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At last... I hope I'm done with this project xd
first of all, sorry if I repeat myself while presenting this.

Long ago I saw a pose sketch at pixiv then maybe around that time I saw an emoticon at a discord server and these 2 things were enough to forge an idea for a drawing. The said emoticon is also used at my discord and  it's this:

I did some sfm posings for reference help, then started working on a sketch. While doing so, I was still checking sfm to see the 3d models more clearly. Then I happened to move the camera to a better looking angle. I tweeted about this back then. I liked the view from that angle much better and it looked more dynamic than my first try, so I decided to go for the drawing again. But cuz I was already liking what I've sketched up so far, I've decided to do a fast work with the first. I still like the end result tbh;

Posted and wrote about this: here.

Right after finishing that pic, I started to work on the other one, then kept neglecting it.

Now real talk of this:

Originally this 2nd pic wouldda been rotated like the angle I captured in sfm, but I kept working on it while making it.. "look right"? xd So the pic were not tilted to the side. Anyways, this later gave me some troubles to rotate the whole picture cuz I reached the max limit for canvas size, and the rotated pic missed some pixels at the edges, etc ect.
I looked a lot of anatomy pictures to build up Venom like that, and to find the best references for that pose was making it more difficult to continue my work. I reworked the neck part at least 3 times, cuz the shading were just not looking right. I'll try to do it better next time. I also had some troubles to make the lighter parts at Gwen's leg xd I kinda used my 2nd drawing with em as a reference (talking of
this from 2017). Like I made a lighter outline at parts where the form is actually in a shadow. Making her expression look a bit annoyed or angry was another task while viewing from this angle.. xd (while the whole pic was rotate 22° it was more noticable, ha).. I dun even wanna mention how many times I made lil fixes in the pic and had to re-save all the variations and all... ;_;

For the story;  Basically Gwen tries to hint for her needs, while Venom just enjoys his other fav thing and just teases her with the waiting game.
I tried to come up with distinct lines for the 2 pics so they were different but also kinda the same (cuz of the pose). I probably had better ideas when I was in the begining of this project, now more than a year later it was a bit harder to come up with something fitting. I hope I still wrote something good. xd
I wanted to mention the "hot chocolate" thing in one of the drawings, so it was the 2nd I could use it up. Aswell as including that emoticon I mentioned earlier. I wasn't planning to change it, but after trying it out how it would look like if it was looking like Venom or a symbiote, I rolled with it. I also kept the yellow colour idea from the first drawing.
At first I was a bit worried I made Venom too big or too hunky, but.. others said to keep it xd (still worried for Gwen cuz of the size difference, hah).

All in all, I am satisfied how this turn out. I like how Gwen's and Venom's face look, I like the colours, I like that blush xD, like the mug.. oh I also tried to do something similar like my first drawings, as for the shiney parts... I like that too xd (after remembering the magic a marker brush can make, it was easier to shade)
I like the first pic aswell cuz it looks simple and sketchy (no wonder I still use it as an avatar at discord), and the 2nd.. well it really gives a different, more polished look for this theme.

Cuz of the time between the 2 pics, I kinda can use that "re-draw X year later" thingy for this when publishing.. xd
Here's the teaser I made for it:




i love it!