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I'm working on these seperatedly lately.

[68 - Venom×Gwen] Mostly I work on that bottom pic's lineart, while searching a lot of reference pics of the human body and muscle structure. The pic has basic colours applied at most parts now, I just did a screenshot like this to show the sfm pic under it that helped me. Not really visible, but it really did supported me with the basic forms, that I could build on furtheron.

[80 - bl2] A few days ago I wanted to use sfm and was in a borderlands2 mood, so I chose one reference pic I've saved long ago and started posing. I've taken lots of angle pics and could chose 3 I really liked and wanted to make... did not calculate the fact that drawing a character from Borderlands takes a freakin long time cuz all the details xd So when I realised that, I stopped and went on working with Venom's body (seen under), also cuz I can finish that faster.  
Altho this picture gave me such intense motivation to create, I want to make an animation out of it now. Maybe in Blender? At least this would give me a reason to learn the program (especially cuz the Krieg model there has a broken rig [that needs to be fixed]... and the correct eye texture, not like in sfm xd).

[76 - warframe] I had some internet connection problem today so I've started working on this project. Also ranted to a friend that nobody told me Khora's helmet was this difficult to draw. xd Probably gonna have to rotate around it in sfm to undertstand what I'm looking at. Didn't progressed much but at least I've started it.

Just wanted to show these in one pic as a sneak peek. I'm using a pencil brush for the lineart on all of em, that's why they looks so good. B]
(at first I used a marker on Krieg, but I didn't like it so switched to the better)

Oh, also
Today is the 4th anniversary of my first nsfw drawing. Man, it still looks so good. xd



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