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Slowly, step by step, I'm trying to finish this piece, but have no idea how I'll make the things I want this drawing to feature come true. xd

I want this drawing to have a light source from the back/left part, having light rays coming across, towards to the top right corner, which of course would be blocked by the characters here and there.
I tried to look on the internet to make it in 3d aswell for something to look at while working, but I wasn't successful in that matter. Originally I did the posing in sfm, but also tried to make something in Blender as for the light. Funny how I keep seeing people cheering for Blender and despising sfm, when in this case, sfm gave me the most useful reference so far, even with it's limited options.

So I've made this in blender for the lights, using a random excalibur model (cuz Stalker is basically him just with a different head):

So this didn't quite give me the view I was looking for.
In sfm it looks like this:

It's closer to what I've imagined. This also gave me the idea of making this picture similar like I've done my early drawings, where the lineart is still visible in dark areas (like in my femstalker pic).

Also the fact that I wanna make this sequel as close to the original as possible, slows me down xd
Made this in Blender to help me see where those freakin ropes are if ya look it from a different view:

Altho, I've made this after I've already added those ropes onto the pic. This was just to clarify I did it good.

I've also recorded a bit while drawing, while working on the background. It doesn't show that much of a process, I'm mostly just trying there, especially the end part where I try to figure out how I'd do those light rays. Also checking on my 3d reference pic a lot and trying out layer effects.
The video is originally 8 mins 20 seconds, speed up to be 06:38 and.. it didn't really make that much of a change tbh xd
I mostly use the blur brush there, which also shows how bad it is in SAI, making the drawing have pixelated, broken lines. I need to figure out a solution for that.. :I

I attached the video to this post, if you don't like "Celldweller - Heart On", I advise to mute the video. I only left it there cuz I was listening to this while working on this part.



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