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Here's my first submission for the year, a summary of my artworks in 2021 for each month.

The summary wheels for previous years > 2017 < , > 2018 < , > 2019 < and > 2020 <.

Looking back at the 2020's listing, I managed to finish (and publish) more older art which were in the works for a long while. I was also in a Venom hype mood, cuz of the 2nd movie and made me create more content within that fandom in 2021. xd
Here are the links for each month (with patreon post links):

I'm glad I've finished some old projects last year, also that I got started/continued some lewd ideas. Kinda made me feel like I'm going back to my roots and living up to this artist nickname again aswell. I wanna finish other past projects in the new year and maybe, MAYBE finally get into 3D more seriously, not like last year... somehow I stopped that at the begining of the year.. :'d
I'm really in need for some proper 3D reference models for Venom and others. I have some ideas which hopefully can be feasible in this case. I also wanna do animations, altho idk how my old pc would handle that.. xd

Anyways, looking at this summary wheel and the previous year's, I'm kinda satisfied with my productivity for 2021 regarding for artworks.
Hope I can fill up this year's summary meme with some goodies aswell! ✨👀
Cheers 🥂



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