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In case I can't finish this in this month, I'm showing where I am now with the project.

I've created this sequel project's folder in 2019 Oct. 31, after receiving a Khora model for sfm (from ValkyrQ). The direction was different, nsfw, then I kept getting new ideas that would occur in the story before the first idea. This picture wasn't planned, I was just posing in sfm for a comic idea, also posed the parts that weren't on the panel's view, then took a step back and loved the view I got. Loved it so much that I decided to make it into a drawing (a sfw kinky pic before the comic and nsfw outcome). The first 3d wip of this was posted in 2020 June 16 (viewable for patrons in The Stalker tier and above). Then I kept coming back to the project a few times, polishing it.

To create the perfect reference, to make it look as close as possible to my imagination, I used both sfm and blender's help. and both helped in a way. The most difficult part was to create the lighting and tbh I still couldn't make it in 3d as I wanted to. Maybe I don't know how it's called or just didn't find the perfect tutorial.
I imagined the scene is taking place on a corpus ship (that's why it has so much blue colours), on a glass wall, on an upper floor level and light comes through the glass from the room under. The light would be blocked by the 2 characters, creating those fancy light rays and lines. This was the artistic aspect I tried to create and give into the picture, that also held me back on creating this. I don't know if I made the scene look fine in that concern, I even thought maybe this atmosphere is kinda the same situation as the look of a fog. Meaning it looks freakin cool from far away, but in close or while being inside, you can't actually see the fog at all. Or maybe I'm just unlucky with my research on this project and this is where I got to. xd

Anyways, I'm still going to adjust this here and there.
- For example when putting the light rays on the picture, I didn't like it that much, but after making it transparent, it looked better in my eyes. I'm also thinking creating a version where the "volumetric light" isn't there (appearantly it's called like that, but couldn't re-create it in blender). I created this light near the end of my working process, before that I mostly liked where things were heading. Until I adjust it till I like it again, guess I'll prefer the "lightless" version. xd
- I also gonna change the little heart next to Khora. It's suppose to be her "saying", but didn't find a way to make it look fitting on the picture.
- I also planned to colour the linearts of the characters like I did in my first drawings, but couldn't find a way to look good on this picture so I'll probably leave it like that as it is.
- I wrote a little list of things I wanted to add on this drawing in the past, appearantly I planned to add some steam around Stalker to see how it would look. Not sure if that will actually fit the scene or look neat, we'll see if I manage to add it or skip that idea.
- Also had the idea to add some blur on those pillar(s?) in photoshop, cuz it really added a good effect on my symbiote oc's pic from earlier. I might do it or not if it's too complicated to make it happen.
- Definitely gonna adjust the contrast in photoshop on this, hopefully it'll make the pic look way better than it is now.
- I intended to make this a wide type of pic (like on my 2nd pic on this post = that's the full version), but I kinda like the close-up better.. 🤔

I've already worked so much on this project, my mind wandered around if I'd be into 3d animation and be pro at it, I'd def do a short on this ha..... hopefully I can make that happen too..  ̶(̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶i̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶x̶d̶)̶

Anyways; here's where it is now, this is straight from PaintTool SAI content. Hopefully it'll be finished soon.



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