswell. I was not prepared for the lack of photos like this on the net. I can't even make a reference of myself cuz my arms are super thin xd On the other hand, the 3d model that I'm using has exaggerated muscles for this, especially around the arm section. In the end I found some more or less useful photos with the help of my loyal friend-helper baguette friend.

I started to work on this project in the begining of March 2021. Around that time, there was a new game I was really hyped about, the Outriders. In the demo of the game, you can see your character getting a photo of themself with another npc, and your character makes the same peace hand-sign as I gave to Gwen here. So this part is also a reference for that game. I didn't want to make her peace hand-sign up in the air, but being rotated instead, so it would be visible in the 2nd part of this lil scene. And it clearly worked. Yes, in this way there's one clear hint/part that shows that the 2 pictures are from the same scene and time, but from a different angle. So the 2 pics are connected. Nothing else could give this away this clearly.
I tried to add Venom's tongue on the 2nd picture, but it either looked weird (like gwen has something in the way or something), but to sum up, it was really out of the picture. So I just thought the 2nd picture happens a bit after the first. Guess that's why Venom has something to say in there too. (and the text also gives more to the pic in a way.. lewd way aswell ha)

After posing in sfm, I abandoned this project until October 2021.
I was only focusing on the first part of the project at first, where the selfie picture needed to be made. I tried to concentrate making only the selfie part of the picture while sketching, minimising the work on this. But in the end I went outside of the borders, cuz I got myself in the mood. xd
Because of the perspective and anatomy, I indeed struggled to understand how I could draw this down making it look nice and close to accurate. As said before I got in the mood of sketching so I managed to line up some nice lines here and there, which I didn't change while making the lineart, instead I just copy-pasted those parts from the sketch layer to the lineart. Like how Venom's head came out. At first I tried to make it symmetrical or something, I was checking my early drawings of him, but the sketch gained my liking so much, I chose that and barely changed it. Colouring was a bit heart-breaking for me, cuz this time I tried to make Venom darker coloured than I usually do (sometimes I get insecure that making him mostly light-coloured or actually coloured is not looking good for him, or others think about it like so. so I tried to make him dark this time), but making him actually darker and then adding shadows aswell, made his lineart hidden, disappearing, resulting fine details to be lost from the viewing eyes.. darn. xd
As for colouring his tongue, I didn't want him to drool. Like, making him a bit more realistic like, he doesn't have to show much saliva all the time.... but..... damn, it's so good to draw those shining lines and it looks so good. xD I really had to hold myself not to carry away xd In the end, I think it... well it's kinda at the borderline of having too much saliva there and not. xd
Adding blush lines on Gwen at the first part makes her appear cute and... well, we know why the blushings had to appear there. :)


Damn, well as for perspective, this is really killing it xdd
Yes, sometimes it was mindfucking experience for me, asking myself if it looks good or wrong, but as I was changing the thickness of the brushes while creating the lineart, it kinda made it sense. Thicker when it was closer, thinner lines when the form was further away from the viewpoint. Colouring the lineart made it more understandable how the characters are set up in the scene and made the forms more readable (like at the left side where Gwen's knee is visible, if that part had stayed in black/dark colour it would be blurry and would look like it's part of Venom's arm).

In the final edit, adding blur through Photoshop, just like in the first pic, made the drawing look spot on for the set up. I know it still has some flaws, but all together I think it's acceptable. I was planning to crop it from the left side, but adding that speech bubble kinda got in the way of this idea. Idk if I should do it, I'll decide it later..

- Made Gwen's suit tore up at the parts where it was needed to be, for old arts' sake.
- Added a panty slid to the side there, for kinkiness and to show her panty remained safe and she indeed wears one under her suit. xd I didn't think much about how should I colour that, I didn't want it to be much of a distraction, so I went with the colour blue. The picture already has a blue vibe all over it, cuz of the light, which gives it an unique, nice look, in my opinion.
- Added some shaking lines only around Gwen, showing how she has to keep up a good look for the camera. Judging by the amount of wetness down there, they were already in the action when they stopped for some time, so her shaking status is obvious. Especially if she was getting her good points rubbed and all.
I tried not to make the shaking lines too much, or too long.
- Speaking of wetness, I had to look around to figure out how I could and wanted to do that part. It's been a while since I've last done it. xd I tried to make some wet horizontal, waving repeating lines around the member, kinda showcasing the thrusts. Idk if I managed to do that honestly, I was more lucky with that when I was making that one drawing with Hydroid and Mirages. But this drawing turned out darker than that, so it might be just a wet mess there... which is fine too, I guess. xd
- I don't like barbie pussy, because the vagina is more complex than just a slit (which is actually kinda hurtful to look at in drawings sometimes.. but it's indeed the easiest to draw and say "it's done"). I was looking at some drawings and photos for references for this part, idk if it looks good, it's kinda okay imo. And just for the record; it's crazy how furry artists make such amazingly accurate and beautiful art, even for genitalia. It's like I'll have to look at those to know how to draw such things well lol.
- Made some steam clouds but this time I didn't want to blur their edges, to keep them in this style was my goal. Steam clouds appear in front of Gwen (showcasing her... either grasping for air, sighing, or just moaning without writting it out), there's a lil one for Venom, and 2 at the bottom middle part, around the actual action. And yes, I did a lil heart for Gwen's steam cloud just to show she's enjoying this. xd
- I didn't wanted to add too much hearts this time, for this drawing. Might be too cringy or idk.
- The picture appearing on the phone is exactly the first part of this project. I already added it while working on the lineart. And yes, after that I was asking myself "but where's the camera on this phone?" well.................... yes, "somewhere". xd Maybe one of the white buttons at the top. Which kinda looks like a smiley tbh, but I'll keep it like this xd
- Venom's saying implies that Gwen's gonna have to wait a bit more than a few seconds to continue what she's already getting (hah). I actually searched for some nicknames there, found a page where there were +210 nicknames for calling girlfriends. Some where heartwarming and cute, I might use some later in future creations. xd I didn't want to force this nicknaming, so I just went with a fitting one for the scene.
- I also added sweat lines on Gwen. For both legs and both arms. I left out the head/hood part cuz it wouldn't be that identical anyways. While adding more I was thinking of the artist, Krekkov who's speciality is sweat lines. I almost made Gwen too wet, so I stopped at the right time, I think. xd
- I tried to add bluslines for Gwen, hope it looks good there.

I think I'll try to work on something simplier looking next. That would take up LESS time and would be easier to make... xd
But I'm kinda satisfied with this (especially now that it's finished ha). One of a kind among the others. B)



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