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EDIT: went back on this, still trying to fix the face variation with making the skin darker aswell to fit with the face's skin colour. Then checked the same set-up with the other versions. Still not satisfied, but looks interesting in a way, I guess.
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Here's something I wanted to make at some point, didn't know how, but I guess this wasn't how I imagined it to go.. xd

This character is called (Lady) Death, and this design of her is used in the Deadpool game which was a thing in 2013. Sadly, due to licensing issues, the game is not available anymore (as far as I'm aware).
My Deadpool obsession was already present during that time, so hearing about a game coming out that's exclusively about him, made me excited. I remember seeing her concept art, and at that time, I wasn't happy how women were portrayed and treated in videogames, I mostly liked how men were, there weren't any good ladies in my opinion, so I never had a fav girl. So seeing her concept, I was amazed like, look how gorgeous she is:

Well, at least I think she looks really cool. xd

I wanted to draw her, but never really had any inspiration or idea how to.
Early this week I wanted to draw something, I was about to draw some warframe stuff to change things a bit, but I somehow got a sudden mood-change to draw this character instead. After checking out some saved pose references, I chose one and tbh, I'm not that satisfied with it. xd
I tried to make a simple drawing, but I guess using a Marker as a lineart brush wasn't a good choice here (mostly struggled while I was making her facepaint, I literally started to have pain in my hand cuz of the strong pressure I was doing to make the lines look right.. then I went over the tattoos with a normal pen brush). I had to work and re-work some parts. ALSO THE FACE. THIS IS WHY I DON'T DRAW FACES. THEY ARE SO FREAKIN HARD TO DO AND TIME-CONSUMING. SO MANY DETAILS AND IT'S DIFFICULT TO MAKE IT LOOK NICE. I'VE ALREADY WORKED +4 HOURS ON THIS BUT THE FACE IS STILL NOT GOOD AAAA. :@
....so yea.. Masked characters are the way for me.. xd
at least apart from the head, I like how this came out.

I also have her 3D model for sfm. Luckily someone made it available at sfmlab (I think that's the place), back in the day (yes, when I found it, I instantly downloaded it xd). So I was checking her there while working on the drawing.
I've made some changes on her facepaint here and there, so that's not that accurate. I also was thinking of giving her teeth, making her more skull- or monster-like, but that didn't go well for this design.

Of course, I TRIED to make her face look good. I really did try.. but I've already spent too much time on this and I wanna move on and work on other things. I just can't make it look right for my liking. :'I (I did learn a few things while trying to improve it, but I'm still not pleased with it..) Must be difficult cuz of her facepaint, I guess.. Which is kinda the point of her design aswell... ohwell xd
Then I came up with the idea of hiding her face "under the hoodie". First I tried to only show the glowing eyes, then to hide the whole face, making it more Grim Reaper-like with this move. Tbh this last version reminds me of Auriel, with the whole no face, only darkness look.
So I decided to only publish these last 2 variants. I find these cool, more mysterious than that face that I'm not comfortable with to share around. I might be in the future, but I most likely won't do it and keep it as a patreon exclusive.. Just to show there's this version too I've worked on after all, instead of scrapping it..

Btw, I like how her tattoos came out. :>c



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