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Here's the wip gif of my latest work, took a lot of screenshots of this while still in the works.

Originally this photo was the reference of this project:

Which I later posed in sfm and found the mirrored version better (showed some other photos to the commissioner, who also said this angle looked better).
I tried to make her back and head arching back more than in the reference picture, to show a moment where she's enjoying the.... true... xmas spirit vibes ha.
I might have failed in the arching backwards part a bit but.. ohwell, maybe this pictures a moment before the 100% effect xD

After this point, the real work could have begone.
The first 3 frames of the wip gif contains the first steps of the making of the lingerie Tali wears in the pic which I saved under one pic (to show to the commissioner my process).
The 2nd picture is just sketches of ideas, also wrote down the colours I had in mind. Of course a lot have changed since the concept. I mostly had troubles with the colours of the corset (couldn't decide whether it should be pure red or black, or if the belt under the breasts should be in a different colour, etc. Even at the end I thought of trying out other colour variations, but ditched the idea.)

The tiny "skirt"-ish thingy at the back part of the corset was inspired by this photo. Might not be the exact same but.. ohwell

This was also one reason I was hesitating to colour the corset and the skirt part in full black. But then thought the black part wouldda been too much. After a random try out, I settled down with white colour for the skirt part. Found it cute in this way.

In the gif above, it might not be that conspicuous, but after the part where the strips appear at the top, the last frame is next. In that last frame, the lineart is not black anymore, but colourful instead, giving the characters a much more full, lively look. Mostly noticable at the white fur parts, the red bra lines, the white skirt part and at Shepard's abs and pants.
I was a bit worried with this change tbh, thought this way the lineart would be too faded away, details would disappear and it wouldn't be that noticable what's going on anymore in the picture.
So I've made the lineart a bit darker at a few parts: the fur around the hoodie (cuz I liked some spikey details I didn't want to hide) and the strip line at the breast opening.

It was also a random thought to colour her nails in red. Thought Tali would love to have it like that, especially with this set up. Altho, I had doubts it wouldn't look good, so after presenting a wip to the commissioner, turns out she didn't spot it out as somethign that wouldn't fit in there and said to keep it so.. that little detail also stayed.



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