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Project #79 is the continuation of #78, where Saryn was looking for the incoming Stalker, but found a Corpus BDSM Room with Equinox in it instead.

Originally I wanted this story to be in one piece, but cuz of the amount of work, I decided to cut it in half, also making a video out of it wasn't even in my plans, but happened, and it made it better.
The preparation for the sequel started last year, I had plans where at some part in the comic, there'd be more revealed from that corpus room. To be more specific, there would be a wall of screenshots/posters of warframes that the Corpus took with their security cameras and with what not.
I kept gathering photos and references for poses that wouldn't be that suggestive or.. "more obvious it was taken in front of a camera", but more like it could have taken while the warframes were sneaking, doing their thing on the corpus ship (or somewhere else), etc.
Then I've made a list of femframes I wanted to be featured there. I tried to include warframes that aren't drawn that much, let it be in sfw or nsfw related content. 

All together I listed 26 names (including deluxe and tennogens aswell). Then 2 days ago I've re-visited this project and made a storyboard for the comic, drawn really poorly. Yesterday I started to sort out and match the references with the frames I've listed. I've counted 22 pin-up pics, and since I knew this amount of pics can't be fit into ONE single comic panel and make em all visible, to avoid working on all of em, I've made silhouettes out of em, ready to be set into a concept of a wall of posters for that specific panel. I could only fit 15 onto that panel (and I realised TODAY I wanted to add one more character onto the list, so.. guess I'll be adding that to somewhere else into the comic if I can xd).

Without spoiling much, here are some pics of the things I've described above;
A part of the rough sketch of the storyboard where the poster wall is shown in 2 panels:

Then the hoard of (22) silhouettes:

And the latest wip, the one where I put up the final selection of pics (tried to fit as many as I could) can be found at the top of this post, but gonna show it again:

I'm a bit sad to leave out a few planned frames (the infested tennogen for Garuda for example, eventho that wouldda been a challange to make). On the other hand, I'm excited to draw the Deluxe for Octavia (I love her look yes) altho she'll be difficult xd Also, that Ember Deluxe's gonna be That One original ember deluxe skin that DE didn't make (and will never forgive em for that >:I ).
I've already posed a Saryn prime in sfm prior making these silhouettes(, then I realised I should prepare before putting much work out for nothing).

I plan to first make the comic maybe, then after seeing how much the background would be visible, start on working on these posters. I plan to maybe just make linearts and colour them poorly so the background wouldn't be that busy(?). I even thought after the comic is released, I'll be showing off the posters individually (that would mean lotsa pics, yes).

This was just a hop-in to this project again, cuz I kept thinking about it. I'll most likely gonna continue working on other projects now.
I have no idea when I'll be ready with this comic project, but I'll be really happy if I can finish it this year! xd

oh, that Stalker in that picture is from this tweet: link
kept using google while making those silhouettes and used that stalker pic to compare some scalings and all..



General Amador

Man even those silhouette look sexy, I’m excited to see what comes up them already. 😁